Hello readers! Welcome to my story! This has been an idea that has been bouncing around in my head and I am honored that you are taking the time to read my story. This is my first serial story and I hope that you read and review.

Thanks to my Beta-reader, Neko-Cat-Sama for helping me edit my chappie. Love ya! .

Disclaimer: (Hides a swirly-eyed Rurouni behind back) I do not own the series Rurouni Kenshin or its characters. (Watsuki-san pops up and glares expectantly) Yes, even Kenshin! (sighs, as authoress hands over the Rurouni) But I am the proud owner of my own characters. Tsume is mine! Mine! Mine! MWHAHAHAHA!

Summary: Two months after Kaoru and Kenshin's marriage, Kenshin wraps himself up in a serial kidnapping case in an unhealthy manner and ends up becoming one of the victims. What he doesn't realize is how the case becomes a danger not only to himself, but to his ailing wife and that it all ties up to him.

Rating: T for Teens! Although this rating my change in the future depending on what my mind decides to do with the plot.

Chapter 1: Problems at the Dojo

"YA-HI-KO!" the infuriated raccoon that was Kaoru screamed.

The aforementioned young boy smirked as he continued the argument, "You heard me ugly! I am tired of your training!"

Kaoru grew a bit pink in the face as she picked up her bokken. "You are a freeloader in my dojo and you will do what I say!"

"I am tired of all the chores!" the boy complained.

"Yahiko, you are on your last straw!"


"THAT'S IT! YOU DON'T APPRECIATE ANYTHING I DO FOR YOU. DO YOU?!" Kaoru then promptly hit him several times with the bokken. After she was satisfied, she calmly gritted through her teeth. "You are grounded until further notice!"

"But, what about…" he asked dizzily with a head full of painful bumps.

"Including going out with Tsubame!"

Yahiko groaned. "But today's our one year anniversary."

Karou turned around and walked away. "Hmph. You should have thought about that you ungrateful LITTLE brat!"

As she slammed the door he cried out, "I AM NOT LITTLE!"

Kaoru stormed away and went to make dinner. As she chopped away on the poor defenseless vegetables, Kenshin walked in.

"Kaoru?" he said as he braced himself, as if afraid that she would explode on him too.

"YES?" she said through a forced smile.

He winced. "I couldn't help but overhear your argument, that I couldn't. Do you not think you were a little bit harsh on him?"

Kaoru glared. She looked awful menacing with that knife.

At this he said quickly with a smile, "I mean for tonight! He has been planning this for months and it would be awfully disappointing for Tsubame, that it would."

Kaoru sighed. She couldn't resist her new husband's smile. Her tone softened as she pronounced, "I guess your right. Can you go tell him that it is okay for tonight for me but," her voice changed to a stern tone as she raised her knife, "only for tonight, then he is grounded."

"I will, but I am sorry Kaoru, that I am, but I have to go to work right now. There is apparently another lead in the case, that there is." He apologized and gave her a kiss. "Don't bother cooking dinner for me. I'll probably be out late again." He turned to leave.

"Kenshin, not again. You just got home!" Kaoru pleaded as she grabbed the sleeve of his gi.

Kenshin sighed wearily as he turned back to his wife. "You know time is crucial in this case. I'll try to get back soon, that I will."

Kaoru watched as he walked out the door. I can't believe this! She fumed as she roughly grabbed some plates. Ever since Kenshin took that detective job with Saito, I hardly ever see him anymore.

It has been two months since Kaoru and Kenshin got married and they had a wonderful first month. Unfortunately, the police station desperately offered Kenshin a job when a series of random disappearances happened on the outskirts of Tokyo about a month ago. Because they needed the money and all the fights have been taken care of, Kenshin took the job against Kaoru's better judgment.

I wish he hadn't. He doesn't need this stress. He still hasn't fully recovered from his fight with Enishi, let alone Shishio. He just can't let himself rest, can he? Kaoru sighed as she went to slam two plates down on the table.

When he does show up at home, it is either late at night to sleep or during the day for a small amount of time working on putting clues together. Although no one else seems to notice, Kaoru knows her husband very well and has realized how frail and fatigued he is becoming. She has also become worried that he is losing weight and not eating well.

I probably won't see him at home again for another two days! Kaoru angrily thrust the bowl of rice on the table.

What was most frustrating was that she couldn't even visit Kenshin at the station. They would say stuff like he's too busy or it's a top-secret case so she couldn't see him. Even though she knew that all his work is justified because it seems almost everyday that a new person is kidnapped and time isn't on their side, she still wanted him home more often.

"UGLY! I'm leaving to go meet Tsubame!" Yahiko shouted as he open the shojo door.

Kaoru continued to set the table for a lonely two people and did not answer.

"Kaoru? Hey, Kaoru?" Yahiko called as he tried to get her attention by tapping her shoulder.

Kaoru jumped at the contact and dropped the Ohagi that Megumi had taught Kaoru to make recently even though it was no where near as good as her's. The bowl containing it fell to the ground and broke.

"K…Kaoru?" Yahiko said concernedly, bending down to help her pick up the pieces. "Are you okay?"

"Just go ahead, Yahiko," Kaoru said sadly.

"Let me help…" Yahiko said trying to continue to pick up the Ohagi.

"JUST GO!" Kaoru snapped. "I'll take care of it okay!"

Yahiko jumped and hurried off, shocked at her sudden change in mood.

As soon as the door slid shut, Kaoru stopped picking up the victimized Ohagi and the broken bowl as tears fell down her face. Why? I wish that they would solve this stupid case so that Kenshin could come home and we could have a big meal together. With Megumi and Sano visiting Misao in Kyoto, Yahiko always out with Tsubame, and Kenshin always working, she always felt alone. I hate being alone, Kaoru sobbed.

"K…Kaoru-Dono?" a man asked.

Kaoru jumped. As she quickly wiped her tears away, she stood up. "I've told you several times, call me Kaoru, or Kaoru-Chan if you must. You don't have to be that formal Tsume. Sorry, Yahiko scared me and I dropped this." She said hastily as she speedily started to pick the rest of the mess up.

"Oh, let me get that Kaoru-Dono. Are you okay?" Tsume asked.

Kaoru sighed and resigned to let Tsume clean it up. "Yah," she smiled. "Just stressed and frustrated with my cooking. You know, the normal stuff."

Tsume helped Kaoru finish setting the table and they sat down to eat. If it wasn't for Tsume I would be all alone right now. I almost forgot. Kaoru remembered. A few weeks ago, Kenshin saved Tsume's life from an assassin. Tsume had gotten in the way trying to save a little girl and Kenshin saved him and the girl just in time. He had lost his memory awhile back and didn't really have anywhere to go. So, he became the newest freeloader at the dojo. Tsume reminds me a lot about Kenshin in personality, Kaoru thought. Without him here doing Kenshin's old chores, we would be swamped in housework.

"Um…Kaoru-Dono! This dinner tastes really good tonight!" Tsume smiled a smile that rivals Kenshin's.

"Really?" Kaoru perked up despite the honorific which he seemed to refuse to not use. She could tell that he was only trying to cheer her up but she smiled appreciatively.

Tsume's personality may be very similar to Kenshin's but his appearance couldn't be more different. He has dark, short hair and a round, masculine face. His eyes are a dark, deep blue, very sharp and piercing. His height rivals that of Sano's and he wears an indigo gi that matches his eyes and a gray hakama. As she stared off into space, she thought that he kind of reminded her of Aoshi a bit.

"Kaoru-Dono, are you sure you are alright?"

"Oh, yes," she snapped out of her reverie realizing that she was playing with her food. "Excuse me," she giggled.

"When Yahiko called me to dinner, he expressed to me that he was concerned about you."

"Oh, I'm fine," she said quickly. "I was just being silly. So, tell me how your day went. Did you find anything in the city? Any news?"

"Well, a man closer to Tokyo City was kidnapped today."

They went so silent that all they could hear were the Cicadas.

"I wish this would stop soon."

"I talked to Kenshin on his way into the dojo today. They say that all of the kidnappings seemed to be related, but he didn't say how."

Kaoru raised her eyebrows in an almost jealous manner. "He hasn't told me anything."

"I'm sure he is just trying to protect you."

"I know," she sighed as she got up to clean the dishes. "Well, I am going to retire early tonight. Goodnight, Tsume."

"Goodnight, Kaoru-Dono."

As Kaoru headed to her room, she froze at a rustle in the trees right outside the dojo. She looked up and stared at the shadows for a second. Then, shook it off and went to bed.

A lone dark shadow reappeared for a few seconds before disappearing in a flash, leaving a rustle of leaves behind.

So. that's the first chappie. Please review on anything. The story, the grammar, the plot! Please don't leave me hanging on your thoughts! I hope to hear from you soon.

I will make it my goal to publish the next chapter within the week but I can't promise you. You never know where life can take you!

