Dislaimer: I do not, under any circumstances, own InuYasha.


Those ears. They fascinated her so. Always moving to catch the least ammount of sound, from the boring to the interesting, the threats to the peaceful. Even when he was asleep they still worked to keep them safe. Ever since she had started on this quest, she had been drawn to them, like a moth to a flame. It was the dead of night but here she was awake, staring at those ears. Standing as she was, a distance away from the tree he was asleep in, she could just barely see them. Now would be the perfect time to get to them...If only he wasn't in a tree. She could climb the tree...but he was such a light sleeper, that any noises she made while climbing would wake him up. She sighed and settled down to sleep. She'd get them in the morning.


She didn't get them in the morning. She spent the entire day staring at them as they walked, carefully, so no one noticed. As they neared their destination, she found they were at the hut. She nearly smiled. It meant she could finally get the ears. He almost always slept inside the hut. She didn't know why but he did. She could wait.


Finally. It was night. everyone but her was asleep. She stood up and snuck quietly towards him. She froze for a moment when his ears twitched towards her and he moved a bit in his sleep. When she thought it was safe again, she crept forward again. Suddenly, she leaped forward, headed for the ears. She landed, holding the ears.


He woke up with a yell. She clung tighter to the ears, not letting go, as he reached up and started tugging at her.

"Get off of my ear, you crazy cat!"

She started purring and clung even tighter to the ear. She had them, she was happy. He kept tugging, trying to pull her off without hurting his ears.

By now, the rest of the group was up and laughing at his predicament, with a small two-tailed kitten clinging to his ear on top of his head.

"This isn't funny! Will you get her off?!"

They didn't even stop laughing long enough to answer.

"Sorry...hehe...this is too...heee! funny to stop."



This is what I get for not being able to sleep at 2a.m. That, and it kept haunting me till I wrote it down. Thank you for reading :) Reviews are appreciated.