It was exactly twenty two to three in the morning, and not a soul was stirring. Not even a mouse.

A red-headded teenager by the name of Gaara was lying sprawled on the couch in his livingroom, however. Teal eyes stared up at the ceiling silently, bored. Nothing to do. Can't sleep. The thing in his head would eat him.

"I'm not crazy," Gaara told himself. "I just have another consciousness in my brain."

'Con-tra-dik-shun!' Shukaku enunciated delightedly.

With a sigh, Gaara heaved himself to his feet. What to do...? He needed something to do to keep himself busy...

Temari awoke in the morning at the sound of mewing. Immediately, she was sitting up, and she gaped silently at Kyo, who sat on the end of her bed –his bed. Everything was his–.

The cat stared back, all four limbs clad in a different coloured sock, his tail clad in a longer kind of sock, stockings tied around his middle, and a leg-warmer bunched around his fuzzy neck. Tufts of ginger fur stuck up in between the foot-coverings like weeds between tiles.

Gaara smirked when he heard the predicted shriek from upstairs.


((Not my best, but, I wrote this quite a while ago and just forgot to post it. Enjoy! Ghost Busters are awesome.))