Chapter 3(real one)

Me: Yeah, sorry, I made a mistake with the chapter line up. First time I ever put prologue, so it got confusing…eh heh heh.(sweatdrop) Yeah, and I guess Yami's friends do act like Tea, Tristan, and Joey, don't they?XD Except maybe Mika, she's more her own character, rebellious.

Soo…where are those two? Hello….Hello! Oh, I'll look for 'em later, but for now, enjoy your reading pleasure.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, because that's the way the world works.

Thank you readers and reviewers: )


Chapter 3(again, sorry. -.-')

"Wh-What?" Yugi asked, his face as white as a sheet.

"I said, after all these years, the Oricalcos is back to take your precious away from you. Brings back bad memories, doesn't it?" Gorou smirked, watching Yugi's eyes glaze over.

"No…no no no no not again," he whispered, as his eyes welled up with unshed tears.


Yugi looked over to see Yami losing consciousness, as his arms slid off the demon's arm, and his head lowered to rest on the demon's wrist. "No, Yami!" Gorou just laughed.

"Ha! What a weakling!" Yugi just growled. Then he was struck with an idea. He moved his arm as best he could to his belt, and pulled out his deck. He picked a card from the deck and raised it high.

"I summon, Celtic Guardian!" he shouted, as the card started to glow and the elf knight appeared. Over the years, Yugi had been able to summon monsters without the need of his duel disk. "Attack, Celtic Guardian!" he shouted. The elf knight raised his sword and slashed the demon's arms. The demon screamed and dropped Yami and Yugi. Yami fell to the ground, still unconscious. Yugi rushed over to him and kneeled beside him. He shook his shoulder to get him to wake up. "Yami, come on, wake up," he sniffed, a tear rolling down his face. Yami didn't stir.

The demon raised its arm and rammed Celtic Guardian against the wall. Yugi winced. The knight used its sword and stabbed the demon's arm. The demon screamed and dropped him. Blood flowed out of the demon's arms as he went back in the shadows. Gorou watched this whole time, with no expression on his face. He started to walk over to Yugi, still with a straight face. Yugi's eyes narrowed as he held Yami protectively. Celtic Guardian jumped in and raised his sword, prepared to fight, but Gorou lifted a hand.

"No need to raise your sword at me. I won't do anything. I see you have powers yourself, but I assure you it won't help you, and he will be mine. So sleep with one eye open tonight," he smirked. He turned around and opened a portal to his lair. Yugi was confused.

"Aren't you going to fight me?" he asked. Gorou stopped and turned his head slightly.

"I only fight when I need to, and you've slayed one of my minions. Besides, I love to torture others." And on that note, he disappeared into the shadows. Yugi let out a breath, he had no idea he was holding. Boy, that all happened so fast. Celtic Guardian turned around and their gazes locked. Yugi nodded and the elf knight disappeared back to his card. He put the card back in his belt and looked at Yami.

Yami's chest was rising and falling slightly faster than normal to get his lungs some air. His face was covered in a light sheen of sweat from struggling. His mouth was partially open, which is usually the way he sleeps. Yugi would have giggled at that, but right now he was more worried about what was going on.

Tears started pouring out his eyes as he hugged Yami tighter and buried his head into the crook of Yami's neck. Shoulders shaking and tears trying to be suppressed, he cried softly. Memories, feelings, and dreams that were trying to be forgotten, returned with full force.

'Why? Why did this have to happen? Why can't they just leave Yami alone?!' he thought to himself. After what happened last time with the Oricalcos, Yugi thought that would be the last of it, and Yami would be able to live his life all the way through without almost getting killed by magic! But that's obviously too much to ask in their world. 'It's not fair…' he thought again.

He sniffled, as he brushed some of Yami's golden bangs off his face. He picked Yami up, bridal style, and started walking home. He smiled softly, when he saw Yami's head resting on his shoulder. As he walked back home, he kept looking around, staying alert, in case he was in for a surprise. He felt Yami cuddle closer to him, so he rubbed his arm softly for comfort.

The Game Shop came into view and Yugi tried his best to pull himself together, so no one would know that he had been crying. He opened the door and was met by a bombardment of voices.

"What happened?!

"Is he okay?"

"Are you guys okay?"

Voices continued to ramble without any clearness in them. Yugi raised his hand. "Enough. We're okay, he's just sleeping. I'm gonna wait until he wakes up, and then I'll come back down and tell you what happened," Yugi said, as he went upstairs, carrying the sleeping Yami. He walked past grandpa's room to get to Yami's. When he passed away, Yugi didn't have the heart to do anything with his room, so he just left it the way it was.

He opened the door to Yami's room and laid him down on the bed. He went to the bathroom to get a cold washcloth and came back. He sat on the bed and started running it across Yami's forehead to help him wake up. He was in no rush, in fact he was content to just simply watch Yami sleep.

His mind floated back to a time where he almost lost Yami. They were at the mall, and there must have been a special or something, because it was packed. Yami was about five then. He held onto Yami's hand as tight as he could, but he must have slipped out of his grasp, for he looked down and saw no Yami! He went into mass panic mode and searched the entire place for 2 hours, dodging the crowd. Yugi shuddered at that part in the memory.

He was in hysteric tears by the time he found Yami. Yami was looking at all the duel monster plushies with big, wide, wondering eyes, and Yugi picked him up and hugged him tight. Yami was confused to Yugi's hysteria, while Yugi begged and pleaded with him not to leave him like that again in a big store. He bought a Dark Magician plushie, so Yami wouldn't throw a fit because they were leaving. Yami hugged it all the way home.

Yugi smiled at the ending of the memory, happy that he didn't loose him. Yami still had his likes and characteristics of his previous self; Dark Magician was still his favorite. He still has the plushie on his desk, though it is a little worn from over the years. Yugi was driven out of his thoughts when he felt Yami stir.

He watched as Yami's eyes opened slightly, only to squint at the brightness of the room. He waited a few moments before opening them fully. He looked over to Yugi and smiled faintly. "Hi, Dad. What's going on?" Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami in a fierce hug.

"Yami! Thank the Gods you're alright!" He pulled back. "Now I'm gonna kill you!" he said, exasperatingly. Yami giggled a little.

"I'm okay, Dad, really. Uh, what happened to...whoever those guys were?"

"Don't worry about that right now, they're gone." Yami nodded and Yugi looked down at the floor with a serious expression on his face. A few moments of uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Yami leaned over a little. "Daddy, you ok?" he said, carefully. After a few moments of silence, Yugi looked back at him and spoke.

"Yami, I was so worried. What were you doing out so late? And don't you DARE put in a smart-aleck remark like, 'Oh Dad, I would've gotten home sooner, but I was being choked by a demon!'" he shouted.

Yami looked down with a sad expression on his face, trembling a little. Yugi sighed. "Yami, I'm sorry. It's just that I was so worried when you didn't come home. What kept you preoccupied anyway?"

"We were having so much fun at the arcade, I guess I just lost track of time," Yami said just above a whisper. He looked up, crimson eyes brimmed with tears. "I'm sorry." Yugi's features softened, and he moved his hand forward to wipe the tears away.

"Hey now young one, don't cry. I was just so afraid of losing you tonight." He pulled Yami into a hug and rubbed his back. Yami returned the hug. "I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I saw that someone was about to take you away…and it scared me." Yugi could feel a lump forming in his throat, but he didn't let any sobs escape…for Yami's sake.

"Dad, I'm not going anywhere. I love being here…with you. Besides, where would I go anyway? It's not like I could take a plane out of here anyway," he teased. Yugi snorted.

"Yeah, you try to do that, and I'll have you back here so fast, you'd think it was yesterday," he kidded. Yami laughed and the two hugged a few moments, glad the bond had been put back into place. But there was still something on Yami's mind that he wanted to ask, so he pulled back and looked into Yugi's amethyst orbs.

"Uh, Dad? Back there, when all that happened, there was this guy with white hair, and he kept saying 'Little Pharaoh.'" Yugi's eyes widened. "What exactly does that mean?" Yami asked, innocently. Yugi was at a lost of what to say. He never wanted Yami to remember all that had happened. He wanted him to live the life he's always wanted to live. Carefree. But Yami was staring at him, waiting for an explanation and Yugi had to stutter something out.

"Uh Yami, have I told you that you are a very special person?" he asked, running a hand through his hair to think of something.

"Nearly everyday," Yami said, rolling his eyes. Yugi chose to ignore that.

"Well…uh…you know that you have powers, and you may have learned them at sometime."

"Wait, I don't get what you're trying to say," Yami said, confused. Yugi smiled and patted Yami's shoulder.

"Look, just don't worry about it okay? It's not that important anyway. I promise I won't let anything happen to you," he said, as he tucked Yami into bed. "Now, get some sleep while I talk to everyone else downstairs."

"Everyone's here?" Yami asked. Yugi nodded. "Why can't I come down and talk? I'm an adult too," he pouted slightly, which wasn't helping his argument.

"Let's see…you can't move out, you can't vote, you can't even drive," Yugi teased, counting his fingers for each one. "Face it Yami, you're still a child." Yami just pouted deeper. Yugi smiled. He kissed Yami on the forehead, and ruffled his hair playfully. Yami's smile came back and he cuddled up with his stuffed Kuriboh. He's had it for almost 13 years, and it's falling apart, but Yami never gave it up. The Kuriboh was somewhat covered in little patches, evidence of the years it put in.

Yugi walked to the door. "Make sure you get your pajamas out," he told Yami as he opened the door.

"I will!" he shouted, as Yugi shut the door and went to talk to his friends about what was going on. And what he hoped would never come back.


Me: Oh man, yeah I am kinda late with this update, but I'm sort of multi-tasking with different things. But I think I got about a little over a week of summer, so I still have a lot of free time. That doesn't exactly help with my laziness though, does it?XD

(Yugi runs in fast)

Me: There you are! What's going on?

Yugi: Marik and Bakura set fire to some ants, and Yami's just standing there watching them!

Me: 'So that's where they were.' Well, what are you doing in here then?

Yugi: Yami won't leave, so I have to attempt him with chocolate. (Runs out with chocolate)

Me: (raises eyebrow) Alllright then. Well people, sorry for the suspense. Hopefully, this covered it, and gave you a warm feeling in your hearts of that father-son moment. Review please?