Disclaimer: I own nothing.



9 A.M.

My office

I'm not lazy. Really.

Just because I'd go to any lengths to avoid doing work doesn't make me lazy.

Try telling that to Riza.

9:02 A.M.

Riza wouldn't believe that statement even if it came from the Fuhrer himself.

9:03 A.M.

Note to self: Become Fuhrer to prove to Riza that I am not lazy.

9:04 A.M.

Note to self: That comes right after the Miniskirt Act.

9:05 A.M.


9:08 A.M.

"Sir, if you were ever to prove that you weren't lazy, maybe you should actually consider doing the paperwork."

Damn it. That woman knows everything.

9:15 A.M.

She also knows that the reason that I've been slacking off on my work is to write in this di--journal.

Yes. It is in fact, a journal to document my rise to Fuhrer.


Let's go with that.

9:21 A.M.

Hey! I'm already First Lieutanant.

"Sir, you should probably stop talking out loud. Someone may get the wrong idea."

What? It only sounds like I'm about to murder the Fuhrer, betray the country, and take over the country.

I'm harmless, really.


Damn her and her ability to hear through walls.

"I've been standing here for the past five minutes."



9:45 A.M.

I finally managed to convince her that I would fill out a couple of forms so that she would leave my office for a few minutes. I swear that that woman is scary--she shouldn't be brandishing a gun at all hours of the day; she's bound to scare some innocent passer by sooner or later.

9:46 A.M.

Scratch that, she already has.

There was one time...


I don't believe that I should bring that up.

I have...work to do.

9:47 A.M.

Blasted notebook.

Oh yes, where was I?

Right. Ranting about Riza.

I think that she's scared half the people there with her gun--half the new people we received one year threatened to quit, just because someone had gotten a little smart with her, and she had fired her gun.

I believe he said something along the lines of, "Why do you carry that around? What use is it if you're a girl, and can't shoot?"

Poor guy.

9:59 A.M.

Twelve straight minutes.

I have spent twelve straight minutes filling out some rather interesting paperwork.


Who decided that we would send state alchemists on that kind of ridiculous mission?

The Military doesn't go around chasing people who claim that they saw their neighboors attempt to bring someone back from the dead.

I mean, really.

I pity the poor soul that has to go on this mission.

...Is that my name?

10:01 A.M.

Am still in denial that I have to chase down some kid.

10:02 A.M.

Still am.

10:03 A.M.

Now too.

10:04 A.M.

According to this report, some kid named Edward Elric attempted some rather complex alchemy and attempted to bring his mother back to life. It also says that he bound his brother's soul to a suit of armour.

...How old is this kid?

10:15 A.M.

Have just found out that he's not even a teenager.

Kids these days.

10:16 A.M.

Have also found out that I have to meet him.


What am I supposed to say?

"Hi, I'm Roy Mustang. I'm a state alchemist--most people hate me. We would like to recruit you in a few years. It'll be great! Be hated by half the world, and controlled by the military--you'll never think for yourself again. It'll be fun."

Scratch that.

I need to work on my speeches.

2:30 P.M.

Being driven to Risenbool.

Apparently this was urgent. That's why I am currently being driven to the town of Risenbool. I would take a train, but apparently it was urgent.

Apparently having common sense isn't necessary in the higher ranks.

"Sir, your mumbling is starting to scare me."

.I'm not scary.

8:30 P.M.


What brilliant mind possibly thought that taking a car would be faster than a train?

Well, it didn't exactly help that there was traffic--

...I have a very incompetent driver.

As of now, you're fired.

"Sir, I don't believe that you have the authority to do that."

Note to self: When I become Fuhrer, all drivers that fail to get me somewhere in under six hours will be fired.

8:31 P.M.

Note to self: This declaration comes right after The Miniskirt Act, and after that comes the I'm Not Lazy, Riza Hawkeye Act.

I'm so amazing.

10:59 P.M.

Being driven home

Yet another note to myself: Never attempt to talk sense into that woman Pinako.

It just doesn't work.

She does have a point--state alchemists are pretty much controlled by the military, but she didn't have to say dogs.

I like dogs. They're loyal, and you never have to pay them.

But, I, Roy Mustang, am not a dog.

11:00 P.M.

Still not a dog.

11:01 P.M.

Not a dog.

3:29 A.M.

At home

Still not.