Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men and had no permission using any name or part

of this story.

Lets Go To Vegas!

"Beast! I wanna go to Vegas!" Jubilee yelled whiningly.

"Are you eighteen?" Beast asked, obviously still buzzed from his scented


"Duh! By now I should be! Seriously, you didn't think I could be thrirteen

still!" Jubilee packed as Beast discovered his apple juice fermented, by drinking it.

"Oh.. ok." Beast said as he found the keys to the Blackbird. Then they were off.

The Next Day.

"Jubilee, why do we have a marriage licence?" Beast asked through his hangover.

"Aw crap!" Jubilee whined through her bacon induced semi-coma, It wasn't a dream!"

"Wolverine's gonna kill me! Did we do anything?" Beast became worried.

"Where is my birth control?" Jubilee whined some more.

"Crap!" Was all that was said.

At The Mansion.

"C'mon Cable! Let me hook you up to Forges dangerously untested machine

so I can use your latent powers to travel back in time!" Beast said as he gave

Cable a blueberry scented marker.

"Ohhaaaaa! Ok!" Cable. needless to say, agreed.

Just as Beast managed to get the machine working, Wolverine burst in screaming

about blue fur rugs and "You did what to my little girl!"

So Beast flipped a switch, and a bird and was off to warn his past

self not to go to Vegas and drasticly altered time.


"C'mon Cable, let me hook you up to this dangerous and likely deadly

machine so I can go back in time!" Cyclops begged as he handed Cable

a chimichanga.

"Ohhhahaha! Ok!" Cable said as Wolverine burst in ready to give Cyclops

a colectomy with his claws.

And Cyke was gone with a "By By sucker!"

After That.

"C'mon Cable, let me use ya to save my butt!" Gambit said as he gave

Cable a beer.

"You think I'm dumb? Gimme two beers! Dos cervesos, pronto!" Cable demanded.

"Duoa, ok!" Gambit said as he narrowly escaped a flying, flaiming cat.

So Gambit saved his behind.

And Then.

"Why won't anyone go to Vegas with me?" Jubilee whined.

"Thats it! Professer X said. "I'm making you thirteen again!"

He contenued. "Cable, Yo quero tus aqui!"

So Jubilee was thirteen again, and Wolverine had the strange urge to gut

everybody, and give Cable burritos.
