Title: Dora's Little Question
Genre: Humour/ General
Category: One-Shot/ Marauders' Era
Rated: PG
Characters: Sirius B, Remus L, James P, Peter P, and Nymphadora T

Disclaimer: I don't own any of J. K. Rowling's creations.

"Where do babies come from?" asked five-year-old Nymphadora (Dora) Tonks, the young Metamorphagus' hair was a vibrant pink.

The Marauders blinked. Once. Twice. James and Remus just knew it would be a bad idea to baby-sit Sirius' cousin Andromeda's daughter, Dora. Andromeda had a meeting with Dumbledore for something or rather, and she asked the four seventh years to take Dora with them since it was a Hogsmeade weekend. Sirius was completely enthusiastic, and James and Remus didn't know how to decline politely.

"That's a good question..." Peter spoke up, wondering the answer. The rest of the Marauders turned to him and blinked. Once. Twice.

"The stork," James finally spoke up. "The stork brings them in little white bundles and drops them to the mommies -similar to how owls deliver mails. Fly, little stork, fly, and deliver the cute little babies!"

Remus shook his head at James' improvising; Dora raised an eyebrow; and Peter had a look of amazement on his face.

"What are you talking about, Prongs?" Sirius pushed him aside and placed a hand on Dora's shoulders. "Okay, Dora, see there's the entire concept of the bird and the bees. When a man and a woman loves each other very much, they –oof!"

Remus shoved Sirius aside roughly. "They come from…" Remus tried to think of something quick, "they come from their mothers' bellies."





"Amazing, Moony," Sirius muttered, rolling his eyes. "Simply amazing."

Remus blushed as Dora placed her hands on her hips, making a cute, little, angry face. "You guys are pathetic," she said. "Would it kill you to say, 'babies are made when a guy and a girl shags each other senseless?'"

Remus and James gaped at the girl with their mouths wide open. Sirius was stifling over with laughter while Peter just looked on in confusion.

Dora went over and gave Sirius a hug. "Uncle Sirius is the only honest one. It's not polite to lie," she lectured, raising her chin.

Dissed by a child…

"Close your mouths, guys, before a fly zooms in," Sirius laughed as he picked up Dora. "Come on, kiddo, I'll buy you an ice cream."

"So which one is it?" Peter suddenly asked, causing James and Remus to snap back to reality.

"The stork, Wormtail," James turned to the blond boy, "the stork brings the babies."


A/N: I can imagine Tonks being a spunky, smart, witty child. As for Sirius being called "Uncle," well, Andromeda was Sirius' cousin, making Tonks more like a niece than a cousin.