Title: Tracey, oh how I loved thee!

Author: StarQuality (But much older, and less wise!)

Disclaimer: Pokémon is the registered trademark of some really cool dudes.

Summary: Written to express my love for the sexiest cartoon character of them all.

A/N: Well, I wrote this back in '01, and I've updated it a lot, as I don't actually watch Pokémon anymore. But, I'm sure I'll start again some day. I just got sick of seeing it written like it was. (Going through major re-vamping stages) So there you go. In past tense for the simple reason that I don't watch it anymore.

Reasons why I loved Tracey:

1. He cared - He really did, ya'll.

2. He was a cutie - Well, that one's obvious.

3. He drew stuff - And good stuff too.

4. He's HOT - Did you SEE him with no bandana?!

5. He was a good replacement for Brock - Not that I don't like Brock.

6. He was adorable - Awwwww, bless 'im.

7. He said that AAML is a good idea. - I THINK he did, didn't he? Oh well, he probably thinks it.

8. He was sexy - He was, and he still is, I would think.

9. Too many Tracey-haters - I feel the need to support him.

10. He was handsome - Meh, he was.

Things I DID...

1. Squealed when I saw him - I scared many a person with this one.

2. Hugged the TV when he was full-screen - As Karma50 so rightly said in her review.

3. Talked about him, non-stop, for a whole day - I did, you know.

4. Keep a little picture of him in my homework diary - Honest to God, he was right there!

5. Almost broke my hand through slapping the screen over Tracey-Bashing fic - And almost broke the screen.

6. Have picture mentioned in 4 on my wall - Yes, right above my bed, he's there.

7. Tattooed 'I love Tracey/Kenji' all over myself - My arm, mostly.

8. Led a debate about the Tracey-ness of Tracey - In one of my old chatrooms.

9. Put little 'Tracey notes' after his name in a fic - I never did post that. Maybe one day.

10. Prick my ears up whenever I heard 'The Name' - Once I listened to a whole conversation about some poor girl called 'Tracy' on a bus, just because of her name...

God I was a sad individual. But, I still am. I re-vamped, doesn't it look much prettier? What with the nice horizontal bars! I have a serious obsession with the horizontal bar thing. (See my newer fics for examples)

You know, Tracey was one of my very first crushes. Now if you ask Mercedes, Sibby, John, Alex... Any of my friends, really, you'll see why I've been given the nickname 'Crush Girl'. Good Lord, I need to stop fancying every male on the planet. But then. It doesn't hurt. Actually, it's quite pleasant.
