A/N: Welcome to rewritten Chapter one! I decided that the prologue was fine as it was, so I let it be. I'm going to get started on chapter two now, so enjoy!

Oh, yeah, I totally don't own FMA and stuff.

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Chapter One - Sinner

He preached, He suffered, He bled and died,
Uplift 'twixt earth and skies;
In sinners' stead, He was crucified,
For sin, great sacrifice

An explosion rocked the entire prison, waking each and every inmate. Loud crashes and smaller bangs followed shortly after, as well as annoyed and frightened cries from the prisoners. The loud sounds drew the attention of the prison guards, whom rushed to the scene as fast as they could, boots clicking against the cement floors. The men stopped running as soon as they saw the damage that had been done.

There was a huge hole in the stone wall of one of the cells, and the iron-barred door was blown off its hinges. Rubble littered the hallway and inside of the cell, but the inhabitants were gone. The numbers that had been written on the stone over the door were visible on a large chunk of rubble next to the iron door. The number read '3787-3739'.

One of the guards ran to summon someone in possession of a list of the inmates, who arrived shortly.

"Three-seven-eight-seven and three-seven-three-nine, eh…?" The man holding the clipboard mumbled, sifting through the list as the guards scoured the prison for the escapees.

The man's eyes widened visibly when he came to the names that belonged to those numbers. He reached down and grabbed the megaphone hanging from his belt and yelled into it.

"Men, be very careful! The two who were in there were Kimbley and Elric! I repeat, Kimbley and Elric, The Crimson and Fullmetal alchemists! They are extremely dangerous, fire on sight if they attack you!"

Meanwhile, two figures crouched behind a large rock that was dislodged from the wall. The taller one, a dark-haired man, had a hand on the small blonde's head, whispering so quietly that the boy couldn't hear him, even if they were only a few centimeters apart. The boy stared at the man for a few moments, his golden eyes looking the man over silently. Could he be trusted? He assumed so. This man hadn't tried to hurt him yet…

Finally, the man raised his voice so he could be heard.

"Transmute you arm into a weapon… We need to get out of here, and those guards are in the way." He hissed, mouth twisted into a cruel grin.

The boy nodded, and clapped his hands, sparks of blue energy flying wildly about the air, steel right arm twisting into a cruel blade. A dull gleam flashed off the blade, eyes dead and cold as he raised himself to his feet, creeping towards a small gaggle of heavily armed guards nearby.

The boy's automail foot tapped gently as he walked almost silently towards them, but the dull clinking of iron on stone alerted the men to a presence. When he noted he had been spotted, Edward leapt forward, arm-blade flashing, followed by a soft whoosh of the razor-sharp blade cutting through the air.

Before the guards could raise a gun to him, Edward had ripped through one man's neck, sending a violent spray of crimson into the cool air, staining Edward's skin and clothing with thousands of tiny droplets. The fallen man let out a death rattle, and slumped lifeless on the floor, blood still spurting weakly from the gash in his flesh.

The other guards backed away in fear, the blood of their friend staining their clothes and skin. The dart gun had fallen, forgotten to the cement floor, and the boy stepped over it calmly. He strode towards the small group, golden eyes shining dully in the light, ruby-red blood drooling from the twisted blade his arm had become, dripping to the floor with a soft pitter-pat.

He made quick work of the remaining guards, and crouched down to examine the bodies. The sharp blade he had crafted had cleaved the flesh from bone quite easily, like cooked chicken. It was oddly beautiful to him… The way the blood swirled lazily as it made its escape from the flesh… It looked so warm and sweet… In fact…

Edward reached down and dipped the fleshy fingertips of his left hand into the pooling blood and drew them to his lips, lapping at the red liquid like a cat laps at milk. It was nice tasting. Metallic. It reminded him of the coppery taste of Alphonse's hulking steel body. It had been nearly a month since Al had faded away, and even so, the memory still burned as bright as the memory of the slaughter a few moments ago…

"...My Baby… Why did you leave me..?" he cooed softly, starting to smear blood into the palm of his hand and bring it to his mouth to lick. "My little baby…"

Footsteps echoed behind the boy, and he turned, bloody face tilted upwards. Kimbley stood behind him, lips parted in a devilish grin, a few strands of dark hair falling over his face.

"It's time to go now, Ed." He hissed.

The boy nodded and got to his feet, disappointed to have to leave the blood pool he was so enjoying. But, maybe there would be more blood for him where they were going. Maybe he could even find a way to get his beloved brother back. He liked that idea. But he knew what would happen if he tried human transmutation again, and he really wasn't up for losing any more limbs.

Edward followed after Kimbley, mulling over his thoughts as he walked. When he snapped out of his daze, he noted that they were in a forest. When had that happened? But before he could voice his confusion, Kimbley turned and looked back at him.

"Man, kid, you stink. When did you last bathe? …Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know. Well, there's a stream over there, go have a bath."

Ed nodded at the older man and walked towards the steam that had been pointed out to him. A bath sounded nice, his automail was getting kind of gummed up from all the blood.