I don't own anything J.K. Rowling created. But I love everything she has done :D

Chapter one: A New Beginning

A loud slapping sound echoed off the walls of a small house, where a small girl was seen crying in a huddle. "You disgusting child; why I ever let your Mother talk me into letting you stay in this house is a bloody mystery. You should have died in that Hospital." With a wail of screams coming from the girl, another tear slides down her face in fear of another attack from the man she calls father. She could never figure out why her Parents always got so angry at her for something she could never control. Why did it always have to be such a curse to be able to do something she always thought was so amazing? Why did it have to end in such pain? Why did she have to be so different? Her own parents would not allow her to play with the other six year olds because she would always do something weird, why can't she just be normal?


Seventeen Years Ago

"Lucius I won't have both of my children being forced to follow that man." A determined look glimmered in the eyes of a woman who cradled her two children closely to herself while they fed. Not raising her voice to get her point across to make her husband understand her reasons, she looked him straight in the eye and said, "I understand the Dark Lord will want another Malfoy in the ranks when the become of age, but I refuse to have both my son and daughter at his mercy for the rest of there lives. Please Lucius, don't make this a decision that will destroy us all." A silent tear slid from her pale grey eyes, down her flawless skin. Her platinum hair fell loosely around her face to hide her pain of the choice of a future that beheld her children.

"Narcissa, we have no other choice but to submit our children to his will. If we disobey, he will kill them and us." Huffed a tall aristocratic man with many of he similar features as the woman he married. He loved his wife and his children, but he knew it was unwise to break law of the Dark Lord.

"Sissy, there might be a way to save one of our children. It would be too obvious to randomly lose both children for no specific reason. It's your choice of which child that will be ridden of. Know this, once this child is gone, there is no going back, we will never see our child again, less the Dark Lord will take them from us for good." The tall blonde man began pacing throughout the nursery, deciphering which way to consol his wife. "This is a choice A mother should never make, but it is your choice, and your choice alone." With this the man left the nursery where his wife sat in tears, knowing one of her children will be lost to her forever. How does one give up a child they have only known for such a small amount of time.

"I pray you will forgive me little one."

Later that night A figure walked stoic along a path in a muggle town, She hated the idea of handing her child over to a filthy muggle, but it was a choice she had to make. She made her way to a building where lights where all on, and flashing blue and red lights could be seen, and loud sirens heard. She has heard of this place from people talking, a place where muggles take themselves to be healed like St. Mungo's. She cast the disillusionment charm upon herself to conceal her movements inside such a busy establishment. Entering the wing that said 'Maternity Ward' she found a room where many new born babies were lying in little plastic crib like things. Such odd muggle contraptions… Where to put her baby, she had no actual idea. All of the weird plastic buckets were all full with different children.

"Such a sad thing to see a sick child, don't you think so?" said a woman in a white outfit to another.

"I doubt the child will survive another night, if she even makes it through tonight. What was the name of the child? It was something from a book, I remember that much." The other woman had replied.


Narcissa knew what she had to do, she waited by that child crib, taking in the feature of the little girl that was name 'Hermione.' She looked down upon her own little girl and ran a soft finger down the bridge of her nose, trying to memorize every angle, every color, everything that was so well resembled upon her own face. More tears had fallen from her eyes as she cast a glamour upon her little girl to resemble the other little girl that had stopped breathing a few minutes ago.

"Goodbye my little Cassandra. Your mum will always love you no matter where you may go in life."

With that she laid Cassandra in the crib labeled 'Granger, Hermione,' and departed with the child that had died. She would change this little girl into her Cassandra and present the body to the Dark Lord as a showing of a child lost. She could only pray that her other child would survive all that was to come for him.


This is my first fanfiction, no I do not have a Beta currently, but hopefully I didn't screw this up too bad. Please tell me what you think, if it sucks really bad, let me know, like i said, i've never written a story before, so give me all the bloody advise you can. arigauto! Thanks :D