Chapter 4

Keep your mind wide open.

"get up Jess." Maybelle looked down upon her brother with very little concern for what he had just witnessed. "Maybelle, how, what, why?!" the boy was very confused and somewhat disillusioned, had he really just seen Maybelle use "magic"? "Jess, I need to ask you about the chronometer-maxius nihil." The what? "Jess's mind was in a complete tailspin, not to mention his body was weak from the stress of having to cope and digest all of it. Jess slowly took stance and leered at his surrounding while keeping his gaze far from Maybelle's eyes. "Maybelle…" jess took a few moments to try and conjugate a sentence. "Yes, Brother?" Maybelle asked. "I'm not quite sure how to ask or how to justify all of this so I will just go with it…is that ok?" Jess stood in front of his sister half embarrassed by his nonchalant answer. "That's fine Jess, I don't really expect you do believe or to accept all of this at once anyway."


The sun was creeping in slowly through the windows of Jess's bedroom, warming and bathing the room in the soft yellow glow of the new day ahead. The boy threw the covers off and ambled along the hall way to the bathroom that was vacant. After doing the daily due diligence such as brushing teeth, washing face etc, etc Jess flew down the stair to find his mother and father at the table. "Good Morning" his father and mother quickly replied to their son in unison "Good Morning Jess". After grabbing a piece of toast and a glass of oj he ran off to the woods, passing the Bridge to Terabitha and past were he was first attacked by the Skwogers and so forth he quickly made his way to the "Palace".

"Maybelle" he called out. Maybelle's voice was heard calling in the distance "Jess I'm over here by the brook." Jess began to run at top speed, feeling energized because of the sun and the possibility of a "magic" that might actually lay dormant in the woods. Then suddenly to his surprise he was running faster than ever before, really running at a super human speed through the forest. Maybelle was right there was magic in the woods and he could use it and bend it to his will, no longer just lost in a make believe world of childish imagination but controlling an utilizing a force that had laid dormant for god knows how long. It was at this point lost in complete bliss that he had realized that he had just started running toward Maybelle's voice; he had no idea where this over brook was. The only body of water around here was the ravine at the bridge to terabithia. Still running at break neck speed he scanned the forest but the only thing he could see were trees whipping by him in green and brown blurs and then…

OHHHHH NOOOO!!!!!!!!! He had run completely to the edge of the woods and straight to the edge to the cliff that separated the hills and the valley below, a 500 foot vertical drop to the valley below. Jess had no time to react or to slow down and he fell off the cliff face. The wind was punishing his face and forcing his eyes closed as he fell, he felt himself starting to fall faster and as he forced his eyes open he saw the ground growing closer and closer. Jess felt that death was immanent and the only thing he could think about was Leslie and how being splattered on that cold earth below would be a pathetic death and this would not be acceptable if he was going to try to save the girl. Jess screamed out the only word that made sense to him at the time, hoping against hope that it would work…FLY!!!!!!!!!! The sensation of a wind being blown from the earth hit him like a freight train and he began slowing down as he descended toward the earth below. Not more than 10 feet from the grass field below he thought…"I can do anything, this is my world…now…lets see what the eagles see." With the speed of a missile Jess shot 5,000 into the air and peered at the surrounding towns and farms. All the boy could do at this point was laugh and scream with sheer delight and ecstasy.

Jess thought of the countless stories and comics and movies that he had seen only wishing that the real world was like that, being bitten by a radioactive bug turns you into a hero, waking up one morning and realizing that your superman. It was at this point he realized. "Maybelle , I almost forgot about her!" Jess quickly made his decent into the terabithian forest and glided through the trees testing his Arial acrobatics and calling out for his sister.

Then he heard Maybelle call out from the palace. "Jess I'm in the treehouse, quit dawdling and come here." Jess hovered along the canopy until he spotted the treehouse. He slowly crept toward the balcony area and touched down. Jess was over come with excitement that he ran over and knocked his siter down to the ground and practically screamed in her face "Maybelle, I can fly!!!!" Jess jumped to his feet and ran toward the balcony and leapt from the railing and turned in mid-air and started to hover 15 feet above the ground. Maybelle looked at her brother with amazement and smiled and laughed. She then looked at her brother and said "this is going to be a lot easier than I thought."

A/N: well that is chapter 4 and I am working on the rest as we speak. The only reason for me coming back to fanfiction and restaring the story is because of all of you who read and commented on it and kept screaming out for more. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This is for all of you.

Yours truly