Be Your Remedy by Kurocat

--- Chapter 1

Warnings: Yaoi (Slash)
Rating: M
Pairing: LxRaito
Summary: L bruises Raito in another one of their fights, so to apologize he decides to play doctor

A/N: I've been getting comments from both you guys and my friends about the setting, this is AFTER Raito gave up the note and lost his memories after his confinement, even though he does not remember being Kira, the fact that L is sleeping confuses him because of L's suspicions, thats the only reason for the stabbing and suffocating references. I hope that helps.


Raito woke suddenly from his sleep upon feeling an awkwardly curled foot poke sharply into his side. He pushed the offending limb away and adjusted his position on the small couch to look at the now curled up detective snoozing peacefully on the other end.

"Ryuuzaki?" he whispered uncertainly.

The man beside him shifted but did not wake up. It had been very late the previous night, and he had insisted he and his chain-ee get some sleep...even if the farthest they would get was the couch in Ryuuzaki's investigation room.

Raito was half-surprised to find Ryuuzaki sleeping...his guard down, in such a convenient stabbing or pillow suffocating position...especially when he was lying next to the one person he was the most suspicious of being a mass murderer. He had been almost sure the detective would stay awake, either working on a laptop or watching him sleep, probably to see if he confessed to being Kira in his dreams or something...Raito glared at the sleeping figure...'seems like something you might do' he thought. On the other hand though, how could he be surprised that he was tired? He had begun to think the man had a supernatural ability to remain awake 24/7.

Raito smirked, 'so you're only human after all'.

He slowly and quietly leaned over the older man to gently shake his shoulder. "Ryuuzaki, wake up, we overslept, its after noon already."

Ryuuzaki rolled over underneath him groaning softly, opening his eyes just enough to see Raito hovering above him.

"Noon? That's cannot be right, Watari would have woken us." he said, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand in a way similar to that of a cat. 'Cute' Raito thought. Not only the older man's actions...but also his voice held an adorable tone, making the child in Raito want to lunge and cuddle him.



"What are you doing?"

Raito looked down. Suddenly he felt his cheeks grow slightly warm at the new situation...his knees were straddling the detective's legs, his hands on either side of his head, being tickled lightly by strands of soft black hair.

Ryuuzaki just blinked at him.

Raito quickly removed himself from his position moved back to his end of the couch, staying uncomfortably silent before speaking. "I was just waking you...I didn't mean to get so close" he said, staring at the floor for a moment. 'Liar?'

"Don't be embarrassed yagami-kun, I was merely asking out of curiosity. I wasn't uncomfortable." Ryuuzaki said, sitting up lazily and rubbing his eyes again.

Raito flushed. "I'm not embarrassed! Augh, never mind, anyway, check your phone, I'm sure that it is after noon. The sunlight is fading." He said, pointing to one of the room's few windows, that let in rays of semi-orange light.

Ryuuzaki ignored him but pulled out his phone anyway. "I wonder where Watari is then . . . "

Raito leaned in to nosily peek at the clock on his friend's phone. 12:40. 'Tch, I was right' he thought, sitting back and folding his arms, shooting little 'you know you were wrong and I was right' glares that seemed to bounce right off the detective's pure in-acknowledgment.

Ryuuzaki pressed a few buttons and held the phone awkwardly to his ear. A few seconds passed. "Watari, are you all right? Where are you?" he spoke all-to-calmly. Raito watched as Ryuuzaki's eyes narrowed in what he assumed was annoyance. "I see."

Raito suppressed the urge to smile when he heard a few of Watari's muffled words escape from the phone into the air, he could have sworn they were something to the effect of "looked tired" and "you needed." He quickly hid his obvious need to smirk again by yawning and stretching his arms as Ryuuzaki closed his phone and made to stand. "We should really get back to work Yagami-kun..."

Raito sighed and allowed himself to be lead by fault of the chain that connected them back to their stations in front of Ryuuzaki's many computer screens.

Right on cue, two of the team's members came loudly through the door. "I WILL NOT be sent to a store to buy women 'utilities', I am NOT her butler!" Aizawa exclaimed loudly, marching across the room with a stressed looking Matsuda at his heels. "But Misa-misa says she really needs them!" Matsuda whined. Aizawa twitched at the once again mentioned nickname and shook, trying to control his obvious frustration.

"Why can't you go then!?"

"I don't have a car."

"You don't?"

"I take the subway..."


"The subway doesn't stop near the store Misa-misa asked them from! Come on, please!?"

"Gentlemen" Ryuuzaki said suddenly and calmly, sucking on a spoon he had just dipped into a cup of strawberry yogurt...which, to his amazement, had somehow magically appeared without Raito's noticing. "Please inform Amane-san that if she needs anything, to ask Watari, who will kindly see to the issue." Raito raised a brow 'does he always treat the poor man as a slave?' Ryuuzaki paused a moment, as though listening for something. Raito stiffened, he almost for sure believed that sometimes the older man could hear his thoughts.

"Now, if you are finished, I would like you to continue working on the case" Raito watched him spin in his chair " we have already lost valuable investigation time." he said softly, stopping mid-spin to lick the escaping yogurt off the stem of his spoon. Raito wanted to laugh. 'Maybe he's wanting revenge on Watari for letting him oversleep then? How petty.'

Matsuda nodded in recognition of his orders and left the room to speak with Misa, saying a brief "Hello." as the chief walked in. "Ryuuzaki, We have new leads for the third Kira, the research has been forwarded to a file on your screen" he said tiredly. He obviously had not rested until his report was finished.

"Excellent" Ryuuzaki commented as he spun, clicked, and scrolled through the file, eyes darting back and forth through the new information.


Hours passed and Raito found himself getting more and more bored, sorting through the same information over and over, trying to find anything that might provoke suspicion on any of Ryuuzaki's leads. He glanced over at the man next to him, hoping for some sort of conversation to happen.

Ryuuzaki though, didn't seem to understand nor even acknowledge his need for entertainment of some sort. He was still engrossed in his research, sucking lightly on what looked like a cherry lollipop, or more probably strawberry. 'Where are these sweets coming from?' he wondered. He didn't remember seeing anyone bring them in. Raito bent down and looked under the desk, expecting to see some sort of container or refrigerator. But there was nothing but the floor and the underside of the desk. ' He's a fucking magician' he thought incredulously.

Ryuuzaki unglued himself from his screen to look down at Raito leaning over in his chair examining the floor. Licking at his candy before speaking. "Are you looking for something yagami-kun?" Raito jumped, resulting in his head hitting the bottom of the desk top. "Shit, um, ow, no. Its nothing." he said quickly, rubbing the now throbbing bump on his head.

"You're not hiding anything now are you?" Ryuuzaki asked suspiciously.

"What would I be hiding?"

"Well, I have a theory Kira's power may come from an object, though I doubt you could sneak anything around under my nose" he said, bending over and looking under the desk.

Raito twitched. "That again? Can't I get a break?" he said flatly, watching Ryuuzaki mimic him.

"Suspects don't get 'breaks' Yagami-kun." He said quietly, popping his candy back into his mouth and continuing his stare at the younger man. "So, what were you doing under our desk, may I ask?"

Raito glared. "Why do you care?"


"I was wondering where you're getting those sweet of yours...they just seem to pop up out of nowhere." He answered. It all seemed so stupid now that he'd said it. 'What a ridiculous thing to wonder about. Way to go on appearing intelligent in an investigation dumbass " where do you stash your sweets, Ryuuzaki?" oh yes...very clever' he mentally cursed himself.

Ryuuzaki swivelled in his seat to face Raito and removed his lollipop once again. "You must be either very observant, or very bored Yagami-kun."


"Forget it." Raito said, turning back to his computer with a look of vexation painted across his face. 'What a stupid topic'

"Do you have a fetish with my candy Yagami-kun?" Ryuuzaki said with a coy smile curling around his features. Raito slowly turned his head to stare at the man next to him, his look changing suddenly to an 'are you stupid?' expression.

"All I did was ask where you're getting them, where the hell did you get 'fetish' from?" Raito asked, amazed.

"My mind goes many places, Yagami-kun, it was merely a thought, and then a question." He said pointedly, sighing and turning back to his documents as well. "...Which you haven't answered." he added.

Raito rolled his eyes. "I think you're the one with the fetish, Ryuuzaki." he said flatly. "I answered, now answer my question, where are they coming from?" Ryuuzaki paused before answering. "Why do you want to know Yagami-kun?"

"Curiosity." he said darkly.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." said the older man, waving a finger derisively. His tone both annoyed and intrigued Raito all at once. It was Ryuuzaki's favorite taunt. He dangled and played with anything Raito wanted to know as if it were some sort of bait, and then always snatched it away to save for later. I was like he would keep the conversation going, just to say Im not telling you.

"What is your fetish Yagami-kun?"

Raito wanted two things, to laugh, and to punch the man next to him, but he was simply too taken aback by the painfully blunt question that he forgot how to choose.

Shock turned back to annoyance. These games were so childish, and yet he still felt compelled to rise to the challenge. 'Lets play'. Raito leaned back in his chair, smirking."hmm, probably...bondage" he said, trying to convey sarcasm. He thought for sure Ryuuzaki would know that he was in fact, joking, but he was proved wrong as his partner spun around in his chair to face him completely, his attention now fully on the conversation.


Raito didn't like that tone. He couldn't possibly think he had been serious?

"So does it turn you on Yagami-kun? That we are bound together?" Ryuuzaki asked teasingly, swinging his end of the chain, his mouth slowly forming into a mocking smile. "Tch, you're not my type" Raito said in defense, but his voice seemed to waver, 'was that a lie?' he felt a little heat rise to his face again, a swallow forming in his throat. 'I guess a candid statement calls for a candid answer'

"Am I not Yagami-kun? It is very likely those who like bondage like power and intelligence also. I would think I'm your ideal 'type' or perhaps I am not because you are Kira?"


Oh it cruel of me to leave you right here:3

Anyway, Animangafan4ever pointed out that its a little OOC, and I forgot to explain this. I like this pairing to go certain ways so I'm sorry if I've confused you guys. I always thought that when Raito was free of memories of the Death Note that he was a little more loving and cute :3 innocent-like but still easily angered, so I like to explore that side of him. As for L, I often noticed he liked to push buttons and tease Raito, so I like to make him cutely mischevious y'know? It not only lets me write them better, but makes it something slightly new and interesting.

(Also, this is actually my second ever fanfiction, so I'm not really that experienced, you don't know how much your review will help me :3)
