The Secret Kept

I don't own Inuyasha, or any other character from the anime and manga.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but here was a land ravaged with death and destruction, where danger was a common visitor to your home; it was glorious to gaze upon. To the eyes above, the grass was lushly green, full of life and joy. Yet still it held its youthful ignorance of future deformities.

The mother was young and untested by the trials of time. She had dressed herself in her finest and most glamorous of garments. She shimmered with all the shades of green life had to offer, each vibrant and stunning; sprinkled upon her gown she wore the beads of existence, colours of the cognizant, more various than any rainbow could ever dream. Death roamed and wooed, he lusted and he pursued, but she would not be conquered no matter how he beseeched. She stood there with pride and dignity, the most spectacular of sights, never to be outdone, and never to be equaled. What death could not conquer, time would mold, but the time now was feudal Japan, the age of war, the time when a son would be sent to save a people from extinction.

Chapter 1

He walked through the field, not really caring to notice the colourful beauty around him. He had a destination in mind and aimed to get there. He would not be delayed. He walked straight and proud, his power and station proclaimed in every movement. No one looking at him would dare call him a commoner, never mind that it would have been hazardous to your health. This was a man of high quality, and all knew it. The only question any passerby would ask was why would a man of the highest birth walk alone when he could have been surrounded by guards and carried on a sedan chair.

Those bold enough to look closer would soon take notice that the youth's face was tattooed with two red slash marks on both sides, and carried a crescent moon on his forehead. Odd marks could be overlooked, but he had a sight to him that couldn't be. His hair, a long and glossy river falling to his ankles was whiter than the snow-covered mountain peaks. If the wind were kind enough to assist, it would gently pull aside his hair, giving you an unobstructed view of his inhumanly pointed ears. A noble man without a doubt, but the bold quickly learned that this was also a being whose body was made to dance with death and taunt fate. Called many things in many places in different parts of the world, here in this land his kind were called Youkai, demons, and he was one of the most powerful of them.

For many years, this lord had ruled since the death of his father inheriting all his father's lands and power, except, the mighty sword Tetsusaiga, the weapon that could kill a million demons in one stroke. As the heir, this sword, above all else should have been left to him, but instead his father had gifted it to his youngest son. The lord's heir and younger brother was a hanyou, a half-demon and by no means as powerful as the full-blooded lord. The young lord had tried to retrieve the sword before it fell into his brother's hands but only achieved in informing him of its existence and showing the way to it.

The Tetsusaiga was a great weapon with a great force, but power of any kind always has a source. The source of Tetsusaiga's power should have killed his hanyou brother when he used it. It was more than surprising when it did not harm the young warrior at all, though the he could not help thinking it one day would.

"Sesshomaru-sama wait for me," came a high-pitched cry. He kept walking, not giving any sign that he had acknowledged the child's voice in any way except for the slowing of his pace. As he walked, a young girl child dressed in a short green kimono came running up to settle into a slower pace along side him.

The child Rin was an enigma to all that saw her, for here was a clearly innocent young human traveling with a powerful demon of which she showed no fear. This human who along with Sesshomaru's lackey Jaken, and his demon ride Ah and Un was all that consisted of his entourage. For a demon like him, who was both wild and civilized and who was more than capable of protecting himself; this was more than adequate for his journeys.

His pack was not meant for protection, it was meant for convenience. He liked to keep those he required and who wore of importance near to him. The imp Jaken was his lackey and often kept track of what he saw and where they had been. The lizard like horse demon was required for ferrying both the imp and the child when they flew. The girl is his adoptive daughter one whose safety he would entrust to few; Jaken because the weaker demon knew he would be killed should he fail in protecting her.

Mind, if you were to question the great lord about the child, he would kill you, beat you, or if you were lucky, ignore you altogether. He would never admit that he, the lord that he was, had adopted a human child.

Rin knew her father very well and knew that, though he kept his emotions hidden from everyone, he was really very easy to read. You just have to know where to look, and what to look for.