
After dinner, Temari and the kids had left Sakura to her lonesome. Sakura turned the bath water on, and let it run till it got full. Sakura stepped into the warm water and soaked in the tub.

"Ah that feels good." Sakura said as she felt the water sensation run through her body. She felt relaxed and every thing felt right. She was disturbed from it when she swore she heard foot steps in her living room.

"It's just my imagination." Sakura said as she began to get sleep and closed her eyes almost falling asleep, she felt lips brush ever so softly against hers. Sakura woke up to see no one. Feeling uneasy, Sakura decided to get out of the tub and make a search through out the apartment. She grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her body and stepped out of her bedroom. Sakura first checked her kitchen, then her bedroom, and her bathroom. She remembered she forgot her work room and went to check it. She stepped in to the room and saw a man holding a picture of her.

(End of Recap)

Chapter Fifteen: A blast from the past

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The man was hidden in the darkness of the shadows and his hood hiding his face.

"I asked you a question." She said as he came towards her. Sakura grabbed her gun that she kept close by and pointed it at him. He stopped and in a low voice he spoke.

"Why do you point that at me?" He asked as Sakura recognized his voice but couldn't believe it was him.

"Who are you?" She asked as she lowered her gun. He came towards and she didn't move. He pushed it away and touched her face softly.

"You're still as beautiful ever." He said as he kissed her. Sakura almost resisted against the kiss but it was a familiar kiss that Sakura had longed for months. Sakura realized he had a hood on and Sakura pushed it back and saw him.

"It's you." Sakura said as she was breathless and tears of joy fell down her cheeks. He wiped them away and kissed her once more.

"I'm back Sakura." He said as Sakura held on to him and he held back on.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Sakura said as she kissed him again.

"Gaara, you're alive." He smiled and nodded at her.

"I saw you fall asleep but when the boats came, you weren't answering and I couldn't feel your heart beat so I figured you were gone. I wanted to be dead so badly but I wasn't going to die. I wanted to live for you. I swam a little to a boat that passed by and got out. I got frost bite, was hypothermic, and almost died. Apparently what the doctors told me was I passed out on the boat, was taken to the lower decks for medical attention so you might not've seen me immidiately but after that I was taken to the hospital and kept falling into comas but after the third one, I was done and managed to pull through. Also I lost some of the feeling in my body but after some treatment, I managed to better. They also managed to locate Temari and tell her I was alive and needed her to come to hospital. But the entire time I went through it, I thought only about you. I was going to live for you." Gaara said as her eyes got slightly teary.

"Just for me?" She asked as he nodded.

"Just for you." He said as he kissed her. Both had longed for one another since the boat sank and missed each other so much. The broke apart and Gaara looked at her neck.

"My necklace. You're still wearing it." He said as he saw a tan line around her neck. He smiled and kissed her once more.

"I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me." Sakura said. With a devious look on his Gaara gave a quick look up and down before whispering close to her ear.

"I notice you're all wet." She blushed.

"I was taking a bath." She said as she took his jacket off.

"That reminds me I need a bath as well." He said as picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bathroom. She giggled as she was swept off her feet and was carried to the bathroom. She took her towel off and waited for him to undress before she got in.

"You want to help me?" He asked with seducing smile. She smiled and kissed him as they undressed him. When he was stripped of his clothes, Sakura slipped back in to the tub and waited for him. Gaara climbed in to the large and hot tub with her.

"I'll say this, it's better than being in a cold ocean and almost freezing to death." Gaara said as she smiled and kissed him. He kissed her back and held her feeling emotions he hadn't felt in so long. Sakura saw he was still muscular like before. He looked down his stomach to see his still rather defined abs and his still well defined chest.

"You like what you see?" He asked as she nodded. He leaned down and kissed her. She snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him. He held her back pulling her as close as he could to his heart. They pulled apart taking a deep breath in and kissing once more. She held on to him as he kissed her neck.

"I thought I would never see you again. I almost let go." Sakura said with tears in her eyes.

"But I'm here now and don't worry, I'll catch you." Gaara said whispering in her ear. He leaned her down and looked down at her.

"I promised to always be here. I won't break away, ever." Gaara said as he kissed her. Gaara licked her bottom lip and begged for entrance. She granted it to him and felt his tongue in her mouth. As they battled for dominance, Sakura wondered if it was real. She had many dreams about Gaara being with her again but she couldn't tell.

"Is this a dream?" Sakura wondered as she felt Gaara grab her breast and massage it gently. She had remembered when he did this to her the first time, it felt like it was brand new. Gaara took a nipple in his mouth and thumbed the other one making Sakura moan. Gaara looked up to see Sakura's face start to fluster and thought it might be from the water. He quickly got out of the tub and picked Sakura up. Gaara took her to the bedroom and even though they were wet, they started to make love to each other.

"Gaara?" Sakura moaned out as he kissed her neck greedily.

"This isn't a dream is it?" She asked as he said no.

"If you don't believe it, let me prove it." Gaara said as he went down to her wet woman hood. He licked her all around her entrance and almost made her orgasm. Sakura sat up and kissed him. He kissed her back and laid her down on the bed and kissed her. He kissed her lips, down to her belly, down to her entrance. He came up to her and kissed her once more before gently thrusting himself within her. She felt a familiar wave of pain and pleasure raced through her body and up her hips and spine.

"Oh I missed this." Gaara thought as he began thrusting himself in her over and over again. She held on to him as he pumped himself into her as they made love. Sakura nearly screamed when they both came together. Gaara gave one last push into her before coming out. She rested and he crawled up beside her to rest as well. He laid up and kissed her once more before resting with her in his arms.


"Yes Sakura." Gaara replied as he breathed in her scent. He had so missed the smell of her scent. She always smelled like strawberries.

"I love you." Gaara smiled as kissed her cheek. Sakura shortly fell asleep in his arms as Gaara watched her for a while before going to sleep.

"I'll never leave you. I never will, I promise." Gaara said kissed her once more before going to sleep.

It took me a very long time to figure out how i was gonna do this ending cause i wanted to do something other than the old lady dropping a special necklace in the water. Also a lot of viewers saw it coming so might as well give them what they want. Gaara was never dead! =D yeah! So this concludes my story, well not my story but my version of the story, thought still very the same story. I might also add that none of the characters were mine. They all belong to the creator of Naruto and the story of Titanic belongs to who ever wrote it. So I hoped you enjoyed this story that took me forever to finish and R&R! Sincerally, Yukiko Amaye.