Troy's Family Vacation

Summary: 18 year old Troy is told he is going on holiday with his family. He hates that he has to go because it means he has to leave his girlfriend behind. Will this trip really be as bad as Troy expects? What surprises will this trip bring for Troy? Troyella. R&R!

A/N: Hey I know I shouldn't really be starting another new story since I already have others going on that need to be worked on but I felt like I wanted to write something a bit different and M rated since I haven't done one in a while. Anyway this story won't be long, about 10 chapters. Please R&R and let me know whether to continue or not.

Chapter 1 – Two weeks without her

Troy looked to his left and groaned. He saw his parents sleeping next to him before he turned his attention to his right and across the aisle to see his two 15-year old brothers who were twins messing around sitting next to some weird looking person who was wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses while on a plane. The 5 of them were on their way for a family holiday which his parents had insisted they take. It wasn't that Troy minded having to spend time with his family because he loved them all to death but it was because he had to leave his best friend and the girl he was in loved more than anything behind. They had planned on spending everyday of the summer together if they could and now he had to leave her behind for 2 weeks.

Troy knocked on the Montez's door waiting for someone to answer. He and his girlfriend of 3 years, Gabriella Montez, were both planning on hanging out today doing whatever but now Troy had to tell her something too.

"Troy Bolton you are 2 minutes 15 seconds late." Troy laughed when he heard her shout to him through the door while unlocking it.

"I'm sorry but I guess at least that is 2 minutes 15 seconds less you have to spend looking at my ugly face." Troy told her as she giggled and kissed him.

"I could never get tired having to look at your ugly face because it reminds me that I must love hanging with you for your personality and not looks, although you don't really have much of a personality." Troy gasped.

"Right you asked for it Miss Montez." Troy grabbed her and started tickling her as she squirmed in his arms.

"Troy!!!" Troy refused to let up and continued. "Troy!!! I'll do anything so just stop!" Troy grinned as he stopped.

"Anything?" Gabriella nodded as Troy frowned.

"Not get mad at me when I tell you I have to go away for two weeks for a family holiday." Troy watched the smile from Gabriella's face drop. "I tried everything to get out of going but dad was adamant we all go because he said that we won't have many more chances to go away as a family. I'm really sorry Gabs."

"It's ok Troy. I know how important it is to your dad spending time as a family so I'll be fine. I'll just have to try and find someone else to hang with while you're gone." Troy saw her smile but knew she was disappointed as she kissed him. He knew that she hated the holidays because she and her mom rarely went away because her mom was too busy working and Gabriella was left alone which is why he promised to be with her but now he had broken his promise.

"It's only two weeks and I'm sure you could hang with the girls and the guys." Gabriella shook her head.

"Taylor and Chad have managed to get their families to go away together and left yesterday remember. Ryan and Sharpay are going with their family to their country house and Jason talked his family into letting Kelsi go with them to Sharpay's family's country club and they all leave tomorrow. I'll guess I'll have to go and find Zeke and see if he wants to do stuff." Gabriella told him as he smiled. He hated to disappoint her because whenever she was sad he was too. He never wanted to see her down because he loved her too much to ever want her to be down.

"You will probably have too much fun with Zeke while I'm away that you won't want to hang with me when I get back." Troy teased trying to cheer her up.

"That'll never happen. You're the only person who knows my every secret and knows me. Not even Taylor, Sharpay or Kelsi know as much about me as you do." Gabriella told him as he smiled and linked their fingers together.

"Come on let's just have fun today before I have to leave and go pack ready for tomorrow." Troy started leading her away from her house before she pulled him in another direction.

"Can we just hang out at yours because then there is less chance of seeing someone and I can even help you pack if you like." Gabriella offered.

"Sure. Jump on." Troy bent down for Gabriella to jump on his back which she loved doing before he made his way back to his own home.

After just messing around and several rounds of making out for a few hours Troy decided he needed to start packing before his parents got home and he had to help get everything ready.

"I'm going to miss you while you're away." Gabriella admitted wrapping her arms around Troy from behind as he picked out his clothes.

"I am going to miss you too." Troy told her as she kissed his shoulder while he turned to face him. Troy leaned down and passionately kissed her as she wrapped her arms around Troy's neck and he picked her up letting her wrap her legs round his waist. Troy moved his kisses down from her lips to her neck sucking on her sensitive spot.

"Troy..." Gabriella moaned as she breathed heavily and Troy started moving them back towards his bed. Dropping her gently on his bed, Troy climbed on top of her and started straddling her. Each kiss being deepened as Gabriella allowed her smooth hands to wonder up Troy's shirt before breaking the kiss to remove it. Running her hands over his back she felt his muscles tense up at her touch. Gabriella loved how she could make him feel like that at the simplest of touches. She knew he was already hard because she could feel him pressing up against her thigh. Troy left a trail of kisses from her lips, down her neck before lifting her shirt off and kissing in between her breasts. Gabriella giggled softly as she bit down on his ear lobe while he struggled to get her bra off. Just as he opened the hook, a door downstairs was heard closing. Troy groaned as he fell against Gabriella and buried his head in her neck.

"Why does this always happen?" Troy asked rhetorically as Gabriella smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

"It'll happen eventually Troy when the times right." Gabriella assured him before he leaned up off her and allowed her to redo her bra and put her top on. "Why aren't you putting your top on?" Gabriella asked seeing him just sitting at the bottom of his bed.

"Don't you like seeing me shirtless?" Troy grinned as Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Yes as much as I love seeing you shirtless I don't think whoever is downstairs would appreciate it if they walked in and saw you like that because they would put two and two together." Gabriella explained as there was a knock on his door. Gabriella gave him a look as the door opened and his mom, Michelle Bolton, peaked her head around his door.

"Hi Gabriella. Troy why are you shirtless?" Troy rolled his eyes as Gabriella smiled victorious.

"Ever thought maybe I'm changing because I want that shirt for our holiday." Michelle and Gabriella exchanged knowing looks hearing the tone in Troy's voice.

"Troy Andrew Bolton will you please stop complaining. This holiday is suppose to be fun and you will not spoil it when we get there for the rest of us." Michelle raised her voice as Gabriella saw him sigh.

"It's not going to be a family holiday for me and I won't have fun because Gabriella won't be there!" Troy exclaimed as his father, Jack Bolton, appeared.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Troy this is a family holiday and you spend time with Gabriella everyday near enough so I'm sure the two of you will cope without each other for two weeks. Also Gabriella isn't family." Michelle told him.

"She is as good family and one day she will be legally." Troy pointed out to them as Gabriella blushed.

"Gabriella may I speak to you for one moment?" Jack asked as Gabriella nodded and followed Jack away from the room.

"Troy please don't ruin this for us. This could be our last holiday as a family and we just want to enjoy it." Troy sighed and just ignored his mom who left when she knew he wasn't going to talk to her anymore. A few minutes later Troy heard Gabriella come back in.

"Troy please don't cause any problems and just go. I don't want to be the reason you and your family have fallen out. Please just do this for me. We can cope for two weeks alone and I promise when you get back we can find some time for just us." Gabriella pleaded. Troy knew his dad must have said something to her but knew he didn't want to argue with her.

"Fine but you owe me for agreeing to go away but you can't make me have a good time." Gabriella smiled as she hugged him.

"I promise you will have fun because from what your parents have said it won't be that boring." Troy pulled her into a kiss before she decided she should go. This was going to be a long two weeks.

Troy had promised himself that he would try to have a good time for Gabriella because he knew if he didn't she would blame herself and Troy hated it when she blamed herself for anything. Little did Troy know that this holiday wasn't going to be as boring as he thought.

A/N: Ok I know not a lot happened in this chapter but this was just to set the story up. Please review and tell me whether or not I should continue. Thanks!

PS I'll update some of my other stories tomorrow and if you haven't already heard 'Bet on It' by Zac Efron from HSM2 there is a link in my profile! I love it!