Max: Yes yes, a bit late in updating. I swear to you, I shall update all my other stories as soon as possible. Not sure when that is, but it will happen! :) Well, hope you like the ending loves! Please review and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Warning: Uh... OOC... Weird... Very weird Severus. And Harry is a bit mean. XD

Word Count: 425Harry's eyes blinked open wearily, his head was pounding and his entire body was in pain

Harry's eyes blinked open wearily, his head was pounding and his entire body was in pain. He felt as if a thousand needles were stabbing him all at once. He painfully turned his head to see where he was, finding nothing but walls, a door, and a small chair sitting right beside his bed, occupied by a sleeping blonde. Harry lifted his hand up slowly and placed it in the nest of messy blonde hair, fingers stroking gently.

Silver grey eyes snapped open, head lifting to lock gazes with the dull emerald eyes. Draco smiled softly, his heart beating faster as he hugged the taller boy, "Harry. Oh Harry! I was so scared! I thought you had died!" he pulled away slightly and smacked the other lightly upside the head, "Don't you ever do something like that again! It's terribly inconvenient! I had to sit on that filthy floor for hours, and then I had to sit in here for over a week waiting for you to wake! Horribly disgusting!"

Harry smiled lightly, "You never change do you Draco..?" he whispered, "Still the same stuck up little prick you've always been."

"Of course my prince, but, I am your stuck up little prick. So there in lies the difference." Draco grinned; at least Harry was acting normal.

Silence fell over the room as their lips met in an awkward kiss, tongues grazing shyly together. They pulled away when a small knock came to the door, Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy entering a moment later, neither looking at the occupant of the bed.

"Draco!" Lucius called happily, "How is the little princess doing?"

Severus snickered lightly when he finally looked up, his gaze landing on the angry looking young man on the bed, "Lucius, love, I believe the princess is awake. Perhaps it is the same as the story of sleeping beauty? The princess shall awaken with a kiss from her prince charming."

Harry ground his teeth together before hollering as loud as he could, which wasn't that loud, "Call me princess me one more time and I swear to Merlin I will hex your balls off!"

Draco laughed happily at the shocked look on his father's face, "I told you not to call him that father."

Lucius merely huffed indignantly, "Well! I see Mr. Potter is his normal self."

Draco looked at Harry and smiled, "It would seem so father. It would seem so."

Max: Hope you liked it lovies. This is the end so don't ask for more! - (Huggles) Please review!


Mr. Max