SIGH this is it. The end. I hope you all like!

Chapter 15- Next Years Christmas

3 days after Christmas, 1 year ago

Hermione struggled up the icy front steps to Draco's mansion, slipping a little and wincing in pain from being so sore. Ginny leaned against the car and gave Hermione a small sad smile as she reached the front door. She hesitated before twisting the door knob and letting herself in. She wasn't expecting him to be there, but she was atleast hoping for it. After the baby had been born, Draco had left to "get some fresh air" and he never came back. Hermione took several glances around the dark house and listened intently, waiting for any sign of him, but he wasn't there. She sighed as a few tears left her eyes. She wiped them away angrily before she walked quickly to the baby's room to pack some stuff. There was no room for the crib at the Burrow so she would have to leave that behind. She packed as much as she could and then with one last glance at the nursery, she walked out of the house, and hasn't been back since that day.

Present Day

Hermione had taken a short walk around the Burrow to ease her stress. The year had gone by quickly but it wasn't easy for her. The baby had been extremely fussy for months and after many tests, Hermione had found out what was wrong. The baby was deaf and as a result, the baby always cried and was always in a bad mood. But things were slowly getting better and Hermione hardly ever thought of Draco. She always wondered where he was though, wondered if he was doing okay, or if he thought of her and the baby a lot.

She sighed and shook her head as if to shake out all of her thoughts. She walked up the long walkway to the back door and stopped outside to listen to her families drunken laughter and shouts of glee. She could hear the baby laughing loudly at something. She exhaled and smiled before reaching for the wooden door knob to let herself in, but a noise from behind her made her stop.

"Draco?" she whispered but didn't turn around.

"Y-yes." He said almost silently, "How did you know?"

"Just a lucky guess." She replied.

An awkward silence passed over them.

"Will you come for a short walk with me?" He asked, taking a step closer to her, "Please."

"I already went for a walk, I need to get back to my child." She spat, her words laced with venom.

Her words seemed liked an invisible slap to his face, she heard him take a step back and inhale loudly.

"Please... let me explain."

She turned around quickly, tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking now. She grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him down the snow-covered walkway and behind the large oak tree that shaded them from the kitchen window.

"Explain what Draco!" She yelled, pushing him against the tree. "Explain how you abandoned me and your child for over year! You never called, or wrote, or tried to get in touch with us. Nothing! You just disappeared from the face of the earth. And I needed you Draco. You have no idea how hard this has been for me! Do you know that your child is deaf? Did you know that? No, you didn't! Did you know that your child is the smartest little thing in the whole world, and that smile is to die for? No, you don't. Because you ran away, you hid for God knows what reason. And nothing you do or say can change what you've done to us. Nothing!"

She was crying uncontrollably now and she shook so badly that she fell to the ground. She punched the ground several times and yelled out in frustration. Draco kneeled down and tried to wrap his arms around her, but she wouldn't let him.

"I know, Hermione, I know what I did was wrong. And there is no reason for me leaving. I've spent the past year in taverns and pubs drinking away my memories of you and our baby. I didn't want to see your faces, because of what I did. And I wanted to come back so many times, but I was too afraid. I messed up by leaving and I didn't know how to come back here and apologize. I was so scared Hermione. And you don't understand how sorry I am. How bad it hurts inside for what I've done. And I know there is nothing I can do to make this better. But please, please let me try. I don't want to miss another day of my childs life. I want to be there now."

Hermione sniffled and wiped at her face. "You don't think I was scared too?"

"I'm know you were, but you were stronger than me, you did what was right."

"Oh stop with the bullshit Draco. Why now? Why did you decide to come back now?"

"It's been a year, I've already missed so much. I just knew the time was right to come back now."

"I don't know Draco." She whispered, standing up and turning for the house.

"Please let me see my child."

Hermione started walking back up the path to the backdoor. "Are you coming or not?"

For Draco, it seemed like the walk to the backdoor took hours, but in all actuality, it took less than 30 seconds. Hermione twisted the doorknob but Draco stopped her. His heart was beating a mile a minute and his breathing was rapid.

"Do you want to come in, or not?" She asked.

"Y-yes, just give me a minute."

"Haven't you had enough of those over the past year? Let's go."

She opened the door and was met by shocked faces all sitting around the table. The table was filled with sweets of all different kinds and mugs filled with different beverages. Lights hung all around the roof and small pixies danced around above them. The baby was the only one making noises now, the rest of the family seemed to have stopped breathing.

"Oy..." Ron pointed, "Izthatwotshisface... that git."

"Yeah," Harry ground his teeth together and stood up, "It is."

They both made a beeline for him and Hermione happily stepped out of the way to pick up her precious baby. Hermione kissed the fat rosy cheeks then turned around to see what had happened.

Draco was pressed against the wall, his jaw red and blood spilling from his mouth.

"That's enough boys." Hermione smiled and walked towards the empty living room, "Come here Draco." He huffed and pulled his sleek jacket straight, giving Harry and Ron the death glare before following Hermione to the living room. "Can I trust you enough not to drop your own baby?"

Draco grimaced and gulped loudly. He held out his hands and Hermione reluctantly handed her over. The baby smiled up at him and giggled shyly before reaching up and pulling at Draco's platinum blonde hair.

"Mean little bugger, aintcha?" He laughed.

"Sit down, I'll get you a drink. Something strong?" She asked.

"No," Draco said, unable to keep his eyes off of his child, "Nothing with alcohol. ... please."

Hermione smirked and nodded her head before leaving the room. She turned the corner and pressed herself against the wall, listening to what was going on in the living room.

Draco sat down and cradled the babt next to him just staring. "You look just like your mommy, except for those eyes. My god they're beautiful. I know you can't hear me but I promise you, on my life, that I'll never leave you or your mommy again. I never want to miss another day of your life. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, that I left you both."

Hermione left to get the drinks. When she entered the kitchen everyone had already left. A small note lay on the table it read, "Went out to go caroling, be back soon." in Ginny's handwriting. A mad face was drawn next to the last word. Hermione laughed and got the drinks, then headed back into the living room. Draco was still talking to the baby.

"Here. I'm glad you came back Draco, we needed you."

"I'm never going to leave again. I promise. I love our baby so much. I've never felt so happy before!"

Hermione smiled and leaned back in the chair opposite him, "Good, I'm going to take a nap. You're on diaper duty."

"Okay." He said and kissed the top of the babies head. Hermione heard him say one last thing before she fell into a deep calm sleep. "I love you Haiden Rose."

The End.

So! What did you think? I might write an epilogue, I'm not sure yet. Please review and tell me what you think. I always have such a hard time ending stories. THANK YOU TOO EVERYONE THAT HAS EVER REVIEWED!!