A/N: I'm not too sure about this chapter...I can't decide if I like it or not, but I can't think of anything else to add or take from it- so just tell me what you think.

No surprises here, I love reviews! Thank you so much to all those who have already reviewed and please feel more than free to do it again :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot

Evil and the Charmed Ones

Chapter Ten – Maleficus

Glenn was pacing up and down the sitting room so fast that Leo was getting dizzy, "Glenn, it's going to be okay, calm down! Plus, you're starting to make my head hurt."

Glenn span towards Leo, more than in the mood for a fight. Ever since Paige had returned, and subsequently left twice, his patience was beyond thin and his frustrations were yearning for release. "Shut the hell up, Leo! You don't know anything!"

Leo was shocked at the venom in Glenn's voice and didn't know how to respond, so he decided to remain silent and let his young charge vent for a while.

"She's going to do something stupid, I know she is!" Glenn resumed his aggravated pacing, "you saw that look, you heard what she said, she wanted to get drunk and do God only knows what! I swear to you, if Andy doesn't look after her, I'm going to kill him!" With this violent outburst, the already broken radio let out a loud series of cracksand smoke started pouring out, luckily, this shocked Glenn back to reality; he closed his eyes and retracted his violent energy.

Leo waited for a few seconds and felt the air clear as Glenn drew the power back to his body. "Are you finished?" Glenn nodded. "Will you sit down?" Another nod, the slightly embarrassed Energy Wielder sat on the sofa, he hated to loose control of his powers.

It's been happening way too much lately.

"Andy willdo everything he can to make sure Paige is okay, you know that. And getting yourself all worked up will only make you feel worse."

Glenn ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep sigh, "she's going to push me away."

Leo frowned, "What?"

"She'll push me away, Leo, I know her. It'll make sense to her in some stupid messed up 'Paige-way'. I don't know what to do. I'm so, so in love with her and she's so screwed up right now and I can't do anything!" Glenn let out a bitter laugh, "She won't want me to do anything."

Leo looked at Glenn, unsure of what to say. He knew that Glenn loved Paige, hell; he knew Paige loved Glenn. They were just so perfect for each other; like Prue and Andy, Paige and Glenn were friends before they started dating and once they were together it was hard to ever imagine them apart.

But Leo also knew that Paige had been through a lot, more than he could imagine and it was clear that while her sisters were Evil, Paige had a long and hard road to travel before she could begin to move on in her life.

Paige pushing Glenn away? Sadly, it was all too possible.

"Glenn, I –" Leo felt the familiar call of a charge in his head; it was Andy, "have to go, Andy's calling."

Leo orbed out, feeling more than slightly guilty as he ignored the yells of a pissed off Glenn.


"My Lord?" The Seer knelt as the familiar flames of the Source appeared.

"I hope you understand that disturbing me on a trivial matter results in your death, Seer, for your sake, this had better be important."

"The Halliwells', Sire, they have requested a potion to –"

"I know what the sisters' asked for, Seer, what I do not know, is what you gave them."

The Seer felt fear coursing through her veins; her response to the Source now could result in her death. "I…I gave them the Maleficus potion, I thought that is what you would want me to do."

The Source said nothing for a few moments and then, "the Maleficus potion?" The Seer braced herself for the fireball that would surely engulf her. "You have done well, Seer, it seems that the Maleficus potion will take care of my problem without involving any other demons. The Halliwells' will unintentionally kill their sister, how amusing!"

The Source flamed out without saying another word to the Seer.


"Do you trust her?"

Prue laughed, bitterly, "about as far as I can throw her. And you?"

"Same," Piper paused, "do we give the potion to Paige? Is it worth the risk?"

Prue sighed. She was so tired of making life and death decision for her sisters'. If she had tried harder, thought a little longer, then they wouldn't even be having this conversation, Paige would be Evil and everything would be normal. But no, instead, she had to judge if an unknown potion from an Evil bitch would turn her sister back to them.

"We give it to her. She may fight, but she won't hurt us, in fact, I'll give it to her, today."

Piper didn't argue, she couldn't, even if she'd wanted to. Once Prue got that steely look in her eyes, the decision was already made.


Andy sighed in relief as he saw the white orbs of his best friend and Whitelighter appear before him. Before he could get a word out, Leo snatched Paige from his arms and placed a hand over her head. "What did you let her do?"

Andy glared at the eighty(ish) year old, "me? She wanted to get pissed, how the hell was I supposed to stop her?"

Leo frowned, puzzled, "she's not hurt?" he removed his healing hand from the unconscious Paige.

Andy laughed, "No, she's wasted."

"Oh." Leo smiled bashfully, "sorry."

"Forget it. What did you tell Glenn?"


Andy chuckled, "nothing?"

"Just that, um, you were calling," Leo paused, "he's going to kill me."

Andy nodded and clapped a hand on Leo's shoulder, "it's a damn good job you're already then!"

Leo sighed, "I guess you called 'cause you need a ride home?"

"Let's go and face the Evil witch before he destroys the apartment."

Leo sighed again and orbed Paige and Andy back to a less than happy Energy Wielder.


"How can we trust that demonic bitch? She'd gladly poison us with that damned tonic if she knew the Source would let her get away with it!"

Phoebe paced around the cavern as Cole watched on; trying to hide his mounting guilt of being the future assassin of the youngest Halliwell. "What potion did she give you?"

Phoebe growled and threw an energy ball at the wall, trying, (in vain), to free some of her fury. "The Maleficus potion, have you heard of it?"

Heard of it? Cole had requested it from the Seer many times himself; somehow he didn't think the Halliwell sisters' knew of its true properties…

"No. What does it do?

Phoebe grinned manically, "It'll overpower her Good side and bring out the Evil. I'm kinda surprised the Source didn't think of it before."

No, they definitely don't know its true properties.

"I guess it slipped his mind…need some help in releasing your tension?"

Phoebe strolled towards Cole, seductively, "why else would I be here?"

Cole let out a mock groan, "you're going to be the death of me, you little witch."

Phoebe winked, "oh, Belthazor…is there any better way to go?"
