


Congratulations! You have seen the anime Full Metal Alchemist and has decided that a certain hot character is the man for you! New to the fangirl world? No problem! The Fangirl Guide to FMA Bishis is here to help!

Please note: This fangirl guide is made completely for fangirls, and it is suggested to have OORFS (Over Obsessive Rabid Fangirl Syndrome) before continuing. Thank you.

Here at Full Metal Ayumi, the official corporation for fanfiction's Ayumi Elric, we ensure you that you will be guaranteed a chance of a lifetime. All fangirl acts have been tested and approved by FMA's biggest fangirls, including Ayumi Elric herself, and are certain to bring you with the bishi of your dreams!

Though completely safe, the Fangirl Guide is not recommended for those who don't fully intend to capture their bishi. Casualties, humiliation and otherwise is not to be blamed on Full Metal Ayumi. Reading and following through with the contents of this Guide ensures that you are indeed responsible for whatever acts you take.

If you are completely sure and determined to capture your bishi, please note that there are many FMA fangirls, some who may acquire your bishi before you do. Not to worry! We assure you that at some point, your bishi will free himself, leaving him open for your capture.

Good luck! Read through future chapters for information on your bishi!


