Disclaimer: All characters (and Hogwarts, though we are pretty sure it's alive, too) belong to J.K. and NOT us.... unfortunately. :-P


It seemed that now Ginny had a tentative friendship with the two Slytherin boys. And with this came the slighting from their friends. Ron noticed the cooler reception she was getting from the others. He also noticed the small looks of confusion that Harry would shoot between Ron, Draco, Blaise, and Ginny.

When Ron tried to talk to Ginny about it, she just rolled her eyes. "They'll get over it. If not, oh well. Not my problem."

He let it go for as long as he could until he and Draco were interrupted in the Slytherin's bedroom by an amused Blaise and slightly disheveled Ginny.

Ron sat up from the bed and gaped at his sister, mussed hair and wrinkled robes.

"Ginny! What happened?"

The female Gryffindor grinned triumphantly.

"I had a disagreement with Hermione, which ended with her books getting tossed over the staircase along with her bookbag. She decided I needed to see reason as well."

"And what did you decide?"

"Well, after the books went flying, Ginny decided that Hermione needed to see her fist. Close-up. Ron, can she be my little sister, too?" Blaise laughed

Ron only blinked at in shock at Ginny while Draco smirked, arm wrapped around the red head's waist.

"For a Gryffindor, I think I may like her."

"Paws off, Malfoy. You go get touchy-feely with Ron. Not me." Ginny near growled.

"Yes, ma'am."

Blaise groaned as Draco did just that, hand sliding up Ron's shirt while the other teasingly stroked his thigh.

"Damn, Ginny. Did you have to give him encouragement?" Ginny's eyes had widened before she laughed and pretended to be in shock.

"I didn't think he'd do that while I was in here!" Draco chuckled darkly, hands still moving over the silent Ron, who was now silent for different reasons. Probably because of the hand grazing his nipple.

"Blaise. You still have your Charms book in that bag of yours?" Ginny mumbled.


"Heaviest book you have. Now." She impatiently stuck her hand out. He rummaged through his bag until he found his Transfiguration book and placed the monstrous thing in the girls waiting hand. She grabbed it with both hands and chucked it at Draco's stomach, forcing him to jump to the side, separating the two boys.

Blaise, Ron, and Draco all looked at her in shock.

"What? Someone has to keep you two in line and Blaise here is too busy thinking about that Ravenclaw of his to care."

"Hey! She's-"

"-feisty. We know." the other three grumbled.

He chose to shut his mouth with a snap and glare at the room at large, ignoring the patronizing looks he was receiving from the others. Draco shook his head and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Violence isn't the answer."

She raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"When did you start being all hypocritical?"

Ron laughed loudly, silently marking a point for his sister in his head.

"Since you started being violent to me." he shot back. Point for Draco.

"So violence wasn't the answer with Hermione? I'll just go apologize then... tell her she was right and all that..." Ginny said sweetly.

"Funny, Gin-gin." Draco replied just as sweetly. Ron cringed. Point for Draco.

"How in the bloody hell did you find out about that name?"

Ron cringed again. Another book went flying. This one didn't miss.

As Ron sit on the floor, clutching his aching head, Blaise leaned down to him. "Seriously. Can she please be my little sister, too?"

Ron scowled up at him, squinting in pain.

"Please, take her. She's too good with books and other heavy objects..." he groaned, rubbing his head, while Ginny leaned against the wall, laughing. Draco was biting his lip as he looked over the side of the bed, amusement in his eyes.

"She's very good, actually," he said, trying not to laugh.

"Was there some sort of hidden meaning in that comment, Drakie?" Blaise chimed in.

"Don't you have a feisty Ravenclaw to meet, Blaisykins?" Draco shot back.

Blaise quickly took out his pocket watch. "Shit!" he mumbled under his breath and hurried out of the room.

"She-Weasley, I suggest you leave, too." Draco near growled as Ron got up, no longer rubbing his aching head, but was now stretching, his shirt riding up and exposing his stomach.

"Ick. Don't need to tell me twice." Ginny uttered as she left the room.


Again, we are super sorry for the uber long delay! We hope you all enjoyed these two chapters and we LOVE YOU! :)