A/N: thx to all my reviewers!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 5:

At thunder clan camp…….

-Squirrelflight runs around camp followed by an angry mob-

In chatroom C……..

Snoweywhitepaws: MAY YOU PLEASE STOP CORRECTING ME?!?!?!?!?

Flameydude: It's CAN you please!

Snoweywhitepaws: Sory!

Flameydude: You didn't apologise yet! You said sory!

Snoweywhitepaws: Gosh….wait a min…… YOU SPELLED APOLOGIZED WRONG!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!1

Flameydude: What, but an elaphent never forgets!!!!!



Snoweywhitepaws: rrrrrrriiiiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhhhtttttt……

Ashhunk has logged on

Footballhawk has logged on


Footballhawk: I know! Who let Blackstar on our team!!!!

Ashhunk: He even put on the other team's uniform!

Footballhawk: And scored the other team's goals

Ashhunk: And forgot how to play

Footballhawk: And thought the football was a over-sized vole

Ashhunk: And started eating it

Flameydude: He ate a football?

Ashhunk: Ya, and we had to play with it!

Snoweywhitepaws: That's even dumber than spelling "Elephant" wrong!

Footballhawk: Who spelled elephant wrong?

Snoweywhitepaws: Miss beta!

Footballhawk: Seriously?

Snoweywhitepaws: Yep! She spelled apologized wrong too!

Ashhunk: Wow…..

Flameydude: Ok, can you guys pleeeeeeeeze stop talking about my mistakes?

Ashhunk: No!

Flameydude has logged off

Snoweywhitepaws: aaawwwwwwweeeeee!!! It's no fun when she's not here!

Leaderofthunder has logged on

Leaderofthunder: I finally got my DS back from Squirrelflight!!!!!!!!!!

Ashhunk: Riiiiight…

Leaderofthunder: No, really guys! It's me Firestar.

Snoweywhitepaws: Riiight……

Sandykitty: Hey Firestar!!! How's it goin'?

Footballhawk: That's not Firestar! That's Squirrelflight!!!!!!!!!!

Sandykitty: Oh…. Squirrelflight get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Furofthesnow has logged on

Furofthesnow: There you are Squirrelflight!!!

Ashhunk: HA!!! See! We caught you read handed miss "Leaderofthunder!!!"

Furofsnow: NO! I mean miss"Sandykitty!!!"

Sandykitty: How dare you accuse me of being my mother!!!!...opps

Sandykitty has logged off

Leaderofthunder: I think you owe someone an aopolgy!

Snoweywhitepaws: Uh oh!!!

Snoweywhitepaws has logged off

Furofsnow has logged off

Ashhunk has logged off

Footballhawk has logged off

Leaderofsh…… has logged on

Leaderofsh……: Wanna hear about the voleballgame Fire…. Fire… Fire…

Leaderofthunder: It's the same ending as your name Blackstar!!!

Leaderofsh……: Right!!! Firefur!!!!

A/N: how was it? Please review.