He Hates You: The Epilogue

Three months later

Harry smiled. These past three months things had really looked up since that fateful confession to Sirius. Harry's smile widened as Sirius walked down the stairs into the kitchen, yawning. "Morning, love." Sirius's only reply was to kiss Harry softly on the lips before stealing the last piece of bacon off Harry's plate.

After fueling himself with about six cups of coffee, one spiked with firewhiskey, Sirius was ready to face the day.

"Harry?" Sirius's tone was questioning in a soft, hesitant manner that was not at all like Sirius.

"Yes, Siri?" Harry's face showed his curiosity.

"When…" Sirius swallowed, took a deep breath and started again. "Harry, when do you think we should tell everyone?" Sirius's look betrayed the fact that his nerves were frayed like an old rope.

"Whenever you want to, love." Harry had become a lot more easy going since getting into his relationship with Sirius. Besides, now Harry never had to worry; Sirius worried enough for the two of them.

Harry had just gone back to reading the Daily Prophet when he was interrupted by another tentative, "Harry?"

This time Harry put his paper down and walked the small distance to Sirius's chair, plopping himself down in Sirius's lap. "Yes, Siri?"

Sirius kissed Harry before gently pushing Harry off his lap and getting down on one knee. "Harry James Potter, I have loved you since the day you were born, and you know that that love started out as platonic but turned to a love that was completely romantic. You are the only man for me and I want you to be by my side forever until the day I die. So I'd like to ask you, Harry James Potter, love of my life, will you marry me?"

Harry's eyes welled up with tears and he pulled Sirius to his feet whispering because he couldn't manage anything louder, "Yes, yes, yes! Sirius, I would love to marry you!" Sirius smiled and kissed Harry before sliding the gold wedding band onto his finger. Harry cuddled into Sirius's chest, feeling the best he'd ever felt.

A few hours later

"Ready to tell, them, love?" Harry nodded, knowing that it was now or never. Sirius kept a hand around Harry's waist as they headed to the kitchen, where most of the order was gathered. "Harry and I have an announcement, so if I could have your attention." That got everyone's attention pretty fast, since it was rare that anyone asked for attention when they were in the middle of a big discussion.

Harry took the silence as his sign to start talking. "I'm in love with Sirius, and we've decided to get married." He held a hand up to stop anyone from talking as he wasn't quite finished yet. "And no, nothing you say will change this. You can object and turn us out, but, this decision stands unchanged no matter what."

Molly Weasley was the first to react. She stood from where she had been sitting and hugged them both, before they were lost in the sea of congratulations.

Harry and Sirius lived out the rest of their days together. Their feelings remained unchanged through all the years. They lived a long and happy life together until they died together in an attack by the last few death eaters left after the final battle. You know, if I had to describe the relationship between my best friend and his godfather, I'd say that it was a perfect match. Oh sure, they got in their lovers spats, as all couples do, but for the most part it worked out well. They were both heroes to the last, never ceasing in their righteousness or love for each other. I know I will miss Harry, for certain I will, but I can smile knowing that he is happy wherever he is, because I know that for sure he is with Sirius. That alone is enough to make him grin like a goon.

Well this was this week's love story for the Daily Prophet folks. I thank you for reading this tale, however insignificant it may be.

Reporter for the Daily Prophet, Ron Weasley.