Sasuke Uchiha scratched his arm, he was deciding what order to put his strippers in, yes he had many strippers. When his brother became a missing-nin he inherited many things…including a strip club. His main problem was that he had a very secret attraction to the newest edition: Hyuga Hinata. Her father had sold her to him to make room for a new heiress.


Sasuke sighed, no one would teach Hinata just what she was suppose to be doing…he hated having new, shy girls. Hinata sat of front of Sasuke while he tried to explain, and show her what the pole was for. Hinata fell on the floor laughing. Sasuke glared at her, "What!?"

Hinata looked at him nervously, "I-its just y-you're a guy trying to s-show me h-how to be s-s-s-sexy."

Sasuke started to bang his head on the wall, "Just go home and come back tomorrow, you will go on at 7:00."

6:40 that night…

Sasuke handed Hinata a set of clothing, she turned even whiter than normal, "Th-there is n-nothing. I-it is t-tiny."

Sasuke smirked as he opened the dressing room door, "I'll be watching." Hinata gulped loudly, and looked at the pieces of cloth. It was a pair of cat ears, a very, very small pair of black, lacey panties, and a skin tight tube top. The item at the bottom made her twitch more than anything…he gave her a tail…A TAIL!!!

Sasuke stared wide-eyed when he found Hinata passed out on the floor. He shook her gently, "Hinata-chan wake up," she started blinking, "You go on next; Sakura just went before you so you should be okay."

Hinata stood at the curtain and looked out, she gasped, "I-I can't g-go out th-there!"

Sasuke bit into her shoulder and watched blood trickle down her back. He wiped it off and shoved her out onto the stage. She looked in horror at the numerous numbers of men. Hinata just stood there in fright…until someone yelled, "HEY GET HER OFF THE STAGE, SHE SUCKS!!!"

Hinata looked at where the voice came from, "K-Kiba …" she sat down on the stage as she began crying and curled into a ball.

A certain blond ninja in the audience seemed to be the only one who saw her face, "Hinata…" Naruto leapt onto the stage, wrapping his jacket around her shaking form, "YO, quit your bitching. I'm going to take Hinata-chan home."

Hinata looked at him gratefully, "N-Naruto-kun…th-thank you." Naruto kneeled on the stage instructing her to jump on his back. Hinata wrapped her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. Naruto jumped out the closest window.

Naruto started to shake, "H-hey, Hinata-chan it-its snowing. Let's go get some warm ramen at Ichiraku's, okay!" Hinata nodded, but blushed when her stomach growled. Naruto smirked proudly, "See your hungry! But…um here put these on," Naruto pulled a pair of black shorts out of his backpack, "They might not let you in if your um wearing that, so just leave my jacket on and wear those pants until we can get you some clothing."

Hinata smiled at him warmly, "L-let's go before y-you freeze to d-death." Naruto let her climb off his back and walk beside him. Naruto started marching, and held out his arm to Hinata, who looped arms with him.

They arrived at Ichiraku's just as the sun was setting. Ayame leaned over the counter, "Naruto good to see you! What will you have then?"

Naruto grinned happily, "Whatever the old man recommends! Oh this Hinata-chan, I rescued her from Sasuke!" Ayame nodded and walked off. Naruto cheered for joy as bowls of ramen were set in front of him. Hinata thanked Ayame as she began to eat hers. Naruto eyed an empty bowl in the center, "Hmm…" he noticed Hinata had a different flavor. "Hey, Hinata open your mouth really big." Hinata slowly opened her mouth and Naruto shoved noodles in her mouth. "Let's dump both of ours in the middle, so it combines favors!"

Hinata giggled and dumped hers into the larger bowl in the middle. Naruto dumped his in and mixed the two together with his chopsticks. Hinata started to eat again, while Naruto did his best not to splatter her in broth. Hinata smiled as she watched Naruto finish the rest of their ramen, "Th-thank you Naruto-kun."

"Say Hinata, do you want me to walk you home, it is really late."


"Why…what's wrong? Sakura said you liked me…I guess you like Sasuke."

"No, N-Naruto-kun its not that it's just that I'm b-being forced to live with S-Sasuke starting today. M-my father s-sold me to h-him."

Naruto frowned, "Well…I'm walking you home, and anyways I need to visit Sasuke."

Hinata chewed on her bottom lip, "O-o-o-o-o-o-okay…"


Hinata quietly knocked on Sasuke's door; he opened it, pulled Hinata in, and shut the door in Naruto's face. Sasuke pressed her against a wall harshly, "Where have you been, and why are you wearing fox boy's jacket?"

Hinata looked at the floor, "N-N-Naruto-kun took m-me to get r-ramen with h-him. Also I-…f-fox boy?"

Naruto was banging on the door, "SASUKE NO!!! Don't tell her…please, just don't tell her."

Sasuke smirked, "Oh that's right, you don't know his little secret. Well Hina, Naruto has a demon inside of him. The same demon that killed many of our villagers."



"…" Hinata stared at him with wide eyes, "N-no…I-I love N-Naruto-kun."

Sasuke slapped her, "Why do you not believe the truth? He is a demon, love him or not."

Naruto busted through the door, "Hinata I-" Sasuke had her pressed against the wall, kissing her.

Sasuke stepped back from her, "Hinata I love you…he only likes you because Sakura told him you liked him. The only reason I bought you was because I love you, I knew your father wanted Hanabi as the heir. Who do you want to be with? A person who loves you; or a guy who only likes you because you like him."

Hinata stared at both of them, 'A demon or a devil…who should I choose?' Hinata pulled her arms up to her chest, "I…I…"


Okay first chapter, hope you enjoyed this. Next chapter coming soon, please review.