Disclaimer: Do not own them.
Title: Number Eighty: Words
Summary: When I was a kid, I never really believe anything I heard, I had always been told not too, so because of that, I had to see things to believe it.
Fluff CraigClyde
Warnings: Fluff PWP (Kinda)OOC
Couple: CraigClyde
Written By: Shino
Inspired By: My other story 'But' Where Clyde rants about girls then stats that Craig is a girl.
Comments: Oh, also inspired by a picture on DA by Seaouryou (FF. name)

Number Eighty: Words

In first grade my best friend was a girl named Craig.

Only, she didn't act like a girl. She was boy-ly then I was. But, she had a higher voice then most of the other girls so she had to be a girl.

We did everything together, painted, napped, and even the bathroom, which was a little weird, but that's okay. We were un-take-apart-able.

Well, until that new kid came to town. I think that the new kid was a girl to. Her voice was high also, but not as much as normal girls. Well, she had blonde hairz so she had to be girl. Kenneh was the only boy with blonde hairz.

Anyways, the new girl came and she was really weird. Like, no one talked to her before Craig did. Why? Cause she twitched. Like a crazie. Like a CRAZY crazie. And she randomly cried out.

It's really creepy.

But then, she moved away again, I think I heard her mommy and daddy say she had to go to the hospital.

After that, Craig was really sad, and that made me sad. So we were sad together and the next day I held her hand as we walked home. I think she felt a little better after-words cause she waved at me instead of lifting her middle finger when I dropped her off at her house.

A week or so later, she seemed to of forgotten about the blonde and we were best friends again.

Soon after that she said to me; 'You know what? We hang out all the time, just like my mama and dad, we should get married.'

I couldn't have agreed more.

By the next week we had gotten married, kissed, which was gross, and exchanged Ring Pops.

To bad the Ring Pops were gone by the end of the day.

The last week of school came up and I decided to ask her an in-port-ant question.

That question was: 'Are you a boy or a girl?'

She looked up from the robots we were playing with and gave me a thoughtful look. 'My mama says I'm a boy, but I dun know.' Was her reply.

We looked at each other for a moment before I asked another question. 'Do you pee standing up or sitting down?'

At this she snorted and looked back to her blue robot. 'Standing up of course.'

'Oh,' I nodded, it made sense. 'Then yer a boy.'

Making her, his, robot fly around in the air, she, he, said. 'Cool.'

We stayed married for two more years, then we decided it would be better for our baby, a piece of paper with 'buhbee' written on it, to get a dee-vorce.

But we remained friends.

And still shared kisses occasionally.


Chiba.Kun, this isn't the one I was talking about, I don't think I like the other. :D

Oh, sorry for the mild child-fluff. 3 But it makes me feel happy.

And I know Clyde says some funneh words, think of yerself as a six-year-old. That's what I was trying to portray.

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