
An old man wandering around the Olympic Games looking for a seat was jeered at by the crowd until he reached the seats of the Spartans, whereupon every Spartan younger than him, and some that were older, stood up and offered him their seat. The crowd applauded and the old man turned to them with a sigh, saying "All Greeks know what is right, but only the Spartans do it."

Dawn spread her fingers over the horizon casting rays of orange and pink to signify the new day. Large black clouds quickly chased and swallowed the dawn before her light could fully engulf the sky. Thunder rumbled over the city of Sparta as Zeus dominated the sky with his lightening bolt.

The prince slowly sat up in his bed, aroused by the approaching sound of thunder. As he sat up in bed the white sheets ran down his golden skin, clinging like water to his perfectly sculpted chest, only to drip down and form a puddle around his waist. The prince's cobalt eyes swept across the darkened room searching for something he knew he wouldn't find. His eyes finally rested on the empty spot beside him on the bed. Before he let his sleep hazed mind wrap around the protruding feeling of emptiness he quickly slid out of bed. The white sheets fluttered behind his retreating naked form as if begging him not to go. His movements were graceful and silent like those of a panther as he walked across the room toward the balcony. Reaching his destination he leaned over the cool stone surface of the balcony to gaze across the city he cherished, a deep sigh escaping his lips. The city of Sparta was still resting peacefully under the watchful eyes of the Gods

The prince's eyes wandered across the city before turning their attention to the sky. He watched with sudden interest as the lightening curled it's fingertips into the dark bed of clouds like a lover in the throes of passion. A gust of wind then greeted the prince's naked form, caressing his bare skin and bringing small goose bumps to the surface. Bowing his head in submission to the wind the prince let his thoughts wander over the proceeding events of the day. Today was his twenty third birthday…. and a handful of the most beautiful women were coming to the palace in hopes of becoming his Queen. The prince's head snapped back up as his eyes darkened in anger on what the day would bring. Turning back to reenter his room a cruel smirk graced his face as crack of thunder bellowed behind his retreating form.

'Today…' the prince mused, 'Today…he would be forced to choose a wife..'

A knock echoed through the empty hallway before the doors to the royal chamber opened to reveal the prince from within. The prince had adorned himself in a brown linen cloth that clung to his waist and did little to hide his sinfully handsome body. He also adorned a red cape around his shoulders that ran down his body to lightly brush the floor. The prince stopped as he came face to face with four Spartan soldiers.

"Endymion.." One of the five men called before bowing mockingly.

The prince raised an elegant eyebrow at the soldier, "Jadeite…really I'm in no mood.."

Jadeite grinned, "Oh come on Endymion! I would be in the mood if I had fifty of the most beautiful women from across the land coming to seduce me into marrying them!"

"You would…wouldn't you." Endymion replied dryly as he rolled his eyes at one of his best friends.

Jadeite grinned boyishly before the man standing next to him hit the back of his golden brown head.

"OW! Malachite…was that entirely necessary!?" Jadeite whined as he nursed his head.

"It was…entirely." Malachite uttered without sympathy.

"Nephrite…Zoicite.. back me up here!" Jadeite complained.

The two soldiers shrugged their shoulders unwilling to get into the argument.

Endymion sighed at the scene before him. "Is there something you needed…or should I just leave?"

Malachite stepped forward, "Actually, we have a list of the women who received invitations from the council…concerning your birthday celebration."

Endymion scoffed, "That was a nice way to put it...invitation to my birthday celebration…more like an invitation to be considered for the position of Queen."

"You act as though these women are applying for a job interview." Zoicite muttered slightly disgusted by the idea.

Once again a cruel smile played across Endymion's sinful lips. "And you act as though I had a choice in whom these women would be… No…The council has made it their business to control every aspect of my life they possibly can!" Anger flared in his cold blue eyes. "Most of the women on that list are probably related to the council members themselves!"

The men in front of Endymion visibly flinched as anger vibrated off of their prince.

Endymion turned and started his retreat down the hall, "Make sure some of the soldiers have received orders to help collect these women and bring them safely to the palace. If you need me I will be out in the training fields!"

"Well, I'm glad he's in a good mood on his Birthday!" Jadeite joked as the other men only sighed at Jadeite's attempt to bring forth laughter.

"May the Gods show favor on Endymion…when he chooses a wife." Nephrite uttered as he gazed at Endymion's retreating figure.

Malachite nodded in agreement, "Well, let us now follow the Prince's orders… each one of us can take a few soldiers and head out to gather the remainder of the women who haven't arrive yet."

The four men headed towards the stables to fulfill their Prince's instructions as thunder clapped over their heads. Today was the Spartan Prince's twenty-third birthday… and it would prove to be a rather trialing day.


OK! That's it for chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it!!! Now…what I'm about to say is very important… I have already written the next five chapters!! It is just up to YOU.. (my readers) to review and tell me what you think!!!

Next I would like to say that I got the idea for this story purely from the movie 300. It was one of the most awesome movies I have ever seen and I could totally imagine Endymion (and the generals) being that bad ass! The result of this train of thought was this story!

And Finally…I would like to say that I HAVE taken a course in mythology… so I know what I'm talking about when I describe the gods..and how the people back then felt about them. This aspect plays a major role in this story … Therefore the gods will also play a major role within this story.

I hoped you enjoyed chapter one..and I'll be waiting for those reviews! I promise…this story will get really good!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon nor do I own…the rights to the movie 300.