Chapter 1: Just a normal life?


It was a normal Monday night; I was talking to one of my best friends (Kim) on the phone, while we were watching RAW. Like we do every Monday night. We were watching and "Ah, there he comes. He has a suit on and ah, he rips off the shirt. So nice, want to touch the hiney" I commented as Mr. Dave Batista came down the ramp.

"Nice, aint it Donna" Kim said laughing

"Of course it is" I smiled

"So, who do you like better; Dave or John?" Kim asked me

"OK" I thought for a minute "Dave is hands down, my favorite but John Cena is just flat out hot" I answered

"John looks like a monkey"

"Would you tell him that in real life?" I asked

"Yes I would"

"Whatever Kimmy, you know he's hot"

"Nope, don't think so. But hey, have you decided what you wanna do yet?"

"Ya, I want to wrestle" I said, obviously.

"And when did you decide this?" Kim asked, offended that I didn't tell her before.

"A while ago, that's why I lost like 150 pounds and got in shape. I've never seen a fat diva"

"True, you savin your money up for OVW then?"

"Ya. 50 bucks a week and in 2 and a half years I will have enough"

"Why wait so long?"

"Cause in the mean time me and Rob (my brother) are gonna build a ring in the backyard"

"You're shittin me?" Kim was shocked

"No dude, it'll be awesome. This way, by the time I have enough money saved up, I will be a step ahead of anyone in the beginners program. Rob wants to wrestle too but he still has one year left of high school. He expects things to happen fast but I told him that he has to be patient about it"

"Have you told your parents yet?"

"Ya, I told them when I started losing the weight. And now that I am gonna start saving up, they said they want to have a serious talk with me about it tomorrow"

"I wonder what they wanna say"

"I will tell you about it afterwards Kimmy, don't worry" I said, then we continued watching RAW.

Earlier that day Barb and Earl (my mom and dad) was in their room talking.

"Honey, she's gonna make it to the big time. You know she will, she succeeds at anything she puts her mind to and she really wants to do this. She's gonna find out sooner or later, we should just tell her" Earl said

"I know, I know. We will tell her tomorrow" Barb answered

The next day…

I was sitting in the living room on the couch watching tv when my parents walked in.

"Donna come sit down at the table with us" my dad said, so we all sat down, including Rob. (who is 17 by the way, only 2 years younger than me) He wanted to listen in on it, which is OK; no matter what it is, cause it's not like I wouldn't tell him later anyways. We have a close relationship; I would consider him a friend. I tell him some stuff that I don't tell Kim or Amber (my other best friend).

"So what did you guys need to talk to me about?" I asked

"Well we know you want to wrestle and we want you to be extremely careful" dad said

"You guys know I will" I answered

"And we know you will make it big because you succeed in everything you put your mind to" mom added

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate that"

"And in that aspect, you remind me of your dad" mom commented

"You wanted to wrestle too?" I asked

"No, I didn't" dad said

"Then what…?" I said before mom cut me off.

"Before we moved here to Indiana, we lived out in Washington D.C. And my ex-boyfriend Dave actually introduced me to Earl. They were friends, they both worked as bouncers and I ended up falling in love with Earl but Dave understood. He just wanted me to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. So it wasn't a nasty break up"

Right now I was thinking; Dave, bouncer in DC, she's not gonna say what I think she's gonna say is she?

"But before Dave and I officially broke it off, he got me pregnant. But I didn't tell him because he went off to pursue his dream. I didn't want him to blow his dream off because I was pregnant, besides I was with Earl and he didn't mind. Earl raised you as his own, he was there for everything. Just last week I wrote Dave and explained everything to him and sent him a picture of you. So he knows what you look like" mom explained

"So who is her real dad?" Rob chimed in

"Well Donna, I can tell you've been thinking and all the info she gave you, I think you can answer that question" dad said

"I'm pretty sure I can but I have one question, then I can confirm it"

"What?" dad asked

"Is he a pro wrestler?"

"Ya" mom answered

"Oh my god mom. OK, this is awesome, but do you know what I think about him sometimes?"

"I know honey, but I can see why" mom smiled

"Who is it?" Rob was lost

"It's non other than The Animal-Dave Batista" I said

"Are you serious? Is Batista really Donna's real dad?" Rob asked

"Yes Rob it's true" mom said

"So is my real dad a celebrity too?" Rob asked

So I smacked him upside the head; like I usually do when he asks a stupid question. "Did you listen to the story? Mom was with Dave then got with dad. Mom's not a whore"

"I didn't say she was, I was just asking"

I gave Rob one of those weird 'OK' looks. "Anyways, does he want to meet me?" I asked

"I don't know yet, I gave him my number and told him to call" and as if he could hear us, just then the phone rang and it was Dave. "I'm gonna put you on speaker Dave" mom said

Dave was pissed to begin with so he just said "Ya, whatever. Barb, what the hell? Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I wanted you to go pursue your dream; and you did. The reason I tell you now is because you both would find out sooner or later" she explained to him

"How do you figure?" Dave asked, still sounding a little ticked.

"Because she wants to wrestle" dad answered

"She does?" he asked, you could tell in his voice that he had a huge smile on his face.

"Ya and guess who her top 3 favorite wrestlers are?" mom asked him


Then I chimed in "In at number 3 is The Rabid Wolverine: Chris Benoit. Number 2 is The Doctor of Thuganomics: John Cena and…"

"Wait, who is that?" Dave asked

"It's me Donna, your daughter. And in at number 1 is you Dave. Strange coincidence aint it?" I said, then picked up the phone and went to the other room to talk to him.

"Ya it is. How long have you known that I'm your real dad?"

"I just found out today, right before you called"

"So, Earl raised you well then?"

"Ya he did, he's a great dad"

"Oh" Dave was disappointed

"I never said that you wouldn't be though"

"I know but I travel all the time"

"But Dave, I graduated high school last year. It wouldn't matter"

"OK then, would you want to come travel with me for a few weeks, so we can get to know each other?"

"I would love to, hold on" I went and asked mom and dad, they said it was OK "Alright, mom and dad said it was OK. So when should I come?"

"Well WrestleMania 21 is next week so I guess you can come then"

"Actually, dad and I already have tickets, so I will be there anyways. I can just stay when he leaves"

"That's fine. You guys can just come backstage"

"That would be awesome Dave" I was excited

"OK, just go in through the back. Tell the guards that you're my daughter and you're with your dad. I'll tell them about it, then they will let you in. I will be in my locker room getting ready for my big match, so just look for the door with my name on it. Ha, you're my daughter; I have a daughter, that sounds good"

"Ha OK Dave, I mean dad" I laughed "We will see you then"

"OK bye honey" Then we hung up and I ran to the living room.

"Dad, we get to be backstage at WrestleMania next week" I was ecstatic

"Are you serious?" he asked

"Ya, dad invited us, instead of sitting in our seats… I mean, is it OK that I call him dad?"

"Of course it is. I don't mind honey. But since I did raise you I would like it very much if you still called me dad"

"OK, thank you daddy" I said then hugged him

Then I called Kim and asked her to come over cause the information that I was just told, you can't just tell someone over the phone, you have to tell them in person.

"OK now what is it, since you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Kim was anxious

"OK Kimmy, what did we always say would be really cool?" I asked her

"A lot of things"

"Referring to wrestling"

"Still, a lot of things"

I sighed "OK wrestling and family"

"Oh ya, we thought it would be cool if your dad was a wrestler" (cause some people thought that he used to be)

"Well guess what?"


"Earl isn't my real dad"

"Oh man, so wait. Are you saying that your real dad is a wrestler?" Kim looked at my mom.

"Yes he is Kim" my mom answered

"But I am gonna make you guess. I will just say that I look like him" I told her

So she stood there for a couple minutes. You could tell she was going through the roster in her head. Then it looked like she figured it out "Can I ask you one question?"

"OK, but just one" I said

"Is he one of your favorites?"

I tried not to smile too big and said "Ya"

"Oh my god, Dave Batista is your real dad" you could say she was shocked, big time.

"Ya and that's not the best part"

"What do you mean, that's not the best part? The Animal is your dad"

"Well OK, that is the best part but there is a good part"


"Instead of daddy and I sitting in our seats at Mania next week, we get to be backstage"

Kim fainted, so I rushed over to her and pulled her back up. "Did you just say that you get to be backstage at Mania?" she asked

"Ya, I did" I smiled

"So can I go with you guys then?"

"I'm sure it will be OK, I will just call dad later and see if it's OK"

"OK now this is gonna get confusing, which dad is which?"

"When I say 'daddy' then I am referring to Earl and when I say 'dad' I am referring to Dave"

"Alright, got it. This is amazing. Man, I can't wait till next week"