So you're all thinking… Isn't this story over? Didn't she say she wasn't going to write an Epilogue…

Well… yes I did. But now I have… so that's about it. I hope that you guys enjoy this, if you are Greek and Roman mythology buffs such as I, I'm sure you will.

Feel free to check out my other stories as well, they are good too.


It was nearly six years since Fawkes dropped the fateful basilisk fang into the heart of one Tom Riddle. Not everything was perfect, the ministry had its fair share of idiots, Slytherins were still reeking havoc on their fellow Gryffindors… but the war was over, and the world was a better place.

There was currently a small party going on at Malfoy Manner. Hermione and Draco watching their two children Ara and Aries, or Ari, as he now liked to be called, play with the children of their closest friends. Remus and Tonks were there with their son Teddy, and their newborn daughter Rhea, who was sleeping peacefully in her father's arms. They were also joined by Harry, Ginny, their son James Sirius, Ron, Luna, their daughter Ariadne, Blaise and Sirius. The children were currently playing a very adamant game of hide and go seek, in the maze of the garden behind Malfoy Mansion.

"So Ginny, have you guys decided on what to name him yet?" came a question from Blaise.

Ginny placed her hand over her protruding stomach and smiled at her husband, "Daniel Percy" she said proudly.

Hermione and Luna smiled wildly, knowing how long it took Ginny to convince Harry of letting her choose the name.

Hermione was sitting on a bench; her body pressed into Draco's side, who had an arm around her shoulders and was holding her tightly, Blaise occupied the rest of the bench. Luna and Ron were sitting in separate chairs to the right of them, with Harry and Ginny on their right. Remus, Tonks and Sirius made up the other half of the semi-circle that were currently keeping an eye on the children.

A peaceful silence was broken when Ariadne ran up to her mother and held out a flower, "Look mommy, there is a Kuppla on it."

Luna smiled at her daughter and took the flower from her, looking at it from all angles, "Ahh, yes I see the Kuppla now. She's very beautiful isn't she Ariadne?"

The little girl nodded her head and then ran back to the game, quickly ducking under the bush as James, who was obviously "it" came around the corner.

When Luna held the flower up for Ron to study, he smiled and said, "Yes, a beautiful Kuppla indeed." It wasn't that Ron could see the Kuppla, mostly because Kupplas only reveled themselves to people who believed in them, but it was that Ron had spent a great deal of time with Luna, being married to her for the past five years, and had learned to no longer question creatures like Kupplas and Nargles, and the like.

Remus stood and handed Rhea to Sirius, as he excused himself for a few minutes to use the restroom. Hermione had to admit that Sirius made an excellent godfather now that he was around. She really wished he had been able to care for Harry as a child.

Ara and Aries fell out of one of the bushes and landed just a few feet from their parents. No one who had seen the kids could deny just how well Granger and Malfoy genes seemed to fit together in the twins.

Ara was a beautiful in every way, long curly blond hair fell down her back, piercing honey-brown eyes, and a smile, when shown that could light up a room in an instant. She loved laughing and playing with her brother Aries. She looked exactly how a Malfoy Princess should, and was treated as such.

Aries was her counterpart. Straight dirty blond hair, ice blue eyes, and the demeanor and strength befitting a Malfoy heir. They were inseparable, identical in everything but appearance. They enjoyed flying, much to Hermione's horror, were avid readers, and had both the bravery and cunning of the houses their parents had belonged to. Neither Hermione nor Draco could quite figure out where they would go once they reached Hogwarts.

"Daddy, Daddy we won." Cried Ara, running up to her father and wrapping her arms around his legs.

Aries climbed up the bench to sit between Blaise and Hermione, "Yeah Mom… they couldn't find us."

Draco picked up his daughter and sat her down on his lap, "but I thought the game wasn't over until only one person couldn't be found?"

"Nope," they said in unison.

Aries elaborated, "James gave up when he couldn't find either one of us."

"Ahh" Hermione answered giving her son a Hug, "Doesn't that mean that now your both 'it'?"

"Yep." Ara said. She gave her daddy a kiss on the cheek and then jumped from his lap to go stand by Teddy as they waiting for the rest of the children to come out of the maze.

Aries, who couldn't stand being away from his sister for very long, jumped down to and ran after her.

"How do you guys deal with twins… honestly having them 4 years apart is hard work, I couldn't imagine if they came together." Tonks asked, giving a loving smile over to the baby resting on Sirius' chest.

Draco beamed, his face lighting up at the mention of his angels. "What can we say? They were always good children…"

Harry laughed at this. "Yeah I'm sure… Just wait until Fred and George get a hold of them, James, and Teddy… we'll have four new Mauerder's just itching to try out a prank."

"True Ariadne will play her part and keep them in line." Ron responded.

To which got a chuckle from Remus whom had just came back from inside. "Lily learned quick, as I'm sure Hermione did, and Ariadne will, that no one can keep a Mauerader in line."

Sirius broke out in a smile, "Not for lack of trying though…"

They laughed and Hermione laid her head on her husband shoulder, soaking up the playful banter, the sun, and her beautiful children playing in front of them. She caught sight of James attempting to do a handstand, and had to contain a laugh when Teddy "accidentally" knocked into him, stopping any further attempts to show off in front of the girls.

Teddy ran towards his father then, and pulled on his shirt. "What's up kid?" Remus asked, ruffling his son's electric blue hair

"Daddy… You see Ara over there?" he asked pointing to the blond girl that was currently in a heated discussion with Ariadne about what Nargles looked like.

Remus nodded, as the rest of them listened to what Ara had done now.

"I'm gonna marry her some day." He said in what would have been a whisper like voice, except it had been much too loud. Then he flashed Hermione a big toothy grin and ran back to the girls, sitting right in the middle of them, paying attention only to Ara.

Remus stood their speechless, staring at Draco and Hermione. The rest waited, holding their breath to see what would happen.

It was Draco who broke the silence first, "Should we draw up the papers now or wait till they are a little older?"

Remus laughed, "We should probably ask what Ara thinks of the whole situation."

"I always thought she had a thing for James to tell you the truth," Hermione responded, causing them all to laugh.

"I guess we all better wait and see what happens then." Said Harry, watching James attempt again to get Ara and Ariadne's attention with his antics.

"Speaking of children…" Draco said softly, looking down at Hermione and giving her an encouraging smile.

"We're pregnant again." She responded, her eyes not leaving Draco's but obviously addressing the rest of the group.

Blaise was the first one to draw them apart pulling Hermione away from her husband and into his arms with a big hug. "Congratulations."

A round of "Congrats" and "Great Job" and "Do you know the gender yet?" went around the circle, spinning the entire conversation into children, and names, and love.


That night, Ara and Aries tucked into the twin beds a few doors down, Hermione and Draco lay cuddled against each other. Draco on his back, his head resting on a hand as the other was wrapped around his wife, who was against his side, her ear falling over his heart, and her hand splayed out across his stomach.

"I've been thinking…" Hermione started, as she continued to trace patterns against her husband's skin.

"Never a good thing… if your thinking, I'm not properly performing my duties as a husband."

She giggled softly, "if you performed your duties as a husband any more often, we would up to our ears in diapers and babies."

"That's not a bad thing love…"

She smiled and snuggled her naked body closer to his. "Aurora or Severus"

Draco looked down at her, "What?"

"If it's a girl, Aurora and if it's a boy, Severus." She clarified, looking up at him to gage his reaction.

Draco just grinned, and pulled Hermione up, kissing her soundly on the lips. "I love you Mrs. Malfoy." He said, his hand slipping lower on her body and dipping into her already moist folds.

She gasped, her hand bracing herself on his chest, as she attempted not to collapse in pleasure. Her other hand reached down, gripping him and stroking him in time with his own fingers, "I love you even more Mr. Malfoy."


HA HA HA HA… I win.

So if you guys care at all about where I got those wonderful names, and you are not the mythology buff that I am, then I will tell you…

Rhea – is the mother of Romulus and Remus, the twins that founded Rome… that that would be fitting. note, Mars was their father. (Roman Mythology)

Ariadne- daughter of Minos, who fell in love with Theseus when he came to slay the Minotar.

Ara – a Constellation –in keeping up with the black family tradition of naming their children after constellations (i.e. Draco, Sirius, Orion, and so on) – Ara is a constalation near Scorpious, made of 7 major stars. It is Latin for Alter – and is called the altar of Dionysus. It is part of the Hercules Constellation Family

Aries – Constellation – "The ram" not to be confused with Ares (the Greek god of war) one of the stars is actually one of our sun's closest neighbors at 12 light years away.

Aurora- ok so all of you Disney people are jumping up and down going "sleeping beauty, sleeping beauty" and I am going to smack you up side the head tell you to sit down and be quite for a second. ::love:: Aurora does not come from Disney, that isn't where I picked it from… it comes from Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights. Aurora comes from the Roman Goddess of the Dawn, while Borealis comes from the Greek name of the Northern Wind Boreas. Different countries have different folklore behind Aurora Borealis… but this is the one that I follow.

James Sirius- … do I need to explain this one?

Severus-… or this one?

Hope you all liked the Epilogue. I know it took forever, but I never had anything to say until now…

You can thank Draco Potter for it by the way… he's the one that went into the file cabinet inside of my head pulled out this story looked me dead in the eye and said "Finish it"

Also one more thing. The little line about "see that girl over there. I'm going to marry her someday" was a line out of my own life. When I was three or four my best friend was the boy that lived next door. And one day when we were fighting (like pushing and shoving and what not) he ran away from me ran up to his mother and said, "I'm gonna marry her someday"… he moved away and even though we have kept in contact I haven't seen him in years. I sometimes wonder though if maybe he was right, and some how we will end up married one day