Truth or Dare: Troypay Style!

By: Bloody Orchid

Challenged by: Disney Channel Challenger

The high school musical cast stalked off towards their hotel rooms as Ms. Darbus entered the hallway. "You know the rules, Mr. Bolton, Evans, and Miss Montez! No association with the opposite gender until daybreak! May I remind you all, this is a field trip not a dating session!" She shrieked, her colourful dangly earrings dancing with the rapid head jerks. Scoffing, she left the hallway to her own room.

"Well, see you tomorrow morning then." Gabriella, the school goody-goody acknowledged, slowly walking towards the room she and Sharpay shared.

"No." Troy said simply. "How about we go into the woods by the hotel tonight. You know, since this is called band camp -"

"Really? I thought this was drama camp." Ryan said with his eyes looking upon the ceiling with confusion.

"Whatever," Troy said embarrassed, making Sharpay hide her giggle with a clamped hand over her mouth. "Anyway, here's the plan: At the stroke of midnight let's all go to the woods next to the hotel. Ryan and I will knock on your door, the one that's right beside each other…" he hinted. The gang nodded their head in understanding, and Troy continued on. "Okay, then we'll just leave." He turned towards his secret lover. "Sharpay make sure you bring your watch… okay?"

"Yes! Of course!" She said, trying her hardest for him to notice her even more.

He nodded twice and they left to their rooms.


Knock, knock…

"Gabriella!" Sharpay whisper shouted. "Wake up, Troy's knocking on the door right now."

"No, please mom, just a few more minutes." She mumbled in her sleep, tossing and turning as she answered dreamily. "Just… a few… more minutes."

Sharpay growled at her, as she left her bed with irritation, reaching to open the door where Troy was waiting. As she opened it, she smiled guiltily at him. "Sorry, but Gabriella seems more interested in her dream than us - I mean… you know the three of -"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Your brother seems more interested in Gabriella than us." He said blue eyes locked onto hers.

"You mean…"

"Yep, he's ranting about his love for her." He said chuckling slightly as he rubbed his head from embarrassment.

Sharpay let out a joyful sigh knowing that her brother finally agreed to not let her in on a secret. The two shared too much, and now she was relieved that he had some secrets from her, rather than telling her every single thing.

"So does that mean we go sleep too?" She asked, anxiously, watching him look down on the carpeted floor once again.

"Well… I was thinking that we could go, you know, just the two of us." Troy suggested. "Maybe we can build a fire and stuff."

Sharpay looked up at him, eyes wide open with the chance of a lifetime… distinctly, a chance of a field trip in the middle of nowhere. "That sounds great. Umm, do we need anything?"

"I don't think so. Let's hurry before Darbus finds out." He recommended, his eyes shifting back and forth from the different ends of the hallway.

"Alright, let's go." She said walking towards him to close the door. "You're the leader." She added sarcastically, smiling at him. He smiled back, but she knew something was bothering him.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, concerned.

His smile grew wider, "Of course not."


"Whoa, it smells… woody." She said laughing, as she almost tripped over a branch. He smiled and grabbed onto her waist, stabilizing her. "Thanks," she chortled, before he let his hands go of her.

"No problem." He said, quickly letting go of her and putting his sweaty hands into his pockets.

"So where should we sit?" She questioned still walking close to Troy.

"There's no where to sit, maybe we should just settle here." He stated awkwardly, before actually sitting down himself. "I'm sorry." He apologized quickly.

Sharpay sat down and was confused at his request for forgiveness. "What for?" She asked, with a surprised look placed on her face.

He looked at her and took in a breath. "I thought it would be a lot more… spacy." He confessed half-heartedly. "I also thought I could build a fire, like a real campsite, but I forgot to bring matches."

She screeched with laughter, "I thought you were just joking about that stuff!" She cried loudly, waking up the birds that had also settled there.

He huffed and smiled, relieved at her reaction. "So I was wondering… will you please stop laughing Sharpay?" He asked, starting to get embarrassed. Funny, he was always humiliated when she was there.

"I'm… so… sorry!" She cackled, trying to calm herself down. "Hoo, okay. I'm okay now." She said after a moment, still quietly chuckling.

"As I was saying… what would you like to do before we have to leave. Er, wait. Did you bring the watch I asked you to bring." He added, after realizing there were no dazzling piece of jewellery on her wrist.

She looked down, and checked both arms before looking up at him, wide mouthed and blushing. "I'm so sorry! Ugh, stupid short term memory loss… I was just kidding by the way… the memory loss thing I mean." She closed her eyes and set her head in her lap, ready to scream.

It was now Troy's turn to laugh. "It's okay, don't worry about it. I had a feeling you would forget so I brought my watch." She looked at him, relief overwhelming her visage.

"Thank God, for your memory." She joked thankfully.

He smiled back at her, "Anyways, since you have that short term memory loss of yours I'll ask you again: What would you like to do?" He interrogated, teasingly.

She glared at him coldly, equally joking. "I'm going to let that slip, Bolton. But the next time you say that again, I'm going to personally, kick you out of the musical!" She roared. After a pause, she straightened herself and answered truthfully, "I dunno, umm how about Truth or Dare?"

"I guess, but you have to start first: Truth or Dare?" He requested.

"Umm, truth." she answered.

"Alright. Sharpay Evans: Do you or do you not like the fine Troy Bolton?" He said grinning at her.

"What is this? A confession for God or something? Of course I like you!" She said, knowing full well what his true plan was.

He looked at her, eyes half-opened disapprovingly.

"Okay! My turn!" She shot before he could state his genuine idea. "I dare you too… -"

"I dare you to kiss me! Yeah, I said it!" He shrieked.

Lowering his voice, he smiled embarrassed yet again. Her eyes and face carried the look of a person who just saw a ghost. Face pale as the moon, eyes as wide as the sun. On the inside he couldn't help but laugh his head off. "I'm sorry, it's just… you'll think this sounds crazy but, I really, really like-"


Sharpay Evans, the ice-princess grabbed him unexpectedly from the collar of his shirt and pulled his mouth towards hers. As soon as Troy tensed up by the unpredicted, he also speedily relaxed. The kiss grew more passionate and the two began to slowly break free for air.

"Wow, I didn't think it was in you Bolton." She said, smudging the outline of her lips.

He wanted to fall down, dumbstruck. But held on and argued, enjoying the time. "But you're the one who pulled me in!"

"Yeah, right. I would never do that…" She replied, and then outstretched her hand out front and scanned the air in front of her, "'Sharpay Evans pulls lucky Troy Bolton into a passionate kiss,' would definitely not sound right."

He looked down in defeat, she had to much pride in herself, he thought. "Fine, Sharpay. But I have one more dare, and don't worry it's not as hard as the one I said before."

Sharpay looked at him suspiciously but then nodded in approval. "Very well, shoot."

"Sharpay Evans, Ice-Princess of East High: I dare you to accept me as your boyfriend." He said, looking at her with a face that was ready to take on the world.

Squinting his eyes, ready for her answer she said: "Fine, Troy Bolton, Star Basketball player, I accept your dare!"

The two looked at each other, cheerfulness and love etched on their glowing faces. Glancing at his watch, Troy stood up and brushed the dirt off of his jeans. "Alright, Shar, I think it's time to get back now. Here," he suggested, with an arm extended to help her up.

Grabbing his hand, she stood up and looked down on the ground blushing. Troy noticing her stupor, quickly put an arm around her. "Maybe next time we're here we should tell Gabriella and Ryan to meet each other up… alone."

She smiled and leaned closer towards him. "Definitely."


"So how was last night?" Gabriella asked Sharpay excitedly.

"It was… superb!" She said beaming. "Most wonderful night ever!"

"Yeah?" Gabriella asked eagerly, "How so?"



"Hey, sorry about last night. Did you go with Gabriella and Sharpay anyways?" Ryan asked as he folded up his clothes ready to leave the place he knew he would never adjust to.

"No, Gabriella didn't come. But Sharpay did."

"Really?" Ryan asked genuinely interested.

"Yeah," he replied breathlessly.

"How was it?"

"Alright, I guess." He said grinning to himself.

A/N: Slightly AU sorry about that.