Disclaimer: I do not own the DC Comic book universe or it's characters. I really don't even own the plot, as I'm sure this same kind of story has been written before. (Probably better...) I do, however, own Evey. And even though I doubt anyone would want to steal her for their own purposes, I figure I should still throw that out there...

I WILL CONSIDER THIS A BLANKET DISCLAIMER FOR THE REST OF THIS FANFIC. Because let's face it, we do the disclaimers because the people of this website expect it and it's considered courteous. NOT because it prevents the higher-ups at DC or Marvel from suing our butts. Whether we claim to own them or not, this doesn't change the fact that we're using their characters without their express consent. Now, do they care that we do this? Probably not. We don't profit from it, and we don't keep them from profiting, so yeah... that's my mentality.

This fanfiction started out as a fun little side-project for me, but as I got more and more into it, I began writing less of my other stories to spend time on this one. Thank you and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Beginning:

The day had started out normally enough… She entered the coffee shop and took a seat at her usual table near the restrooms. She preferred sitting where there were less people, but not such a significantly lesser amount that the other patrons stared at her.

These were the kinds of games she had taken to playing ever since high school had drawn to a close. Attending an all-girls Catholic school for most of her life hadn't exactly prepared her for life in the real world, and these days, she was growing more and more aware of that every day.

Evelyn took a distracted sip of her chai tea and tried not to remember her sadness when her mother had not shown up in the auditorium the night of graduation. The argument of the day before and subsequent expulsion from the house had forced her to dip into her life's savings, and scramble to pay the deposit on the first ramshackle apartment that would let her move her things in the next day.

She let out a surprised squeal as nearly half of her tea sloshed out of the cup on its way back down to the table. Praying to God it wouldn't stain her new beige blouse, Evelyn tearfully dabbed at the growing brown spot with her napkin.

She sighed. Most likely the stain would blend in with her top once it dried, but her interview was in about fifteen minutes. No time to change even if she could afford something to change into. Her day was only beginning to get worse…

'You will probably hear from us in a few days, miss. Just give your name to the secretary in the front office, miss. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, miss…' Evelyn tried to convince herself not to be too disappointed.

She had known long before the balding man in his casual suit had even opened his mouth that she wasn't going to get the job. The way his narrowed gaze had lingered on the still-visible stain on her blouse and the threadbare purse she clutched desperately in her hand.

She had known before she'd even decided to go in for the interview. She knew that on paper, her resume was excellent. Her previous employers had no complaints with her work ethic even if she was a bit on the shy side. They were kind. The truth was, her social skills were terrible. She had problems keeping eye contact, especially with men.

Her stomach growled pitifully as she made her way down the crowded streets of the downtown Washington DC area. Never had she felt like such a failure… Suddenly, she bumped into the man in front of her with an undignified grunt.

"Sorry, sir. I should've watched where…" she trailed off upon noticing what the man was staring at.

Beyond a large cluster of skyscrapers, there was a cloud of smoke rising. Thoughts of terrorists and a second September 11th tragedy made her limbs freeze. Suddenly, amid the mass of gray, she saw a great streak of blue on scarlet.

"It's Superman!" Someone yelled standing to her left, and the feeling swiftly flowed back into her arms and legs. Cheering rose up all around her, but she didn't have the heart to join in. The disaster, whatever it was, would soon be sorted out and even though she knew it was a sin to think so selfishly, she allowed herself to sink back into self-pity.

Not for long, however. A large portion of the crowd around her was making its way toward the commotion, and she was being helplessly jostled in the same direction. She wondered later if it was fate.

Her entire life was built around the act of being invisible to her fellow man. Her faith was all the company she needed, and yet, her feet began moving with the crowd seemingly of their own accord.

Nearing the battle was an experience she could never have imagined. It felt as if her veins were shrinking with the effort of controlling her fight or flight reflex, and she was filled with a sense of terrifying excitement. Was this the reason there were always crowds of onlookers when disasters such as this struck? Was this what everyone else felt?

There was flame and fire. There was the shouting of policemen trying to get civilians out of immediate danger. Evelyn did not notice any of that. All she saw was them.

A villain with a wild mane of fiery hair framing a face that was both savage and beautiful. Evelyn silently sent up a prayer, sure at this moment that she must be in the presence of Satan. Flame erupted from the she-devil's outstretched hands and surged at the people who were heedlessly trying to catch glimpses of the others. The Heroes.

There was the Man of Steel of course, leading the charge in all of his crimson and blue-clad glory. His eyes glowed with alien energy briefly and a thin beam of red shot out at the villainess. She hissed angrily as her hands began to bleed and blister, but her heat-resistant skin was already mending. She redoubled her next attack, the crowd finally drawing back so that Evelyn was left in front.

From her new vantage point, she saw Wonder Woman and let out a gasp that no one heard. The Amazon princess was impossibly stunning even in the thick of battle. Her hair flowed black and somehow without tangling as she exchanged blows with a beast that was easily twice her size.

Her brilliant eyes were piercing and proud over regal cheekbones. Women shot silicone into their lips to give them the size and shape that the heroine's had naturally.

The monster that dared strike a blow against such beauty seemed even uglier next to his adversary. Bulging muscles and veins popped out along a body that was almost ape-like. Its head was covered in metallic gray spikes that curved around its thick, corded neck. Suddenly, as she stared, the monster's gaze snapped onto her own.

There was a moment, as fear lanced through her body, that she saw a look of craftiness come over the monster's face, slower than a sunrise. The next moment, seemingly with a rush of adrenaline, the beast charged.

At Evelyn.

Indecision warred within her body. Instinct told her to run, to move her legs and scream as loud as she possibly could, but her eyes were locked onto the monster's and she felt the terrible weight of hopelessness fall on her shoulders.

Then a real weight clenched around her torso. The creature was using her body as a shield and she saw the conflict on Wonder Woman's flawless features. Evelyn closed her eyes against the tidal wave of emotions that crashed into her with the super heroine's one look.

Feelings of being useless and helpless and always in the way. Her eyes popped open. Maybe not completely helpless. The monster did not pin her arm down with the rest of her; probably it did not perceive her as enough of a threat to completely incapacitate her. She thanked the Lord for this small mercy.

Without allowing her mind to wrap too far around the idea, Evelyn waited until the gloating villain was distracted… and swiftly plunged her small finger into its wide, milky eye. The reaction was immediate.

It gave a long howl of agony before it launched her as far away from itself as possible.

Which, considering its strength, was going to be a fatal distance. The wind whipped around her as she flew past the tops of buildings, narrowly avoiding a collision with the side of a skyscraper, and then trees. So her destination would be the park, would it? 'Not such a horrible place to die…' Despite her brave thoughts, her lips were trembling with fear and her eyes were as wide open as they would go.

God had to be tired of hearing from her by now… in fact, this was probably his punishment for indulging in that self-pity earlier.

She soared past a few clearings and realized, with final resignation, that with her continued descent, she would land in the lake. Without warning, a scarlet streak shot past her, and before she could even brace for impact, a small whirlwind kicked up beneath her.

As if it had a life of it's own, the wind gently slowed her down before she felt herself land safely in a pair of outstretched arms. Her shell-shocked gaze met a friendly and amused one.

"Come on, babe. You didn't think the Justice League would let you go 'splat' didja?" He laughed before running back toward the battle. Never had she wanted to kiss someone before... what a bizarre feeling.