Ren: "Chapter 11 is coming up."

Sasuke: "Ren does not own Naruto if she did she would be a multibillionaire."

-Chapter 11: "Water Affinity V.S. Water Affinity, Stay Alive Serena!"-


"What? The other way is to what?" Tazuna was the one to ask these questions perplexed.

"Is to kill me!" Serena answered in a deadly voice.

:End Recap

The two gasped as they stared wide eyed at the kunoichi.

"Well, then if that's the case, I guess we'll just have to kill you to get to the Bridgebuilder," Zabuza's voice drifted to their ears.

"…Let's make this quick shall, we? Haku, do whatever it takes to kill her even if you have to use that move," Zabuza ordered his apprentice.

"Hai, Zabuza-sama," Haku answered.

"Hn, I'd like to see you try, Haku," Serena challenged.

"Will do, Serena," Haku said appearing out of the mist as it lessened in thickness.

Two senbon clashed together a clang of precision and death as Serena and Haku both glared daggers at one another. Haku threw a left hook at Serena's face which she caught with her right hand. Zabuza tried to strike Serena while Haku had her preoccupied with a swing of his head cleaver if Kakashi hadn't jumped in at the last second to block the giant sword with a kunai.

"Grrr, Kakashi! Get out of my way! That brat is the key to getting rid of the bridge builder," Zabuza growled at the cyclop.

"Your fight is with me, Zabuza!" Kakashi snarled back.

Serena tried to kick Haku's feet out from under him but Haku jumped away to race behind Serena to attack her exposed backside and would have succeeded if she hadn't back flipped away from the scene and away from Tazuna to land somewhere in the midst of the surrounding fog.

Haku came after her lashing out with his senbon only to be blocked by Serena's senbon and jumped to avoid Serena's side kick but Serena was prepare for this and plunged a kunai into his side.


"It was only a mizu bunshin?" Serena realized.

She turned around to stop Haku's with her own once again.

"You should give up now while you can," Haku said with utmost certainty in his voice.

"Oh and why is that?" Serena questioned with an expressionless face.

"Because I have two advantages over you. One we re surrounded by water; and two I have one of your hands preoccupied," Haku informed her.

Serena looked suspicious and yet curious.

"Well, what about you? You also have only one hand free," She pointed out.

Haku didn't answer with words, instead he used his free hand to suddenly start making one handed hand signs.

"Nani? He can do one handed jutsus? Since when?" Serena thought alarmed.

Next thing she knew the water around them had risen up around her and formed what looked like mirrors of ice in a dome shape. Then Haku melted into the mirror behind him appearing in all of the mirrors afterwards.

"What is this jutsu?" Serena thought looking around her at the mirrors.

"This will be your demise!" Haku threatened crossing his arms with a senbon in each hand.

"Serena-san!" Kakashi called out concerned when he saw his student trapped in Haku's Demonic Ice Mirrors.

He tried to get to her but Zabuza stopped the jounin in his tracks by swinging his head cleaver down at the pavement at the bridge before Kakashi's feet.

"Uh, uh, uh, Kakashi! I'm afraid it's like you said, your fight is with me!" Zabuza taunted the jounin.

Kakashi growled and then turned his head to glance at Tazuna still within the shield.

"Stay inside the shield and you'll be fine. Should the others come, tell them they are to stay and guard you no matter what the circumstances may be," Kakashi ordered.

Tazuna nodded. With that Zabuza and Kakashi disappeared into the now thickening mist leaving him all alone to deal with the imaginings he drew up from the clang and battle cries that reached his ears.

Serena hissed in pain as she felt Haku's senbon sink into her flesh from everywhere she looked and felt.

"I think it's time to call on my Ikichimatesun, heavens know I'll need it," She thought

Quickly doing so, she could now see better and slightly evade the senbon reigning down on her but not all of them.

Meanwhile, Tazuna just stood in fear and tension awaiting the outcome of this battle when several pairs of feet rushing over to him made him turn just in time to see Naruto slamming into the shield and fall down, his face looking like one of those cartoons when they run into a glass wall or a kid with their faces pressed up against a glass case to ogle over something that caught their interest.

"Itai, what the hell old man? Why can't I get near you?" Naruto cried out rubbing his poor abused nose.

"And where are Kakashi-sensei and Serena-san?" Sakura asked as she and Sasuke appeared at Naruto's side.

"It's Serena-san's jutsu thing that doesn't allow anybody in. Serena got trapped from what I could hear from Kakashi and Zabuza's voices. I think it was the boy that trapped to try and kill so Zabuza could get to me and him and Kakashi are off fighting each other somewhere," Tazuna informed the three genin.

"Nani? Serena-san's trapped? Then let's go help her," Naruto screeched.

Tazuna shook his head in the negative.

"Iie, you are to stay here and guard me on behalf of Kakashi's orders," He told them.

"Like hell I'll wait here!" Naruto growled out before racing into the mist to look for the raven.

"Baka, don't go off by yourself!!" Sasuke called out racing after the blonde.

Sakura stayed to guard Tazuna.

"Chikushou," Serena cursed before coughing up some blood and falling to one knee.

"There's gotta be something I can do as a counter attack! Think Serena, think! What is good against ice? That's easy fire, but I don't know any katon jutsus since the Uchiha has yet to teach me any. But didn't he use a katon jutsu against Kakashi in the bell test? What was it again? Oh yeah, Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu. Well, it's now or never Serena," She said to herself.

The raven hauled herself to her feet to try and recall on how Sasuke performed the jutsu and required handsigns.

"He did the handsigns, then took a deep breath before bringing his fingers to his mouth and breathed out, ok. I hope this works," Serena prayed in her head.

Serena did the hand signs and gather chakra to her chest before taking a deep breath before bringing her fingers to her mouth to exhale. Amazingly enough, flames did appear, but it only made it halfway to Haku in his mirror before dispersing.

"Kuso, it didn't work! Think, what did he do that I didn't?" Serena thought grimly.

Haku snickered and tried to sneer something but was interrupted by a deep voice.

"You need to gather more chakra than that."

Serena and Haku looked to see Sasuke and Naruto standing next to her glaring at Haku.

"Sasuke-san? Naruto-san? You shouldn't be here, get out now while you still can!" Serena said coldly.

"We gotta get some action in this mission don't we?" Naruto asked incredulously.

"Fools, the both of you!" Serena snapped at them in annoyance.

Then she tried the Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu once again, keeping in mind of Sasuke's advice to draw on more chakra. When she brought her fingers to her mouth she only had to exhale letting the flames come to life in desired form and rammed into the mirror in front of her licking hungrily at the ice mirror.

Unfortunately the ice didn't melt from Serena's efforts as they found out when the jutsu ended and the mirror remained untouched.

Haku laughed and spoke, "These mirrors cannot be melted by fire it is unbreakable!"

"We'll just see about that, Haku-teme!" Serena growled back defiantly.

"And just how will you do that? By glaring at the mirrors in hopes that they'll combust into flames and melt? Ha, don't make me laugh!" Haku insulted with a sneer.

"In case you haven't noticed, dipshit! A Katon jutsu isn't the only thing I know and you're not exactly dealing with a bunch of clowns here! From what Kakashi told me you have Uchiha Sasuke, the top rookie of the year and Uzumaki Naruto the most unpredictable knucklehead you'll ever face!" Serena said coldly as she glared daggers at the nuke-nin.

"Don't forget about yourself, Serena-san. You're the Wandering Kunoichi, the most renounced kunoichi in all five shinobi nations and one of the most dangerous, too," Sasuke pointed out.

Serena glanced at Sasuke out of the corner of her eye for a second and nodded.

"What's his deal? I thought he was supposed to be the cold-hearted one? And here he is giving out compliments and advice as if it were candy?" She thought.

"Back to the matter at hand; those mirrors aren't going to melt by fire so how about we smash them? I could try out that Chidori on Haku, Kakashi-sensei taught me yesterday," Serena mentally planned as she stared at the mirrors in front of her.

"Sasuke-san, Naruto-san listen up, douzo, I have a plan on how to get out of here but it's going to take some time to prepare. You think you guys can distract Haku long enough for me until I am ready?" Serena asked as she glanced at them to see both were looking at the mirrors trying to figure a way out, themselves.

Both boys nodded ready to aid their fellow comrade in any way they could. Then tacking up both sides of Serena they got in fighting stances and waited for Haku to make the first move. While Serena and Naruto stood at the ready, Serena proceeded to take off all of her weights so she was free of anything restricting her from performing her attack.

Haku, on the other hand didn't seem to agree to this plan as he tightened his grip on his senbon and glared at the threesome or more specifically, Serena.

"Whatever she's doing, I can't let her do it. I must stop this now!" Haku thought and then proceeded to fling his senbon at the trio from all mirrors, thus from all directions as well.

"Kuso!" Naruto cursed before yanking out a kunai to parry the senbon as best he could with Sasuke joining him.

Naruto formed a familiar hand sign producing a couple dozen of Kage Bunshin that launched themselves at the mirrors and Haku in the hopes of retaliation. Sasuke helped out by trying to once again melt the mirrors with his Katon jutsus.

All the while this was happening, Serena herself, was forming hand signs of her own at a rapid pace, only to crouch low to the ground afterwards steadying her left arm and hand between her legs with her right hand.

"Hhhhaaaahhhh," Serena uttered under her breath as blue lightning sparks danced around her hand in a jerking glee, soon before anyone knew it a blue ball of lightning had formed with chirping sounds like that of thousands of birds emitting from the blue sparking ball of light.

Slightly perplexed by this, Sasuke, Naruto and Haku all watched this progression from out of the corner of their eyes all the while thinking the same question.

"What the hell is she doing?"

"Sasuke-san, Naruto-san move out of the way! Quickly!" Serena ushered to them concentrating on the blue chirping ball.

Shrugging, both genin did so thus allowing Serena to disappear from their sight as if she hadn't been there at all, only to reappear right in front of the mirror with the real Haku in it. Her arm reared back ready to punch the mirror.

So caught off guard by this revolution, Haku had but only a few milliseconds to form one thought before jumping out of the mirror in an attempt to escape from his death, "I've got to escape!"

Haku had only just landed outside of the mirror when the kunoichi he was fleeing from punched the vacant mirror with all of her might crying out at the same time, "CHIDORI!!"

The result to this effect was the shattering of the mirror, with the shards falling to the ground at Serena's feet. Naruto and Sasuke looked on in awe and hope as there was now a way out. Haku, on the other hand wasn't so happy about this turn of events.

"Guys! Now's your chance-Get out!" Serena barked at the two genin.

"Oh, yeah!" Naruto blurted as if he just now realized this.

The genin then ran out of the trap as Haku swung a right hook at Serena's head to which she ducked and tried to kick Haku's feet out from under him. Haku jumped to avoid the kick and Serena took this chance to thrust an open handed jab at Haku's abdomen that sent him skidding backwards clutching his stomach, panting.

Serena fell into a taijutsu stance that was slightly different from the stance she used to fight Neji with. Her left side faced Haku with her left leg outstretched her right leg was bent facing the direction of the mirrors behind her. Her left arm was stretched out parallel to her left leg with her palm facing Haku and her right arm was raised up to her mouth and bent back as if she was preparing to punch Haku in the face, except instead of her hand formed into a fist, her index and middle finger was pointed out towards Haku with the rest of her fingers tucked into her palm.

Being in this stance with her Ikichimatesun activated she looked like she was ready for whatever Haku threw at her as she glared at her rival with her ponytail waving in front of her face from the wind. Yeah she was ready, ready for anything at least that was what Serena thought until Sasuke and Naruto sidled up next to her falling into simpler taijutsu stances of their own.

"Are you both freakin' nuts? I thought I told you two to stay back! Do you realize how high the odds are stacked up against you two if you fight Haku?" Serena snapped coldly at the two with a glare.

"Did you forget what we told you back in the mirrors?" Sasuke countered with a question of his own with a raised eyebrow at the kunoichi before continuing, "We gotta get some action in this mission otherwise how will we get the experience you said that we needed?"

Serena sighed in exasperation.

"Fine, just don't get yourselves killed, okay?" She finally said as eh gave them a glowering look.

"As if he could kill me," Sasuke scoffed as Naruto rubbed his nose sheepishly.

Haku chose this time to fling senbon at the trio, to which Serena yanked out a senbon of her own and used to parry the projectiles from herself and the boys.

"Hello, to you too, Haku," Serena drawled rolling her eyes.

Sasuke smirked and Naruto snorted in amusement. Serena fell back into the taijutsu stance she was in before only to switch to the offensive as her left leg bent toward Haku and her leg was outstretched. Springing off the ground at a blinding speed she jabbed with a thrust of her right hand that had her index and middle finger pointed out.

Haku ducked but Serena smirked underneath her mask as there was vroosh! as wind brushed past Haku's neck and with it a small gash appeared stinging enough to make Haku clamp a hand over the wound hissing angrily like a cat.

Serena then took this chance to sock him right in the face with enough force that Haku flew backwards and rolled over face down. As Haku got to his feet, you could hear the sounds of cracks spreading as pieces of Haku's mask broke off to fall to the ground. By the time Haku was fully on his feet, his mask had fallen of completely to reveal a boy's face no older than them and charcoal black eyes.

Haku glared at Serena in annoyance.

"That's the second mask you broke! And what was that attack just now? I've never seen nor heard of such," he growled at the kunoichi.

"Get over it, and the attack is a family technique one of which I am not going to expose to the likes of you!" Serena sneered.

"Family technique? So does that mean she has a family? And why did she look so closed off when she said 'Family?'" Sasuke thought suspiciously.

He couldn't help but suspect that there was a whole underlying plot Serena was hiding and here were several secrets to go along with it, too. The question is-just what exactly is she hiding?

Haku was about to retaliate when something rushed out of the fog in a flurry of swords and growls at Serena. Unprepared by the sudden appearance of Zabuza, Serena didn't have time to defend herself from Zabuza's head cleaver as it swung at her torso with enough force that it knocked her back over the edge of the bridge and fall into the ocean below.

"Aargh," Serena grunted.

"Serena-san!" Naruto and Sasuke cried out in unison rushing to the side of the bridge in the hopes to see if she was alright.

When they looked down at the ocean, however, there was nothing in sight but a bunch of ripples in the water from where Serena fell in. Serena tried to swim to the surface clutching the gashed that raked over her stomach at an angle starting from her left ribs just above the liver to down to her right side ending above her kidney. As much as Serena tried she couldn't for she felt a cold burning sensation spreading throughout her body and limbs keeping her from moving her limbs even an inch making her feel numb and heavy all over. She also felt her chakra drain from her reserves as if some chakra sucking machine was attached to her and was sucking out all of the chakra she possessed leaving the kunoichi no choice but to disconnect the chakra running to her eyes, thus shutting off her Ikichimatesun her eyes bleeding back their original midnight blue color with the following effect of a migraine pounding in her skull afterwards.

"Shimatta! The teme must have put poison on his head cleaver!" Serena thought before her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, falling into the world of unconsciousness to slowly sink to the bottom of the sea.

Ren: "And that's the end of Chappie 11."

Sasuke: "Read and Review, please!"