A/N: I'm back and so very far behind! I've been hard at work on another writing project so I'm immensely sorry for neglecting you all, I'm such a meanie! I need someone who'd be willing to kick me in the rear every once in a while and possibly beta as I suck at proof-reading my own stuff. If you're interested let me know!

"Caleb! Wait up man! Where are you going?" Pogue asked rushing to catch up with his friend.

"To go talk to the doctor." Caleb replied curtly.

"We both know that's bullshit. Why don't you just tell me what's up?" Pogue asked, concern evident in his tone.

"I just, I can't stand to see him like that Pogue!" Caleb cried angrily, kicking a nearby chair startling Pogue and the others in the hall with this sudden outburst of anger. The couple next to them who had been chatting happily cast fearful glances their way before hurrying away. Caleb didn't care, it was a fucking hospital, what gave them the right to be happy?

"I understand, he's pretty banged up. It makes me mad too."

"No you don't! I'm the fearless leader, the one who's supposed to watch over and protect you guys! But look at him! He's so broken, it's all my fault and I…I just don't know how to fix him." Caleb sighed, running a hand through his short hair before plopping down in the chair he had just kicked.

"Don't blame yourself man. It's no one's fault but the bastard who did this to him." Pogue said comfortingly, taking a seat next to the older boy.

"Yeah, but-"

"Caleb, you gotta realize that even though the world rests on your shoulders you can't always hold it up on your own. You need to step back and let others help you, 'cause you can't always handle everything by yourself." Pogue told him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Would you be willing to hold the world up with me?" Caleb asked shyly.

"Of course." Pogue said chuckling.

"Thanks Pogue, I don't know what I'd do without you." The older boy said, embracing his friend tightly.

"Probably self destruct." Pogue quipped, causing them to break apart laughing. "Now let's get back to Baby Boy, he's definitely blaming himself as well."


"What are you talking about Tyler?" Reid asked, thoroughly confused.

"I know about your home life, Reid," Tyler said softly, "I know what they do to you." Reid immediately tensed up, looking ready to lash out at the younger boy and run.

"You don't know anything."

"Yes, I do. I want you to know that I-"

"No, you don't! You don't know anything!" Reid shouted loudly, staring at the brunette with fearful eyes.


"Get out."

"What?!" Tyler asked in disbelief.

"Get out, please." Reid mumbled, bowing his head, a curtain of blonde hair hiding his pained baby blue eyes from the world.

Tyler's mouth dropped open in shock. Had it really come to this? Had an evil monster managed to reduce his once proud and strong best friend to a child who was scared of his own shadow? He was tempted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't trapped in a horrible nightmare but he resisted the urge knowing he was facing harsh reality when the older boy's shoulders began to tremble with barely suppressed sobs.

Reid Garwin crying was something that wouldn't come true in his worst nightmare. It was supposed to be an impossibility, the blonde boy always smirking and confident even in the worst situation, yet here it was happening right before his very eyes.

"Sure. Whatever you say Reid." Tyler said softly. He stood and strode to the door, casting one last look at the broken teen on the bed, before exiting the room. He sat down in the chair outside the room and buried his face in his hands.

"I'm guessing it didn't go over well?" A familiar voice asked. Tyler rose his head to find Pogue and Caleb staring at him expectantly.

"No, not at all. I get the feeling he's going to ignore the fact I know and pretend it never happened."

"Ah, sounds like the Reid we all know and love. Good to know he isn't too far gone." Pogue said lightly, in an attempt to cheer his friends up.

They both nodded in agreement, small smiles coming to their faces of memories past were the blonde teen would use this tactic to wiggle out of trouble. Tyler shook himself out of his nostalgia and stood abruptly, bringing the other two back to the present as well.

"C'mon." Tyler commanded, breaking into what was border lining a sprint, the older teens following, ignoring protests and demands to slow down and walk by the staff.

"Where are we goin?" Pogue questioned as they made it to the parking lot.

"We're going to pay a little visit to Mrs. Garwin and see how much she knows." Tyler informed him as he climbed into his hummer, motioning for the other boys to do the same.


Reid felt the guilt wash over him as he heard the door click softly behind Tyler. He hadn't meant to hurt the younger boy, he was trying to protect the younger boy by avoiding getting him involved. The blonde didn't want them to know, he didn't want them to see just how weak and pathetic he was.

Hell, he didn't even want to be in this godforsaken place. He wished he could just disappear and pretend none of this ever happened or he could just curl in on himself and wait for it all to go away. But Reid knew he was in danger here, he was more vulnerable to his step-father's attacks here. He had to get out.

Intent on escaping he sat up, ignoring his bodies cries of protest, and ripped the IV needle out of his arm. Hearing a loud monotone ring fill the room, he quickly stood and searched for his clothes. Soon finding them, he put them on as fast as his battered body would allow. He pulled the hood over his head and headed out of the room, watching the nurses rush to his room to help what they thought was a flat lining patient.

Reid made it to the parking lot just before the PA system signaled that he was missing. He frantically scanned the parking lot, desperate not to be caught. A familiar annoyingly bright yellow caught his attention. Recognizing it as Pogue's bike he stumbled over. Once he made it to the Ducati, he realized he wouldn't be able to ride it in his injured state.

"Think, Garwin think." He told himself as he heard shouts inside the building. A flash of silver caught his eye. "That's it."He thought evilly as he made his way to Caleb's Mustang. Praying the door was unlocked he pulled on the door handle which, much to his surprise, opened the door.

Gently lowering himself into the seat, he pulled down the sun visor which supplied him with a pair of keys, much to his satisfaction. Smirking evilly he started the car and put it in drive. He had been waiting to do this for so long and this was the perfect excuse. Hospital security came pouring out into the parking lot just as he gave a loud whoop and peeled out of the lot.

It was comforting to know he hadn't quite lost his bad-boy touch.

A/N: Well there it is. Hope you enjoy! Thanks a lot for reading and please review! Hopefully this chapter's long enough to excuse my none-updating-ness.