A One Piece fanfic that has the lovely Shanks in it!

Disclaimer:The only character I own is Francesca.

Cold Steel

"Don't move an inch." a voice said from behind me.

A cold, steel barrel of a gun was pushed onto the side of my head. I swallowed hard. I was scared for my life. I knew not to move. I knew that if I did I would be shot on the spot.

"Stand up Miss Pencroft." the voice said.

I did as I was told, this was no time to start acting all brave. My hands were pulled behind my back and tied together tightly. The gun was still pressed against my head. I turned around and I laid my eyes on the two men who had captured me. One was tall with long, black hair that was pulled back into a pony-tail and he had a face like a mouse; he was the one holding the gun. The other was short and fat, he was the one that tied me up.

The two men led me out of my room and up to the top of the ship. There was some intense fighting going on. It was obvious that pirates had invaded our ship. Somehow, no one noticed us. The two men led me across a wooden plank and to their ship. I was taken down to a small, dingy cell and put in it.

"It's a far cry from what you're used to Miss Pencroft," the mousy-looking man said "but we're not rich. We're pirates."

And with that they left me alone with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. I knew they wouldn't kill me. I was the governor's daughter. I would be worth more alive than dead. But still, I was scared. I had heard all of the stories about the pirates that roamed the seas. And believe me, the stories weren't about sunshine and flowers. I wanted to cry, but I kept it inside. I sat there for a while just starting, there wasn't much else to do. Eventually I decided to try and get my hands free. I tried and I tried, the knots would not loosen up.

"You're a feisty one, eh?" said the mousy pirate. I hadn't even noticed that he had returned.

I refused to give him a response, it was what he wanted. He opened the cell door and walked in.

"Come on Miss Pencroft." he said "The captain wants to see you."

He held onto my arm the whole way. But that was it. There was no need to threaten me with a gun. We were in the middle of the ocean, with nothing around for miles. Where could I possibly go?

Yes, I know it's a short chapter. But that's the way the whole story pretty much is. Don't like it? Don't read my story then!

And once again, reviews are always appreciated.