


Yusuke was grinning as he watched Hiei. The kid was still trying to get used to being in high school. Their good grades had let them get to a much better and much populated high school than their previous school and it … agitated Hiei.

Hiei was creature of habit, coupled with his shyness it was a bit hard for him to mingle and adapt especially if more people were involved.

Yusuke's grin widened as Hiei quickly stepped out of the way of a hurrying student. He glared after the kid, his lower lip sticking out in a pout.

Hiei turned at the older boy's laughter, if looks could kill Yusuke'd be dead by now.

"What…?" Yusuke said, looking innocent. Hiei had wanted to go home since they had the rest of the day off because of some teachers' meeting. Yusuke made Hiei wait by the gates.

Hiei shook his head. "I'm hungry."

The older teen stood up from his perch on the bench. "We can eat out…"

"There's pudding in the cafeteria…"

"It's crowded." Yusuke cut-off and began walking towards the gate.

"But, I want pudding…"

Yusuke stopped and shook his head, firmly. He held out his hand. "C'mon. My treat."

Hiei frowned but took Yusuke's hand.

The older teen was grinning again. "How 'bout ice cream? You want that?"

"Hn." Hiei nodded, he glanced back and tried to see if there were a lot of people in the cafeteria. He perked up as he saw, through the cafeteria windows, that there were barely any people in there. Hiei turned to Yusuke but the youth was gently pulling him along. The younger teen sighed. The pudding was really good in there, too.


Kurama was getting frustrated. He didn't know if he was hungry or not but his feet kept on taking him to the cafeteria all day long. What was wrong with him? He had been wanting to finish his homework in the library but something kept bothering him and he didn't understand what it was. He had decided to go for a walk to clear his head but it kept leading him to the cafeteria.

A bit annoyed, Kurama sat down and decided he'd go ahead and have a snack. But the thought of eating made him nauseous. What the hell was wrong with him? Was there anything special going on in the cafeteria today that he might have forgotten?

A group of girls giggled loudly and Kurama shook his head. Annoying fangirls.

The redhead exhaled sharply and grabbed his bag. No more of this. He should be getting home.


Hiei yawned like a cute little cat making Yusuke smile. The younger boy settled under their favorite tree in the park and closed his eyes to sleep. Yusuke watched him with shadowed eyes lying down beside him.

"Ne, Hiei…" Yusuke whispered after a while of silence.

Hiei stirred but did not open his eyes. "Hn."

The older boy moved closer until their shoulders were touching. "It's a nice day, isn't it?"

One red eye opened to stare at him. Yusuke grinned loudly. Hiei huffed and turned on his side so that his back was to Yusuke.

Yusuke moved closer again until his chest was touching Hiei's back. One arm went around Hiei's waist making the younger boy curl up like a nestling cub. Yusuke smiled at this. It took a while to get Hiei used to this kind of physical contact. He'd often push Yusuke away with a snarl.

The gentle breeze ruffled their hair and made even Yusuke sleepy. He buried his nose on Hiei's hair and inhaled. "You smell like apples…" he whispered.

Hiei's shoulder went up with a shrug.


"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

Yusuke chuckled. His lips moved to the back of Hiei's neck. "Hey…"


"You think we'd always be friends?" Yusuke asked, his lips dragging on Hiei's skin as he spoke.

Hiei turned to face him, eyes opened in a glare. "We will if you would just shut up." he replied and turned away again.

Yusuke burst laughing, pulling Hiei closer and kissing Hiei's nape. "Okay. I'll shut up now."

Sleep tight, my love…


Kurama forgot about going home as he sat down a bench on one of their school's many mini-parks. This one was a bit hidden, with a small lake and a little chapel hidden behind rows and rows of roses.

The redhead smiled. There was something about roses that gets him…

"Ouch!" a voice cried out from behind the bushes.

The redhead stood up, worried, trying to see whom the voice belonged to. "Hello…?"

The bush shook and Kurama ran towards it, more than worried now and trying to remember the school's emergency hotline as he whipped out his cell phone.

Suddenly, a figure rolled out of the bushes, moaning and groaning as it rolled on the floor. Kurama watched in confusion, torn between dialing on his cell phone and calling out for help.

A brown head shot up and shook its fist to the sky. "Damn you, Botan!" he yelled before getting to his feet.

Kurama finally moved, pocketing his cell phone again and helping the person up. "Are you okay…?" he asked, the confusion and worry showing on his face.

Very brown eyes that were almost golden yellow peered at him. Kurama stepped away when he realized the person wasn't hurt. Kurama stared back at him… and at his clothes.

The young man was wearing what looked like a robe that reached down his feet, in blue and red and a white scarf around his neck. What's even weirder was the tattoo 'Jr.' on his forehead.

"You're Kurama, aren't you…?" the young man asked.

Although surprised and still out of it, Kurama nodded.

The young man grinned and grabbed his hand in a vigorous handshake. "How are you? How are you? Uwaah!! The trip just took forever. Sorry to be so late. Botan just pushed me off and I fell right there…" he trailed off and Kurama looked at where he was pointing at.

"Hope I didn't miss anything." the young man continued. "After all it's been… centuries. How's Hiei, by the way?"

Kurama stared at him. "Who…?"

The brown gold eyes narrowed at him. "Hiei-san… your little babykins? How is he?"

The redhead shook his head and pulled away. "I'm sorry. You must have mistaken me for someone else."

"Mistake?" he echoed. "You are Shuichi Minamino, otherwise known as Kurama right?"

"Well…" Kurama nodded. "I am Kurama but I don't know any Hiei…"


"And I don't know you either. Are you still hurt from that fall? I can take you to the clinic…?"

"What ?!?" the young man exploded. "You don't know me?!"

Kurama watched as the young man stalked to and fro, muttering to himself about time, delay, souls and some other things Kurama failed to catch.

The redhead shrugged and walked to the bench to pick up his bag.

"Wait, wait, wait!" the young man called and Kurama turned to face him. "Yes?"

"Are you sure you don't remember me?" he asked, leaning towards Kurama until their faces were inches apart.

Kurama moved away in discomfort. "Ah, I'm sure…"

"I'm Koenma. God of Death." he insisted. "You wished for a soul bind say, a couple thousand centuries ago…"

Kurama's forehead wrinkled in doubt. He looked at Koenma who stared back at him eagerly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kurama finally asked. "You might've bumped your head when you fell…?"

"I'm fine." Koenma almost screamed at him. "What about Hiei? Your soul mate? The love of your life… I meant, lives. Where is he?"

The redhead shook his head, holding up one hand. "I'm very sorry. I don't know of any Hiei…"

"Red eyes, pale skin, a fire demon with a personality to match and about this short…"

Kurama was about to shake his head again but a picture of the not-so-stranger in the bus a few days ago popped in his mind. He stared at Koenma. "His name is Hiei then…?"

"Nuoooooooo!" Koenma exploded, kneeling on the floor and pulling at his hair. "I'm a failure! My dad will definitely spank me for years for this! Nuooo!!!!"

The redhead pulled him to his feet. "Wait, Koenma-san. You know Hiei?"

"How can I not know him? You wished to be bounded to him for all eternity. I granted your wish and now… this!!! Unforgivable!"

"Koenma-san. Please get a hold of yourself. Koenma-san!"

The young man or god sniffed before looking at him. "What…?"

Kurama's heart was beating so loud he wondered if Koenma could hear it. He had asked this… god to bind his soul with Hiei? Is that why Hiei seemed so familiar to him?

"I… will you please explain it clearly?" Kurama asked. "I've seen Hiei before and…"

Koenma's eyes were bright again. "And you could feel his soul calling out to you…? Oh, rejoice! Rejoice! You were meant to be together. Have you reached first base yet?"

First base? Kurama was confused.

"You were supposed to meet each life time, fall in love and be reincarnated as lovers again. For every life time that each of you lived…" Koenma trailed off and was pacing again, muttering to himself.

Kurama opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, seeing Koenma so preoccupied. He didn't know whether to believe what this person was saying. Bound to Hiei for all eternity? Was it possible? Is that why Hiei was like someone he had known and trusted? And is that why he had felt so lonely… was it because it was Hiei he wanted in his life…?

"Wait a minute…!" Koenma suddenly exploded. "You've never met Hiei?"

Kurama looked up and nodded. "That's what I've been…"

"And you didn't remember me…?"

"Well, this is the first time I've seen you…"

"How about Kuwabara? Or Yukina? Do you remember them?"

Kurama shook his head.






"NO. What is this twenty questions…?"

"I KNEW IT!" Koenma exploded angrily, his brown gold eyes burning in anger. "Someone is messing up your pasts… If the souls fail to converge… memories are erased but the souls continue to hunger."

Koenma looked at Kurama gravely as he patted the redhead's shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll fix this. I'm going to punish whoever it is that's messing up your lives."

Kurama blinked. "H-hai…"

Koenma nodded. "Let's start over. I'm Koenma." he said and extended a hand. Kurama shook it. "I'm next in line as God of Death. My father, Enma, is the current God-King of Reikai."

Kurama nodded back. "I'm Shuichi Minamino but call me Kurama. I'm…"

"… a Youko and a famous thief in the Makai," Koenma continued and smiled at Kurama's perplexed expression. "Believe me, I know."

The young god clapped Kurama's shoulder. "Now, let's find your sweetheart before he gets stolen."


Dark brown eyes scanned the two young men before her who slumbered in peace. Red hair, down to slim shoulders swayed gently in the breeze. One pale hand reached out and a long finger traced Hiei's nose, barely touching him.

"My prince…" a soft voice murmured.

Yusuke felt the chill and shuddered in his sleep, his arms tightening protectively around Hiei. The younger man's heart-shaped lips opened in a murmur.

"Yes, Hiei," the soft voice said, as if replying. "We'll be together soon."

Red eyes fluttered open, sensing. Hiei looked around, a bit confused but remembered he was in the park with Yusuke. It was still too early to go home and the breeze was so…

Dark eyes watched behind a tree as Hiei closed his eyes to sleep again. Then, a small laugh.

"Together forever…"


Author's Notes: Whoa! Last minute addition. Sudden bright idea. Blame it on the heat. Thanks for reviewing.