My Soldier

AU. No Magic. Slash. Wyatt Halliwell-Blake is married to a soldier, Riley Blake. They have 2 beautiful children, 5 year old Melinda and 1 year old Christopher. However, Riley's been away for the last year or so and doesn't even know about his youngest child...when he comes home how will he handle it?

Wyatt is a "special" male, which is a male who has a uterus and can conceive children much like a female. They are very rare and treasured, so safe to say many guys have hit on Wyatt since Riley left him to go to Iraq.


"Mommy! Come play with me!" Melinda said loudly as she tugged on Wyatt's hand, gaining a few looks and they all smiled at Wyatt. That always happens, only specials can be called mommy, otherwise the men just get dirty looks.

You can tell Wyatt's "special" since his features are slightly feminine, plus he has a necklace that he wears to symbolize he's one, they're only given to specials if they ask for them but you have to prove you're one to get one just so no one can fake it. It was Riley's idea so people would stop staring at them when little Melinda would call him mommy.

"I can't baby, I have to watch your brother." Wyatt said

"He can play too!" the 5 year old insisted and Wyatt just chuckled and picked Chris up out of his stroller and headed over to the swings and he sat Chris in the baby one and helped Melinda into the swing next to Chris's. "Push me!"

Wyatt pushed her softly and she giggled when she swung back and forth. Meanwhile Chris was happily holding onto the chains and sucking on his binky, watching his sister swing back and forth with a goofy grin on his chubby face.

He just turned 1 a couple weeks ago. Wyatt got pregnant the night before Riley left since they had a going away party in their room the whole night with no protection what so ever, however Riley didn't know that and Wyatt has no intention of telling him.

It's not like he wanted to get pregnant, he just simply forgot to take a pill that morning since Melinda was sick and he woke up because she was screaming and crying.

Melinda giggled and Wyatt smiled seeing her beautiful chocolate eyes filled with delight. Brown eyes that she got from Wyatt, but she also got Wyatt's blonde hair, which was in pig tails at the moment. She looks more like Riley though Wyatt would have to say, even though Riley said his little angel looks like Wyatt.

Wyatt pushed here for a minute before moving behind Chris and he slowly moved the swing back and forth and Chris gurgled and looked around, trying to find his mommy. Wyatt smiled and moved in front of him and crouched down and kissed Chris's head and Chris grabbed his hair. Wyatt chuckled and got him to let go easily.

"Hi there." A man's voice said and Wyatt looked up at him, before he stood.

"Hi, just to let you know, I'm married." Wyatt said and man sighed.

"Damn." He said and Wyatt gave him a little smile.

"Sorry." He said

"Mommy! Push me again!" Melinda whined with a pout that was exactly like Riley's.

"Okay, okay," Wyatt said as he walked behind his daughter and started pushing her again as the man ditched, causing Wyatt to roll his eyes and Chris yawned, dropping the binky on the ground. "Hey Melly, how about we go home now."

"Nooo!" Melinda whined

"Yeah, come on, you can go swimming okay?"

"Okay." She smiled, hopping off of the swing and Wyatt picked up the dirty binky and then Chris and headed over to the stroller and put Chris in it before putting the binky in a diaper bag and they headed home.

They walked to the park since it's not that far from Halliwell Manor and since it's a really nice day out.

"Come on." Wyatt said, making sure to keep his daughter close to him at all times. They soon made it to the manor and Wyatt set up the little pool and she happy played in it with her baby brother, who would squeal every time she poured water on his head.

Then Wyatt walked over and sat down.

"Hi." Chris said

"Hi." Wyatt said in return, smiling.

"Hi." Chris repeated, hi is definitely on Chris's top list of words...along with sissy and momma...and with some other words Wyatt isn't sure of.


"Hi!" Chris squealed

"Hi Chrissy." Melinda said

"Hi." And Chris yawned and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Wyatt walked over and picked up Chris and wrapped a towel around his small body and Chris snuggled into him and was asleep in seconds.

"I'll watch her." Piper said walking into the backyard since Piper could see Wyatt looking at the house and Melinda.

"Thanks mom." Wyatt said, heading up to Chris's nursery. He easily changed Chris into soft pajamas and laid him in his crib. He kissed Chris's forehead before pulling the blanket over him and he looked at him for another minute before he headed outside, taking a baby monitor with him.

"Honey...when was the last time you talked with Riley?" Piper asked

"When I was a month pregnant," Wyatt said, "God, I didn't even know then."

"When are you going to tell him?" Piper asked glancing up at Melinda, who now looked bored since Chris was sleeping.

"Um," Wyatt sighed, running a hand over his face, "I don't know, when he comes home."

"When's that?" Piper asked and Wyatt smiled brightly.

"A week."