Notes; I just wanted to get this chapter wrapped up and uploaded so I can start on the sequel. Had some fun writing this chapter because I got to rant lol.

It might take a while before the sequel is up since I'm going to be REALLY busy for the next two weeks or so, but after that it'll be up soon. Depends on my time.

Hope you like this chapter, enjoy.

Disclaimer; Don't own it. Just the plot.

(Ps. The song used for this chapter is Apologize by Timbaland ft. One Republic.)

CH 7. (Sam, I am.)

Cole inhaled deeply as he walked out onto his balcony, breathing in the fresh air of the evening that was starting to fall. God, he'd been stupid. He licked his lips and put his hands on the railing of the stone balcony. It hadn't even worked, he was still there.


Alive forever.

Stuck within this world and there was no way out. He thought Paige had helped him move on from Phoebe, but she hadn't. After she'd left a week ago, after their night together, they'd barely had any contact. She'd phoned him once but that was days ago and he was pretty sure she wasn't ever going to want to talk to him again. Not after he'd tried to kill her. Yet he hadn't meant to, it was just part of his plan and Sam did heal her. She was still alive.

Alive and pissed, that was for certain.

The demon shook his head and glanced behind him at his nearly ruined apartment, a result from the sisters' vanquishing postions. All they had vanquished was his hope to find an easy way out. To put a stop to all the pain and confusion he was feeling. He gave a simple flick of his head and his apartment magically repaired itsself, leaving no trail of the destruction that the Charmed Ones had caused earlier. It looked like new, if only he could repair his broken heart like that. Just with a flick of his hand.

Cole licked his lips and turned around to go back inside, but something stopped him from walking back inside.

Paige was standing in the doorway of his balcony. Arms folded across her chest, a determined look in her eyes, a hint of hurt shimmering through. She was wearing a sleeveless black top and Cole saw her shiver slightly against the cold breeze outside. He bit his lip.

''Hi.'' He said quietly, looking down at his shoes. He couldn't stand seeing her hurt. He didn't want to face the fact that he'd yet hurt another woman he'd cared about.

''I can't believe you've still got to nerves to greet me, Cole.'' Her voice was harsh and meant to hurt him, which it did. She rolled her eyes when he didn't even as much as look up and turned around, walking back into the warmth of the livingroom.

''Let me make myself clear..'' she started and then waited for Cole to follow her. She continued when she heard the balcony doors click shut.

''Wenever had sex. Forget all about it, it never happened. And it wasn't great. And we didn't kiss. Forget that I've even wasted my time here trying to help you get over Phoebe. From now on I'm on Phoebe's side. And I will find a way to vanquish you.'' She turned around to face him allowing her bare arms to fall back to her sides. Cole had taken place on the couch and his rough hands covered his face. Paige frowned slightly and took a couple of steps towards him.

''Understood?'' Cole dropped his hands to his knees and looked up at the whitelighter who was standing next to one of the seats in his livingroom. He exhaled quietly.

''I'm sorry..''

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say..

His almost inaudible apology was answered with a short sarcastic laugh coming from the woman's mouth.

''Sorry? That's a little too late, don't you think? Maybe you should've told me before you sent that darklighter after me, leo and not to mention Sam.Or I don't know, maybe, you shouldn't have tried to kill us in the first place.''


''No. Don't Paige me, Cole. God, don't you realize what you've done? You're such a selfish asshole. All you can think about is yourself. You, you, you! Don't you ever – ''

''God damnit Paige! Shut up! Just shut up!'' Paige's mouth formed a silent 'o' when Cole got to his feet not able to listen to her any longer.

''You have no idea what I'm going through right now, Paige. I thought you were trying to help me but I've barely heard from you since we slept together and I need to find a way to get your attention. To get Phoebe's attention. I like you, but I love her. I still want her back and I will get her back. '' He was backing her into the wall, because everytime he took a step closer Paige took a step backwards.

This went on until she felt her back hit the wall. Cole's face was merely inches away from hers and she felt slightly threated by the former Source of All Evil, but he didn't need to know that and she stood her ground, not even blinking.

''When are you going to realize she doesn't want you back? She hates you, especially after today. And here was me thinking you were smart.'' The sarcasm was dripping of her voice and Cole could feel the frustration bubbling up inside of him as he realized that she was right. But he wasn't going to give in.

Not now, not ever.

''Go.'' He told her, because if she didn't leave now he was going to hurt her even more.

''Why? So you can drown in self-pity? Fine, I'll leave you to it then. Do me a favour and drink just a little too much. You might die. It would be a relief to all of us.'' She placed her hands on his chest to push him away, but he grabbed both of her wrists with one hand, pushing her back against the wall and pressing his body against hers.

''I don't think alcohol could kill me, Paige. I mean – if you couldn't.'' He lowered his lips to her ear and felt her squirm slightly in his grip wanting him to let go.

''And just so you know.. sex with Phoebe was so much better.'' He smirked and let go of her wrists stepping back before she could push him away.

Paige shot him a look, but Cole smirked at the thought that even if looks could kill, he was still indestructable.

She pulled her top down and made her way out of his apartment without saying another thing and he was glad that he didn't have a door she could slam shut. Just before the elevator doors closed she turned to face him the determined look having re-appeared on her face.

''You know I turned down a guy for you a couple of days ago, but whatever I'm going on that trip with him now anyway and have an amazing time. Oh and just so you know, Cole. We will find a way to get rid of you.'' She folded her arms and before Cole could say anything else the heavy elevator doors hid her from his sight. He sighed deeply and rubbed a hand over his face in an attempt to calm himself down.

Yep, he'd officially blown it.

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologizes, it's too late

Thanks for reading? Would be nice if you left a review don't you think? XD