DISCLAIMER - i do not own ghost hunt or any of the characters from the manga used in this story. The character Fai is based on Fai from the Tsubasa Chronicles

Hi, this is your 2015 update - enjoy the re-edited version!

"What were you doing up stairs Fai?" John asked curiously as they stood by the front door with Lin, waiting for Mai and the others. They had agreed to meet up and drive out together to gather their belongings, opting to stay in the mansion for the remainder of the case. Fai, who had been gazing out at the melting snow with a far off look in his eyes, glanced up in surprise.

"Hm? Oh that. I just thought I should give Mai some space." The young nobleman replied innocently, at which John looked at him suspiciously. When Mai had run out of the room John had noticed her knock Fai aside, and when he'd looked again the blonde noble had disappeared. He'd automatically assumed that Fai had gone after Mai to comfort her, but when he'd found the noble he was in the first floor library.

"You knew that Naru would go after her, didn't you?" The Australian accused suspiciously, receiving an innocent look in return. Despite the innocent look John could tell the noble was a little put out by his own kindness; it wasn't hard to see that the noble carried a torch for Mai.

"I don't know what you mean." Fai replied modestly as he flicked his blonde bangs out of his crystal eyes, seeming to cheer himself up as he looked over John's shoulder. "In any case, they're back now so you can be on your way. I'm sure you'll want to get some more clothes and supplies before returning." He added as the kitchen door opened and Monk-san entered, followed shortly by Mai and Naru. John glanced over his shoulder with a welcoming smile as he slipped his coat on.

"Yes. I should be back within an hour." John replied as he buttoned the chequered brown coat, tugging the collar down neatly as he turned to the newcomers. "How about you Monk-san?" John asked as he looked up at the older man, who was already wearing his khaki coat from earlier when he'd gone out into the gardens to find Naru.

"Me? Oh; I shouldn't be more than three hours. I'm stopping Lin-san's first, and then we'll head over to my house before coming back." He replied as he scratched his head absently, his blue eyes looking up at the ceiling distractedly. He grumbled something about stopping for petrol as he turned to the tall Chinese man, who nodded his agreement before adding that he might need to stop by the office. John wasn't going particularly far; he was just going to walk into town to visit the local church.

"Well, then we'll all be back here by five O'clock at the latest." Naru stated as he pulled on his black coat and walked to the door, followed by Mai, who pulled her coat on as she went. The rest of the group followed, Fai opting to accompany John into the on foot since he had little else to do, and it seemed a good time to gather a few supplies. "Mai, we'll stop at yours first and I'll drop you off." The ebony haired teen decided as she climbed into the van, the door closing behind her before she could respond. Mai waited for Naru to climb in the driver's side before she argued.

"Naru, I'm not staying out of this. If you take me home I'll just walk back." She replied stubbornly, ignoring his glare as she looked out of the window, waving as John and Fai set off on the long walk down the snowy driveway. "Although I don't know that I'd make it before it got dark…and it looks like it might snow again." She added as she raised her eyed to the cloudy sky. Naru took a deep calming breath as he turned on the engine.

"Mai, you promised me; at the first sign of trouble." He began as she pulled her coat off in the growing heat, hot air pumping from the heater in front of her filling the small cabin of the van. It seemed that she wasn't the only one affected as Naru tugged the buttons of his coat loose and let it slide off his shoulders.

"I know, but you're in trouble too, so I'll stay and keep an eye on you." She replied warmly, looking across at the stoic boy beside her, his cobalt eyes shifting from the road for a moment to glance at her. He sighed lightly, biting his lower lip as he considered how to word his response.

"Considering what happened earlier that might not be the best idea…" Naru replied bitterly, unable to look at Mai as he brought up his earlier possession. The worst part was that he couldn't remember it in detail; the presence had gripped his consciousness and locked him away. He remembered going into the room, and then the crushing power of the presence as it forced its way into his mind, and the thoughts it had shared about Mai, or Mika as he called her, and then there was blackness. He'd managed to force his way out, but he couldn't hold off. If Monk-san hadn't come in that moment…He gasped as he felt Mai's hand on his knee, his grip on the steering wheel tightening until his knuckles were white.

"It's okay; it wasn't your fault, so try not to feel guilty about it…" She said comfortingly before blushing and looking out of the window, releasing his knee. He stole a glance at her as he drove and took in her appearance. She looked different somehow as she sat there. She was more mature, her head leaning elegantly on her hand, her elbow supported on the window and her legs crossed, causing her skirt to ride up her thighs. Or has she always been like this and I just haven't noticed it before?

"But I…I don't want you to get hurt." He argued awkwardly, keeping his eyes on the road as he spoke, feeling her give him an affectionate look. He chewed the inside of his cheek almost nervously; he was no good at talking like this. He just didn't do the sharing feelings thing. I always left that sort of thing to my brother…

"I'll be fine…It's nice of you to worry though." Mai replied with a smile before looking back out of the window. If I didn't know better I'd say Naru was blushing. Mai thought in amusement as she looked at his reflection in the window. Since Naru had quieted down Mai's thoughts returned to earlier. I wonder what it was down the well…Could it have been my imagination? Maybe, but I'm so sure that I saw something…but Naru would never let me go back to check it out my self…I'll just have to sneak out somehow…It could be important; in fact I'm sure it is! She thought with certainty, absently listening to the news on the radio.

"Well, as far as we know it was a four-by-four that skidded off the road in the blizzard and collided with an eighteen wheeler, forcing it over the safety barrier and down into the gully. The driver was a middle-aged man, but so far the police have not given any other details. We would like to remind everyone that there is another blizzard on the way, so please don't go out if you don't have to. The authorities would like to avoid any more unfortunate accidents." The reporter said imploringly before moving on to introduce the next song. Mai sighed in pity as she thought about the broadcast. That poor man, I feel sorry for his family, especially this close to Christmas; it's just so terrible…

"Alright, here we are." Naru said as he pulled up outside Mai's house. "Do you need any help?" He asked as Mai hopped out, the icy breeze enveloping her as her booted feet hit the ground. She held off a shiver as she grabbed her coat and wrapped it round her shoulders, the snow crunching beneath her feet as she stepped back.

"Sure; you can keep me company. My dad won't be home for hours." Mai replied as she closed the door, waiting for Naru before walking up to the front door and unlocking it. Once inside she abandoned her coat and boots, the house feeling quite cold since the heating wasn't on. It felt like it hadn't been on all night. "Are you coming up?" Mai asked as she went to the bottom of the stairs and looked over her shoulder as Naru slipped out of his shoes and left his coat on top of hers.

"Sure." He replied shortly as she bounded up the stairs, her skirt rising and falling with each step, almost revealing her underwear. The older teen averted his eyes for the most part, but couldn't help the occasional glance at her pale legs. Mai walked to her room and went inside oblivious to the blue gaze periodically caressing her pale skin. Where did I put that case? She wondered as she knelt down and looked under the bed, where she could see a small black case big enough to carry a weeks worth of clothes. "You shouldn't need too much; there is a washing machine." Naru pointed out as if answering her thoughts.

"Okay; this should do then." She decided as she pulled the small case out and put it on the bed. It was on wheels, the type of case airhostesses use when they fly to a country and stay for the night before coming back; it was also the bag that Mai used for her hand luggage on planes. Mai left the case open on the bed and went to her drawers, doing the underwear first, and being quick about it because Naru was watching her every move. She then walked to her wardrobe and opened it, looking at all of her skirts and trousers thoughtfully. I'll take one pair of chords in case we go out in the snow again and two skirts…but which ones? She wondered as she pulled a pair of light brown chords from the hanger and looked at the skirts. She jerked as an arm reached over her shoulder and pulled one black pleated skirt and a brown chequered one that almost matched John's coat.

"These will do." He decided as he looked down at Mai's surprised expression as she eyed his choices. "I've always thought you look nice in this one." He added as he held up the chequered skirt. Why did I know that Naru would choose something black? She wondered in amusement as she eyed the black pleated skirt. I've never even worn this one…I guess I should get some use out of it though. She added as she took the skirts and pulled them off the hangers, letting them clatter to the floor as she hurried to her case. She hurried to her drawers and opened them, eyeing the piles of neatly folded tops. Well; this black top will go with that skirt…She thought as she picked up the sleeveless roll neck and looked back in the drawer. Ah, this beige would look nice with the chequered skirt. She added as she picked up a long sleeved top. "You might want a jumper or two; oh, and don't forget nightwear." Naru reminded her from the wardrobe, where he had picked up the discarded hangers and replaced them on the rail.

"Right." She replied as she grabbed a thick white tracksuit top and looked at her nightclothes, pulling some blue silk pyjamas out of the drawer. "Now what else…Oh!" She yelped as she hopped to her night stand and picked up her pills, quickly swallowing one before putting the rest of the packet in the case and zipping it shut, turning to see Naru looking a little uncomfortable. That's strange…He wasn't so tense a minute ago…She thought as she picked up her case, relieved that she had only missed one pill.

"I'll take it." Naru offered as he stepped forward and took the case from her hand without giving her the chance to argue. Mai let him take the case, her heart skipping a beat as their hands touched lightly. Mai stole a glance up at Naru to see him looking down at her, both of them looking away quickly when they caught each other's eye. She could feel her cheeks burn as she remembered the feel of his lips against hers, wondering why it suddenly felt so awkward.

"W-we'd better be going." Mai said quickly, turning away to hide her blush. Why am I so nervous? We've already kissed, so what is there to worry about? She wondered as she looked around her room, her eyes lingering on her bed as a few impish thoughts entered her mind as she glanced sideways at Naru, who was looking down at her. No! Bad Mai-chan! What are you thinking? She thought in embarrassment.

"You're right; let's go." Naru replied quickly as he saw Mai's gaze flick from the bed to him, her light blush making it obvious what she was thinking about. As she jerked out of her thoughts he smirked and walked to the door, holding back from making any comments.

"Uh; r-right." She stammered quickly as she followed him, her gaze travelling up and down his back, mostly watching his lower half. God he's gorgeous…She thought distractedly as they reached the bottom of the stairs, where Naru pulled the door open and walked out with Mai close behind. "So, I guess I finally get to see your house now huh?" She said cheerfully as they walked to the van. Mai climbed in and heard Naru open the back doors to put her case in before climbing up beside her. She couldn't wait to see where he and Lin lived. She was sure she could picture it already; there was sure to be a lot of black, and he would have research books all neatly stacked on various book shelves. There may even be a few supernatural ornaments belonging to Lin scattered around.

"It's just a small apartment; there's nothing to be excited about." He replied as he started the engine and pulled off the curb, wondering what the girl beside him was thinking. Whatever she thought his home might be like, he was sure she would be disappointed once they arrived. Mai sighed as she stretched, groaning as she leaned forward on the dashboard with folded arms. "Tired?" Naru asked teasingly as Mai pushed herself back.

"No." She replied stubbornly as she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, hearing Naru's soft chuckle as she relaxed and sighed again.

"Mai." Naru's voice called softly. Mai sighed as she opened her eyes and found herself lying down on the grass in a sunny garden, nothing but blue sky and lightly swaying treetops above her head. What? I was just…Damn! I fell asleep again! She thought as she got to her feet and brushed herself off, though there wasn't really any dirt on her skirt. He'll never let me hear the end of it! She added as she looked at Naru, who stood beside her patiently.

"We're…in Fai's garden again aren't we?" She said as she looked around, seeing the familiar well standing in the spring clearing. As she stepped closer to the well she heard a muffled cry and deep grunts, her body freezing as she rested her weight on her back foot. This is where we left off last time! I don't want to see this! Let me out! Let me wake up! She thought in a flurry as she turned away, feeling Naru grab her from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder gently, his strong presence enveloping her securely.

"You have to see this through Mai. You're the only one who can help." He purred in a comforting but apologetic tone, his arms and voice somehow calming her as he caressed her arms. "You don't have to watch it…You can go round when he's…finished." The older teen added as he massaged her shoulders gently. Mai took a shaky breath and stepped forward stiffly, wobbly legs carrying her round the well until she could see them. Mika was pinned to the ground, her kimono already ripped open to reveal her pale skin, and Tohru was above her, thrusting into her roughly as he kissed and licked her neck, leaving numerous dark red marks on her porcelain skin. Mai bit her lip and stepped back into Naru's chest.

"No! Tohru! Pease stop!" Mika cried helplessly as tears streamed down her cheeks making her eyes red. The man above her had released her hands, which pushed uselessly at his clothed shoulders, the black haori bunching in her hands as she tried to throw him off. Tohru groaned angrily as he leaned over her, snarling in her face as he held his weight on one hand.

"You think you're too good for me? Is that it? You whore!" He shouted in rage, slapping her face hard. Mika's head snapped to the side with its force as she sobbed, the pain in her face nothing compared to the pain between her legs. Tohru shifted again, the pain pulling another cry from her abused lips as she turned her face to the side, a red mark marring her cheek where his hand had struck.

"Tohru! Stop!" She begged as she tried to push him back, sobbing loudly as he moved his hips forward again, grinding them roughly into hers. The man above her grimaced slightly, either from the sensation or her expression, Mai wasn't sure.

"Why? Don't you like it? Doesn't it feel good?" He asked as he pulled back and pushed into her again, his head moving down to kiss the hollow of her throat again. One hand supported his upper body as he leaned down, the other caressing Mika's cheek and running down her throat almost lovingly.

"No Tohru! I want you to stop!" Mika cried as she tried again to throw him off, but the weight pressing down on her body was too strong and she could only move him a few inches from her chest before she collapsed back to the grass in exhaustion. "Eishi! Eishi! Help me! Please!" She shouted as she tilted her head up towards the path leading to the mansion, crying as Tohru bit down on her neck roughly until it bled.

"Shut up!" He hissed venomously, licking the trail blood and sighing as he savoured the taste. His expression was bitter as he buried his face in Mika's throat. "Why do you call for Eishi? You have me. I love you. Eishi doesn't." He continued in a purring voice as he nuzzled her throat. "You know he only married you for the money…The daughter of a General…that's quite a lot of money you inherit, isn't it Mika?" He added, not really asking for confirmation since they both knew that it was.

"Of all the things! How low can you stoop Tohru? I do not believe your lies! I know Eishi loves me! And if you truly loved me you would not be doing this!" She replied hysterically as he continued to thrust into her, gritting her teeth against the pleasure he was trying to force on her, focusing only on the pain. It wasn't that hard; he was so rough that she felt like she was being torn in two.

"But I do love you Mika; that's why I am trying to save you…to show you…" He replied quietly as he breathed in her light scent, licking the salty tears from her cheeks and making a shudder run through her body as she lay there.

"I hate you Tohru." She replied darkly as she turned her face away.

"No you don't." He replied gently as he kissed her cheek affectionately.

"I do. I will never love you! You rapist!" She hissed, letting the hatred show in her eyes as he came inside her, the woman shuddering in disgust at the feeling. He pulled out of her and looked down at her, his fists shaking in anger until he finally let it overcome him. Mai gasped in horror as he got up and kicked Mika repeatedly anywhere he could reach; her face, her stomach, her chest, her legs.

"No…Stop…You'll kill her…Stop!" Mai cried as she watched, feeling her stomach turn as the blood began to flow from new cuts while Mika's pale skin turned blue in places and the sound of cracking bones was cutting across Mika's pained moans. I have to help her! I can't just…watch this…She cried inwardly as her horror struck body quivered, feeling Naru's arms tighten around her as she stepped forward.

"There is nothing you can do." He empathised as tears filled her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. She watched Tohru step back gasping, looking down at Mika's broken body with a manic grin, his dark eyes wide as his brow twitched. He looked like he'd gone mad. Mai looked at the bleeding corpse and felt her stomach heave. She covered her mouth and ran to the edge of the trees where she bent over and choked as she vomited, feeling a gentle hand rubbing her back and holding the loose hair away from her face. Oh god he killed her! He beat her to death and I watched him do it! She cried inwardly as her throat burned from the acid in her throat. "Mai." Naru said gently. Mai looked over her shoulder and he pointed to the well, where Tohru had lifted Mika's body. What's he going to do now? Hide her in the forest somewhere? Fai did say that her body was never recovered…Maybe I should go to the clearing and see if I can feel anything…