Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem. But I own Canas's wife!

Thanks for the reviews! On with the story!


Canas stood in a large cave with several other people. They all looked tough and powerful, but they seemed sad too. In the middle of the ring of people was a black-robed figure Canas knew all too well. His eye was covered now, but he looked younger than when Canas had seen him.

"I have finally finished my research. Thanks to some of your quintessence, I have finally made the perfect beings!" proclaimed Nergal.

The warriors craned their necks to see these so-called "perfect beings". Nergal snapped, and a cloaked man walked into the cave. He had black hair, pale skin, and golden eyes.

"This…is a Morph. My first successful Morph, actually. He was made from your quintessence. However, his power is much greater than an ordinary human. I will need one of your weapons," Nergal said.

A scarred, bald warrior gruffly handed the Morph and axe. It proceeded to bend the axe head until it snapped without even straining. The warriors' eyes widened. Canas edged closer to the crowd. Suddenly, Nergal's eyes, or eye, rather, turned straight towards Canas.

Canas gulped and fled.

"After him!" screamed Nergal. The warriors and the Morph obeyed.

"This…can't…be…happening..." moaned Canas. How could they see him in a dream? One of the warriors sent an arrow pelting towards Canas. Canas spun around and cast a Luna spell, which blasted some warriors away.

Canas continued to run, but he was never very fast. The Morph tackled him to the ground and grabbed his throat. "NOOO!" he shouted. But it came out as only a gurgle.


"Jaffar?" asked Nino as she got into bed.


"If Canas wants to…turn you in…what will you do?"

Jaffar took a deep breath. "I'm not sure. He lost his family because of me. But I really don't want to die yet."

Nino snuggled closer to him before answering. "I don't want you to die either."

She closed her eyes and started to breathe peacefully. Jaffar kissed her softly and turned over, falling asleep.

He stood on a hot, dusty, plain surrounded by vultures. Blood covered the ground, and now-unrecognizable bodies were strewn about. Jaffar saw something in the distance. It was a short figure with green hair.

"Nino!" cried Jaffar. He ran towards her, past the blood, past the bodies, towards her.

She giggled and headed into a forest that suddenly appeared. Jaffar cut through the underbrush and saw her sitting on the ground, giggling and pointing.

Jaffar looked where she was pointing and his eyes grew large. It was a pile of bodies; not just men, but of women and children as well. But on top of this, was a baby. It was...laughing, that was the only word for it.

Suddenly a leaf crunched behind Jaffar. He whirled around and was face to face with Nergal.

"What? Why are you here?" asked Nergal.

Jaffar gaped.

"Sonia! Exterminate this vermin."

"With pleasure, master," said Nino.

Jaffar whirled around again and saw Nino. Her face and body changed before his eyes, morphing into Sonia. She raised a finger and lightning shot out, striking Jaffar in the chest.

Suddenly, Jaffar awoke, sweating. He looked next to him and Nino was gone. He jumped out of bed and collided with Nino.

"Nino! What's wrong?"

"I heard a noise."

Jaffar listened, and sure enough, he heard a cry too.

Jaffar sighed. "It was just Canas…crying."

The cry changed to a gurgle. "I don't think so," said Nino, her eyes widening.

Jaffar and Nino ran down the stairs and saw Canas on the floor. He was shaking and gurgling.

"What happened?" asked Nino.

Canas didn't speak. He just moaned again.


Hector impatiently paced through the Ostian hallways, followed by Matthew.

"Milord, I have Canas's family. I know him. He'll turn Jaffar in."

"No, Jaffar is too strong. He'd kill Canas. This plan won't work."

Matthew smiled. "Yes, it will. Jaffar has changed. He's not a bloodthirsty killer anymore. He's in love with Nino."

"Well, well. That's interesting."

"Yes, it is. We may have better luck capturing Nino. If we did, Jaffar would head straight to the gallows to have her safe."

Hector nodded.

Matthew looked up at him. "Jaffar's killed both our beloveds. I'm going to have him dead, if I have to die to accomplish it."

"That's good. At least I have one person I can trust."

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Only one? What about that…woman?"

Hector looked around quickly. "What are you talking about?"

"I…overheard you last night, talking with someone. No man sounded like that. Who is she?"

Hector snarled. "No one! I forbid you from talking about that!"

Matthew gulped. "As you command. But now, I must be off." Matthew bowed with a flourish of his cape and left.

Hector grumbled. He'd have to make sure no one was listening outside his door next time Sonia came. What did she want, anyway? Hector didn't think it was just to…flirt with him. She was up to something. So he couldn't trust her. No matter how much he wanted to.


Matthew turned and entered his room. Inside, there were three people chained to the wall. One was an old crone, with a hawk-like nose. Another was a pretty woman with what seemed to be two of Canas's…monocles. They were connected in the middle by a small bar. She had to be crazy to walk around with pieces of glass in front of her eyes. The last was a small boy with purple hair. He whimpered and clung to his mother's dress.

"I'm so sorry," he said as he walked in. "I need you only as bait for…"

"WHAT?!?!" screamed the old crone, Niimi. "BAIT?!?! Well, Canas is a smart boy, he won't come running to save us without a plan!"

"It's not Canas I'm after. Canas is traveling with an assassin who I want. I've captured you three so Canas will turn in that man. Then, I will give you back to Canas, and let you all go free."

Niime sat quietly, thinking. Matthew set down a tray with bread and water and turned to leave. Suddenly, a beam of fire shot forward and hit him in the back.

"What the?"

Hugh giggled and pointed at Matthew. Another beam, this time of lightning, struck the thief. Matthew roared and rolled on the ground to put out the flame. Suddenly, a circle of shadow surrounded him. "What? No one has any tomes!"

Niime smiled and yelled, "LUNA!"

All went black.


The gates of Ostia opened wide to allow Marquess Pherae and his knights into the city. Eliwood and Ninian rode on his royal white stallion, with Marcus and Lowen riding beside them. Crowds gathered around them, hoping to get a look at some of the Heroes of the Sword. Eliwood smiled politely at them, but said no more. The castle gate opened and they dismounted.

Eliwood strode into the castle, keeping his gaze straight ahead. He saw Hector, lounging on his throne. His face was ragged, and his beard was untidy and dirty.

"Hector!" Eliwood called.

Hector turned to look at his old friend. At first, he looked happy, but that was quickly drowned out by suspicion and anger.

"I'm...sorry about Lyndis..." Eliwood said, looking up with concern at his friend.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. It was that damn Jaffar's!" snarled Hector.

"Are you sure? Absolutely sure? Couldn't it just have looked like Jaffar?"

"He knew me. He looked exactly like Jaffar..." Hector mumbled.

"Are you sure you're ok?" asked Eliwood, changing the subject.

"Ye...n..yes, I'm fine!"

Eliwood walked closer. "I don't think so..."

Hector looked up at Eliwood, his eyes growing dark. Suddenly, he lunged out of his throne, tackling Eliwood to the ground.

Instantly, Marcus and Lowen ran to Eliwood's side and pried Hector off.

"Guards! Marquess Pherae tried to kill me! Arrest them!"

Eliwood pulled out his Rapier just as Hector grabbed Ninian. He pulled a knife and put it on Ninian's throat. His eyes looked feverish.

"It's been awhile since I've had a woman, Eliwood. And Ninian...she's quite a cutey, eh?" Hector said, breathing hard and licking his lips.

Eliwood dropped the Rapier. "No...Hector...how could you?"

"Because I told him to."

Eliwood spun around and saw...it couldn't be...she was dead...no. He saw Sonia.

"It was easy. He was so, so, sad after losing Lyn, that he would do anything to get her back."

Sonia walked up to Hector and caressed his face. "He's mine now. Like than Brendan, all mine."

"But you're..."

"Dead? Perfect beings never die. We live eternally. Can't say the same for you, though."

Sorry for not posting in so long, I just never got around to it. I'd really like some more reviews. They don't have to be long, just enough to put your opinions across. No flames please, but I'll accept contructive criticism. If you have any questions, PM me, and I'll answer them as long as they don't spoil the ending.