Okay...I seriously can't stop listening to this one freaking song...it's so...damn...CUTE! -flails arms like woah-

Why do people keep asking for EdxAyumi in this fic? o.O I'm not even implying it here...lmao

Okay, so yeah, it's the first bonus chapter! Yay! It's like an OVA in an anime! XD It's really like...chapter-ish -sweatdrop- Yeah...so...onward!


Bloody hell, I'm nervous. My sisters and parents were downstairs eating dinner without me (thanks a lot, nice caring family...) and I now had to break the news that Ed was back and was gonna live with us now.

"Relax. Not a big deal." Edward said reassuringly. I rolled my eyes, somehow bypassing the fact that he had just read my mind. I guess somethings never change. "Yeah, maybe not for you. But I don't come down everyday saying 'Hey family, the guy who possessed me for a week and a half and almost killed me just got his body back and wants to stay with us!'"

"See, it's that easy! You can tell them that!" Ed insisted in a teasing tone. I stared at him. "I think being in my head affected your brain, because you're insane." I peered down the hallway anxiously, checking if the coast was clear. Of course it was, everyone was downstairs. Ed strolled past me, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"You idiot!" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him. He smirked and stuck out his tongue, then dashed down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Crap!" I chased after him, cursing frequently because I still haven't mastered how to awalk with automail yet, ending up doing a type of limping-hop-jump run thing. It was weird and noisy, but it was fast enough to almost catch up. He was just about to cross the living rom into the kitchen when I tackled him to the ground, sending us both sprawling against the wall with a big bang. There was a startled clatter of silverwear immediatly afterwards.

"What was that?!" I heard my mom wonder aloud. I glared at Ed, who was snickering silently and rubbng the back of his head with a smug look on his face. I jumped to my feet and faked embarrased cheerfulness as I went into the kitchen. "Sorry! I fell...automail went screwy, hehe."

They all stared at me with wide eyes. I remembered that I was supposed to be depressed and cursed in my head. "Hurry up, Ayumi!" Ed thought impatiently. Cool, we can still communicate that way!

"Okay, don't freak out, but...uh..." I trailed off, feeling anxious again. I wasn't sure how they'd ract, and it felt the same as when I had to tell my parents something really bad. In fact, i this was almos exactly how I felt when I was nine, and I got a 71 on a test. My mom freaked out on me...it was scary...

"...what is it?" Dad asked, his eyebrows raised. I gulped. "Oh...uh...um..." I stammered. Impatient with my method of telling, Ed walked inside and smiled as all eyes focused on him. "Hi." He said calmly. I stared at him in disbelief.

"...who's this, Ayumi?" Dad asked, not sounding angry, just curious. Curiousity that was sharpened into a dagger, ready to stab multiple times into d's body...what the hell, why do I have such a psychotic mind?

Rei blinked and pointed to him. "He kinda looks like..."

"Yup! It's me." Ed beamed. Rei toppled off her chair with a shocked yell. I gave her a weird look.

"Oh!" Kiyoko gasped and pointed at Ed, then at me, then blinked. "Oh...welcome back, Ed!"

"Ed?!" My parents said at the same time, and gaped at him. Ed laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it's me." He said again. Mom jumped up and hugged hum tightly, and his face went bright red. I giggled.

"I'm glad you're back, and you have your body back!" She le him go and glanced disapprovingly at his braid. The both of us could tell that she wanted to chop it off right now.

"You have your body back for good now? Not gonna be possessing my daghter anymore?" Dad asked, sounding slightly bitter. Ed blinked. "Yeah, I think so...uh...maybe."

Dad glared at him. Ed quickly changed his answer. "Uh, I mean, yes sir!"

"That's good!" Mom ruffled his hair and started twirling her finger on his antenna, which looked like it annoyed him. "Do you at least have a place to stay?"

"No, that's why I was hoping to stay here a bit, if that's okay with everyone." He replied slowly.

"Eh?" She blinked and let go of his antenna, which sprung off in a curl. I almost fell down laughing. "Seriously? With us?"

"Is that asking to much?" He blinked and looked nervous. She broke into a wide smile. "No, no! I just didn't want to freak you out by inviting you to stay with us...well...if that's okay." She glanced back at Dad with a pout.

"..." He blinked. I started pouting at him, and Rei followed suit. Kiyoko went back to eating her dinner, and after I nudged him hard, Ed started pouting too and thought that it was stupid.

Dad rolled his eyes. "Fine! Geez, we can put the extra matteress into Ayumi's room. Now settle down and get back to eating." He pointed to a couple of pots on the stove. "Get your own, Ed."

"YAY!" Rei jumped up and tackled Ed to the ground. I grinned and hugged my Dad thanks before joining the dogpile of Ed, who screamed in pain when I accidently whacked him in the face with my automail. Kiyoko rolled her eyes. "Idiots..."


Phew, finally done...fricking song won't get out of my head...

My internet's fixed! Yay! AND! ...I just realized how much my name matches with Raito's from Death Note...Ayumi Yagami...-fangirl flail- IT SOUNDS SO COOL! So if I randomly change my name, yeah, that's why, lol Okay! Reviews! It's too late, so no underlining, lol

Ara Mei- Lol, noooo, not reading your mind...-shifty eyes- Lol, I like cheese sammichs...yummeh

Yakami-XD Lol, semi happy ending? Ehhh? XD Made no sense to me...lol

wolfboy1021- XD Lol, cool! I keep doing stuff and forgetting to read it..but I will! I swear! And zomg, that sounds cool...

Lakara Valentine- Lol, Ed's at my house X3 He says hi, hehehe

SapphireElric- Lol, here it is, bleh XP

Mr. Thumbsup- XD Lol, I will have like, ONE chapter that's EdxAyumi because of what my sister said WAY back, if anyone remembers that in an author's note...

Yami ni Hikari- XD Lol, yeah...

Chibi-Elric-Chan- Yeah, I couldn't kill Ed because I needed him for the sequel...that though...is a different story...MWAHAHAHAHA!

demonic-shikigamikitsune- Lol, ur mean T.T XD I'll change it, I swear! -emo corner-

ibananas- Bananas, lol...

Amaris Sirtsema- Lol, wait my little friend...I know everyone keeps asking that...ehehe...

Skyler25- XD Lol, if that's your reaction to me just reading it, what will you say if I decide to IM you or something? X3 -hint hint, post ur thingy on ur profile, lol-

agent000- Yeah, that arm will be missed...honestly, I'm starting to wonder why everyone wants automail, there's NOTHING good about getting your limbs ripped off to be replaced with something cool but uber painful...

TheCrazyScotswomanofDOOM- Lol, why'd ya wait? XD Sure, I get annoyed replying, but I LOVE reviews! Geez!

UndeadTiger- Cheese lol, wtf, lobve you X3

Alexa- Lol, wtf? XD

Half Human Homunculi- Lol, yaaaay! XD I finished nanowrimo, I'm glad, it took too much time to do

Okay...moment everyone was waiting for...WHO WILL BE IN THE SEQUEL???! -gets mobbed by people wanting to be in it-

I just wanna know all the people who do, so when you review, just mention that you wanna be in the sequel and you might...might...with a capital M-IGHT