Questions and Dares!

Moonsky: Howdy! I'm here with Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Sesshomaru and Naraku!

Inuyasha: Wait what do you mean you're here with us?! You've forced us here!

Moonsky: Eh? Heh, heh anyway…. Could you hold on one second? (Knocks Inuyasha out) ok I'm back! Now you the readers can dare and ask questions!

Kagome: But please nothing perverted like Yaoi…. That's gross but making out is perfectly fine!

Sango: Don't even think about it Monk!

Miroku: But why not?

Moonsky: Eh! Ooook! Anyway just send in a review that's a question….

Sesshomaru: Or a dare!

Kagome: Then we'll answer your question or do the dare just for you!

Moonsky: And if they don't answer the question or do the dare you the readers get to decide the punishment for them!

Naraku: (Giving evil death glares to everybody) I hate you all especially you Moonsky.

Moonsky: Funny thing cuz I love you! (Glomps Naraku)

Miroku: So send in a question or dare and we'll do it!