Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine duh.


'Okay just take a big breath you can do it.' Thought Hinata giving herself a pep talk to go talk to Naruto-kun. 'Okay here we go.'

"Hey Hinata-chan." yelled Naruto before she could say anything. "What'cha doing?"

"H Hi N-Naruto-kun. I-I'm not doing nothing today." Hinata quietly replied with a deep blush.

"Great you can come with me and Sasuke to go get some ramen." He said continuing towards his destination. "Come on we can go see a movie or something afterwards."

"O-Okay." Said Hinata turning red. They walked towards the park with Naruto babbling on about this and that until they came upon a brooding Sasuke.

"Sasuke, Hinata's coming with us. She can act the referee for the ramen eating contest." Said Naruto happily.

"Hn" was his reply.

"Here comes Sakura-chan" said Naruto with a big grin on his face.

"Sasuke-kun do you want to go training with me." said Sakura while latching onto his arm. Sasuke immediately snatched his arm away and said no.

"I'll go with you Sakura-chan." Naruto said.

"Fine lets go." she answered walking off with a very happy Naruto following close behind.

Hinata's face fell as she watched him walk of.

"Are you okay." asked Sasuke looking at her. She just nodded her head. "Don't take that personal he is very dense." Hinata turned red and quietly asked "You know I like him?" "Hn every body knows except for him." If possible she turned even redder from the embarrassment and humiliation. Tears started building up and she desperately tried to keep them at bay but it was no use they slowly escaped.

"Don't cry it's his lost." Sasuke said looking very uncomfortable. "Look stop crying and I'll help you win him over okay just don't cry." he desperately said looking lost. Hinata looked at him surprised to hear him say that the tears immediately dried up. "You would really help me?" she asked amazed and without a stutter.

"I promised didn't I" she nodded "Well come on I'm starving we can talk about this over lunch. I hope you don't mind going to The Fall I don't feel like getting ramen." She nodded again it was actually her favorite restaurant. They ate in a comfortable silence. "Hn the first thing we should do is make a list ,I guess, of everything Naruto likes in a girl." he said breaking the silence. He looked at her as she nodded and continued eating her desert. "We can go to my house and start there."

"Okay, but how exactly are you going to help me?"

"I know him better then anyone since I see him everyday and he wouldn't leave me alone. Your not stuttering."

"I I guess I'm comfortable around you." she said blushing scarlet red.

He smirked while helping her up from the table and headed outside. They walked to Sasuke's mansion each lost in their own thoughts. Hinata wondered about feeling comfortable with the Uchiha heir of all the people she knew he was the first one she immediately stop stuttering in front of. They finally arrived in front of his home which stood eerily silent and alone. "Come on in." He said while holding the door open for her. She smiled and stepped inside removing her sandals. "Let me get some paper and pen." he said while disappearing into another room. He reappeared seconds later with the required stuff in hand. "Okay lets see." he started while sitting himself on the floor in front of a low table. Hinata went and sat down beside him while he stared of in space thinking. "Well first of all he likes assertive girls. Outgoing and they have to like ramen that's for sure. They have to have a nice body and a little experience. Hmm." he broke of thinking a little more.

"Ano Sasuke everything you just said isn't me except for the ramen part everything else is not me."

"I know but I did say I would help you. I guess the hardest part is to stop the stuttering and fainting in front of him and to make you more assertive." he said with a pensive look. "Take off your jacket." he suddenly said.


"Take off your jacket. Lets see if you have a nice body."

"O-okay." she said turning beet red standing up and removing her bulky jacket and dropping it on the floor. Sasuke stood up and put his hands on her waist and slowly started moving his hands up her sides.

"What are you doing." she asked a little breathless as his hands slid dangerously close to her breast. Her nipples instantly puckered, her breast ached and felt extremely heavy and it seemed heat was pooling down to her stomach and sex.

"Just checking." He answered a little huskily. "Your clothes are so baggy I can't tell if you got curves or what." he continued as his hands slowly traveled back down her body his thumbs slightly grazing the sides of her breast and past her waist slightly cupping her butt and down to her thighs and finally letting her go. "I think you have a nice body. Do you have any clothes that are not baggy?" he asked sitting back down.

"Hm no I don't think so." she answered sitting down as well.

"Okay we need to get you new clothes. We can probably do that tomorrow. Now about your shyness. That's going to be harder." he gave her a long penetrating stare. "Why do you stutter?"

"I don't know it just happens."

"Hn what about the fainting."

"It just happens"

"Hn" he stared of into space again "You said you don't stutter with me because your comfortable. Right?" At her nod he continued. "Why are you comfortable with me?"

"I don't know its just a feeling of being safe." she answered honestly.

A look of surprise came into his face before it was quickly replaced by his trademark bored look. "Okay and when your around other people?"

"I feel like there judging me waiting for me to show weakness to mess up." she softly replied while lowering her head.

"Lets try this when your talking to someone pretend its me. That's your homework for tonight try it out on some people. What time can we meet tomorrow?" He asked looking outside at the already darkening sky.

"I have practice in the morning until lunch time after that I'm pretty much free."

"Lets meet at the park and from there we'll go shopping maybe with your new clothes your new attitude will come easier." He said standing up and giving her his hand to help her up. She accepted with a smile and was slowly pulled up and stood facing him eyes meeting until he broke his dark eyes away from her light ones. She bent down to grab her jacket and they both headed out of the house and headed towards the Hyuga mansion. When they reached the front gate they turned to look at each other. "I'll see you tomorrow. And remember about your homework." He said smiling down at her.

"Okay bye." She said as he turned to walk back to his house. With a bright smile she turned walking into her home. And who did she encounter first no one but the man that hated her the most her father. She looked at him and thought of Sasuke. Threw out their conversation she did not stutter once and they for once had a pleasant conversation as they parted ways he gave her a nod of approval. She smiled who knew she had it in her.

The next morning she managed to go threw the day with only stuttering once. As the time neared for her to meet Sasuke she started to become nervous thinking of her new look and most of all her new attitude that he gave her. She was so in grossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Naruto talking to her she walked right by him never noticing the look of confusion on his face and the satisfied smirk that Sasuke wore. "Did I do something wrong?" asked an unhappy Naruto.

"Dobe you dumped her yesterday to follow after Sakura."

"What are you talking about?"

"You did invite her to lunch and the movies then you dumped her on me to go training with Sakura." replied an annoyed Sasuke.

"Oh shit I forgot about that." said a mortified red face Naruto. "I better go apologize and make it up to her today." He finished up as he ran of.

"Moron." was the only replied he got. Sasuke slowly walked towards the park sure that Hinata was probably not there most likely ran of with the dobe. When he arrived he was surprised to find her sitting underneath a tree looking very pretty with a smile on her face directed at him. At that moment a slight flutter went on in his stomach. He ignored it and went up to her."You ready?" he asked while holding out his hand to pull her up.

"Hai" she said softly getting on her feet and following after him. They walked to the main part of the village where all the stores and street merchants were located. They walked silently side by side looking at the various displays until one particular stand caught Sasukes eyes. He walked over and asked if they had anything that would fit her. The old merchant looked Hinata up and down and produced a black and purple fighting yukata with a solid black obi. Sasuke nodded and quickly paid or it.

"Ano Sasuke I brought money I can pay for it."

"Don't worry about it consider it my treat."

" Um the yukata looked a bit to small to fit me." she shyly said.

"Hn" was his only reply before walking of to another stand. He bought her a new weapons pouch to go with her new clothes and various other fighting outfits and ninja shoes. They walked into a store that sold modern clothes there he picked out various jeans and shirts before a sales lady ,who was busy with other customers, came to greet them.

"How may I help you ?" she ask directing her smile to Sasuke. He gave a disgusted look and pushed Hinata in front of him. "She needs a new look." was all he said before he disappeared. The lady looked Hinata over and then gave a bright smile. She grabbed Hinata and started telling her what kind of clothing would look on her petite frame. It seemed that the lady loved her job because she not only picked out some nice things for her but got her shoes and new bras and pantys and told her how to combined her clothing and how to put up her hair and makeup she should wear. As they neared the counter to pay for all her new things Sasuke suddenly appeared looking bored and paid for everything grabbed the bags and put an arm around her waist and practically carried her out of the store. She gave him a confused look as they slowed down once they were out of the shopping district.

He looked down at her and smiled."Now I know why married men hate going shopping with their wife. Do women always take that long and talk about embarrassing things?" he asked turning red. She slightly frown wondering what he was talking about when she realized that he must have been their when they were picking out lingerea. She blushed thinking about the sexy lingerie that Magumi ,the sales lady, had insisted she buy saying that it help bring out her natural charms to the male eyes.

"Not really. When I go shopping I usually know what to buy." she sheepishly replied as they got near his house. Just as they reached his door her stomach decided to remind her that she was hungry. She turned bright red and Sasuke gave a husky laugh saying that they can fix dinner inside. They brought all the bags to his bedroom then went into the kitchen. "I'll fix dinner you can go take a shower if you want." Hinata said as she prepared everything.

He nodded and headed to his room and grabbed some clothes and went into his private bathroom. Minutes later he came out feeling refreshed and to the smell of some of the most delicious aromas ever. He headed to the kitchen to find Hinata at the stove softly humming to her self. He sat down at the table as she turned around and smiled at him and started putting tray after tray of food on the table for them both. They silently ate enjoying each others presence. When they were done Sasuke said he would clean up and she could go shower and to try on some of the clothes.

She nodded and headed to his room grabbed some clothes and went into his bathroom. When she came out he was lying in his bed waiting on her. He looked at her his eyes wandering her body almost like a soft crasse. She was wearing one of the fighting yukatas that hugged her body showing of every detail but never showing actual skin. He nodded his approval and handed her more clothes they spent an hour of her modeling for him and him nodding his approval. She was happy with her new look even if it showed of her figure it was not inappropriate. She had to admit that Saskue had nice taste. She smiled as she sat beside him on the bed.

"How did your homework go?" he asked sounding so much like Kureni sensei.

She couldn't help the devious smile that appear on her face as she answered."It was great ,Sasuke sensei, I actually had a normal conversation with my father and this morning I talked to Shino-kun and Kiba-kun without stuttering."

He smirked "Sasuke sensei. Huh"

She blushed "You are my sensei."

"Okay I can live with that. So no more stuttering?" she nodded "What about around Naruto?"

"I haven't really tried on him yet. " He looked surprised . "I wanted to wait until you said it would be okay."

He nodded and brought out the list. "Hmm lets see the assertiveness takes times. The stuttering is fixed. You have a nice body so that's not a problem. Do you have any experience with men?" he asked looking doubtful.

She shook her head turning red. He sighed "You can practice on me." If possible she turned even a brighter color red. "Kiss me" he said putting the paper on the table beside the bed.

"How"she asked.

"How ever you want its up to you." he said lying back down on the bed.

"Okay" she lend in above him and gave him a peck on the mouth before quickly pulling back up. He chuckled and told her to do it again and he would show her how to do it. She obediently lend in again pressing her lips to his but before she could pull back he held her head. He pressed his lips softly to hers and started to lightly nibble on her mouth. he slowly pulled her bottom lip with his teeth and gave it a slight suck before letting her go.

"Okay you try it." She nodded and lend in to copy his actions but instead of letting his lip go she darted her tongue out to sooth the nibbles he opened his mouth and she boldly plunge her tongue in. Their tongues battled for dominance and when there was no clear winner they came up for breath both slightly panting.

She sat back only to hear him groan and feel something hard on her bottom. That's when she realized that she was straddling him she blushed and tried to get off but he grabbed her waist and held her steady.

"Are you sure you don't have any experience?' he asked with a smirk as he grounded his hips into her warmth. She gasped as her body responded by grinding back to feel that wonderful sensation.

She nodded as she was brought down for a mind blowing kiss.

"Hinata touch me." he huskily said. She obeyed by slipping her hands under his shirt feeling his hard muscular chest. He stood up on his elbows and allowed her to take his shirt off. He laid back down and Hinata took her time appreciating his hard chest. Her hands freely roamed over his chest sliding down plucking a nipple and over his abs. They stopped at his short waist and started its slow caressing up.

Her hands touched his face going over his lips ,his nose and eyes and finally resting in his silky hair. She softly caressed his hair and brought her hands back down to his chest as her hands slid over his nipples again he shuddered and moaned causing molten heat to pool in between her legs.

Her breasts ached longing to be touched so she grabbed his hands from around her waist and placed them on her breast. He gave them a squeeze and she arched her back purring with pleasure. She went down for another mind blowing kiss moaning as the combination of his hands touching her breast and his erection grinding against her.

He suddenly grabbed her flipping them over so he could be on top. Slowly he began to remove her clothes giving her time to protest. Just as skin was being exposed they were stopped by loud knocking.

Their harsh breathing was the only thing heard as they stared into each others eyes. The knocking started again followed by Naruto's voice " Sasuke-teme I know your their open up. Teme open the door."

They both bolted from the bed Sasuke quick;y putting on his shirt and taming his hair he turned telling her to wait in the room. She nodded and went into the bathroom to check on her appearance.

As she looked in the mirror she noticed her eyes were bright and the blush on her cheeks was present . She tied her obi in place just as Sasuke entered the bathroom.

"I have to go the hokage called us for a mission." He said running his hands threw his hair. "listen um when I come back would you like to go to dinner or something. I know you like Naruto but maybe you could give me a chance."He was blushing and looking the other way. In a bold move Hinata kissed him and said "Hai I would love that." He gave a smirk and exited the bathroom and went after the loud blond. Hinata quickly grabbed her clothes and left the house locking the door behind her. On the street she gave a wicked smile thinking that her plan to grab the attention of the man she had wanted had worked. After all what guy doesn't want his best friends crush.

Okay I know its totally OCC but thats why its a fan fiction. Reviews are welcome good or bad.