1Okay here we goooo this is my first fanfic. this is titled after one of my fave songs by "the higher" called 'rock my body' Although I'm okay at writing I'm still open to constrictive criticism, flames and anything else...

WARNING: this is a yaoi if you don't like i suggest you get off of the gravitation fanfics.

Disclaimer: i don't own gravitation or dead witch walking

Chapter one: (day one) Thursday

"Yes!" I screamed while doing my traditional Shuichi dance, just before the bell rang.

I heard the door open to see my principal standing in the doorway.

"Class, please sit down and be quiet!" when we didn't he pulled out his 357 magnum saying: "sit down and shut up!"

"Yes, Mr.K." we all did what he said out of just fear alone.

"Now pay attention, you all have a new teacher, since you guys ran off all your other ones." Mr. K stated.

"And thank ;whatever deity you worship; we did!" I muttered.

"What was that Shindo?"

"Nothing, I said nothing..."

The door opened wider and I saw that two people were standing at the door. One was Mr.K and the was a blonde haired god...

'Oh, my GOD!!! He is sooooo cute!'

"Hiro...pssst Hiro, look at that guy." I said after I caught his attention.

"Yeah, yeah you know I'm not interested in boys...like someone I know..." he said obviously aiming that comment at me.

"I know your not, I also don't seem to recall saying that I love him." I paused. "I said he was cute."

"Class, as K said I'm your new teacher. My name is Eiri Uesugi. Your to call me 'Uesugi-sensei.'" the new teacher started off, with a huge smile on his face.

Seeing everything was fine K left. As soon as K left Uesugi-sensei's smile dropped into a apathetic smirk. He stopped talking nicely and said: "Now all of you, I will not put up with any of your shit, you will do the homework I give you if you don't it will result in a detention for everybody in the class I will not give any 'extra-credit'. Now with all of that said and done please turn to page 365 in your math book."

I quickly raised my hand. "Yes?" I heard the angel/god say.

"Well you see i forgot my math book at home."

"Okay, share with someone else and you have an detention Mr..."

"Shindo." I said

"Well detention Mr. Shindo."

"Geez, what's got your boxers in a bunch?" I whispered "assuming you wear boxers."

"What was that?" he asked.

"I said: 'what's got your boxers in a bunch: assuming you wear boxers." I said confidently.

"The first question is none of you damn business As to the second question: I do wear boxers."

To the last comment I started to blush and fell silent.

"What's the matter don't believe me?" he asked mockingly.

I said nothing

"Shindo, you get detention for the next two months."


As soon as the last bell rang, out of habit: I stayed seated. 'I can't believe this!' I thought 'out of the whole day I was the only one to get detention.'

"You Shindo!" I heard the demonic/angelic teacher say "what's your first name?"



"Mr.Uesugi may I ask why I got detention for two months?"

"You asked me a rude question." and pausing as if adding insult to injury said "and I just don't like you or your attitude." he said walking over to me with his hands in his pockets,"I've heard from K that you're the one who usually runs off the teachers. Well I've got news for you kid: it ain't gonna happen with me."

"But why me?"

"Why (1)do you always ask me 'why, why'(1)?"

"I don't know."

Then something strange happened, something not like him (what little I did know about him) he leaned down and kissed me...on the lips!!! omg! Major mental break down: beep, beep, abort, abort...

The kiss lasted about 2min. It was a hungry, lust filled kiss. Each of us, coming up for air and than diving back down for more.

"(2)Sweet mother of tinkerbelle.(2)" I said after what we had done.

"What did you say?"

"'sweet mother of tinkerbelle.'"

"Your aware that she is the Disney whore right??"

"Really? I just said that cuz she's my favorite character."...

I glanced up at the clock, and seeing it was already 5:00 I told Uesugi-sensei it was 5:00 so I could leave.

He said "Okay. Go, get out of my sight."

"Why did you have to say that?"

"Cause it's in my nature to."

"No, it's not."

"How do you know?"

"You just made-out with me." I stated knowing that I had already one the argument.

"Only cause I wanted you to shut up."

"Yeah, sure you did."

"I'm not telling you again, get out."

"But you just said it again."

"Get out!"

"See you said it again."


"And again."

"Last time, if I do this I need you to get out because if not..."

"If not what??" I asked.

He just walked over to me and again kissed me yet again.

This time it was slow. After a while I felt his tongue flick across my lower lip, pleading ...no begging for entrance to my mouth. As i moaned into his mouth, his tongue started a fight with mine.

He pushed me against the wall as we continued kissing. I felt one of his hands pin my arms above my head, while the other started to run along my side. Suddenly he stopped, looking down at me.

I looked up at him saying "Really Eiri... I mean Uesugi-sensei I have to go home now." After I escaped the prison like bars his arms formed, I ran out of the classroom and to the train to go home.

I got off the train and ran home breathlessly.

I went into the kitchen to see if mom was in there. She was.

"Hey mom." I called out.

"Hey Shu, how was school?"

"Not very good."


"Well we got a new teacher and he gave me detention for the next two months."

"Why? What did you do this time?" she said. As if knowing that he got detention before he had even said it yet."

"I was rude, and I talked back to him."


"Mom, what are we having for dinner."

"Curry with rice."

"How much longer?"

"Maybe, a half an hour."

"Okay." I said walking over to the cabinets to get my favorite snack: strawberry pocky.

When I got back up to my room I leaped on my bed and turned on my CD player to the 'My Chemical Romance' album.

As soon as I heard it start to play I turned it to my theme song (3)'I'm not okay (I promise)(3)

Looking back, Hiro was the one that introduced me to them. He made me listen to the song after throughly trying to convince me to listen to it by saying "Shu this song just screams you. I mean when I heard ti I instantly thought of 'oh my god this song is so Shuichi.' just please listen to it." and I did, and look how far it has come with me, I mean it's my theme song!

"Shuichi!!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs.

I got up and started heading down the stairs, about half-way down and I said:

"What mom?"

"Shu, darling your teacher is here."

"Oh." I said turning to the blonde god standing in front of me. "Mom do you mind if Mr.Uesugi stays for dinner?"

"No, he can if he wants too."

"I don't want to intrude." he said "I really don't need to."

"It's okay, it's nothing." mom said.

"Mom, I'm gonna show Mr.Uesugi up to my room, k?"

Quickly I led Erie up the stairs to my bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"So what do you want?" I asked rudely. As soon as the door had shut.

"I came by to apologize for what I did earlier, I know it was wrong to do that but...I feel like I had to do this so..." he trailed off.

"Well, then take this as a token of my acceptance of your apology." I than leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

When I pulled back he had a stunned look on his face. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"You just kissed me."

"Yeah, so...let's change the conversation. Okay?"

"Is that My Chemical Romance I hear?"

"Yea. My theme song."

"I'm not okay. It suits you."

"Is that a compliment, or a insult?" I asked.

"Compliment. I like that song."

"Oh, well that's good."

"But I do have to say that I like 'Thank-you for the venom' better."

"That's also one of my favorites."

"Do you think I could borrow this album?"

"Sure, do you have any of their albums?"

"Yeah I have 'Black parade', 'Life on the murder scene.', and 'I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love.'"

"Could I borrow those."

"Sure." he paused and looked up at me "Shuichi I really am sorry for what I did and if you hate me for the rest of your life I can understand why you would want to."

"I'm not mad at you." I than did something out of character for me. That would be that I walked toward him, making him back up to the bed, and I pushedhim down of the bed, which caused him to say:

"Hey Shu wha-" he said before I cut him off, by crawling on top of him and kissing him full on the lips.

After a while he stopped trying to get away and succumbed to me and started kissing me back.

Our tongues were soon wrestling, back and froth, from his mouth to mine, suddenly I felt something start to creep along the length of my back. I pulled away saying:

"Mr.Uesugi was that-" He cut me off.

"My hand? Yes, and while were alone call me Eiri."

"Okay." I said before kissing him again.

"Shu, Mr. Uesugi dinners ready!!" I heard mom call up the stairs.

Suddenly as if realizing where and what we were doing we stopped, stood up and started blushing.

We went downstairs after getting a hold of ourselves and another kiss or two.

When we sat down mother asked "So Shu what did you guys talk about?"

"School and music." I said half-lying.

"Well that's good."

"Mom when's dad gonna be home?"

"He's working late again tonight."

"Oh." I said dropping my head.

After that statement the rest of dinner went by in a blur.

Next thing I knew I was walking Mr.Uesugi to the door. Mom stayed in the kitchen, cleaning it up. So I walked outside with Eiri...to his car.

When he sat down in his seat I leaned down and gave him the CD's and a short sweet kiss. To which he dutifully returned the kiss.

I pulled back saying: "well I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class and detention."


"That means that you have to 'act' mean to me during class."

"I know." He said reaching up and touching my cheek with his hand. When he did this I leaned into his hand.

"Well I have to leave now see you tomorrow Shu."


He closed the door to his car and left.

After he left I went upstairs took a shower and went to bed. I had very interesting dreams that night.

well that's all for right now. I would like it if you would read and review...

1) a line from one of the gravitation books.

2) a line from a Kim Harrison book called "dead witch walking" it's good so you should read it!

3) my actual theme song.