Harry finds out a secret about Slytherin and Gryffindor he hadn't quite expected. Founders Era! (Mostly) Slash, GG/SS (and I don't mean Snape!) Co written by Lady Devonna!

Ah, I couldn't just sit around and not write. XD I tried! But I couldn't help myself, and decided to start my Gryffindor/Slytherin story. Don't worry anyone who wants to see the Neville/Draco, I'll be doing that one as well in a little while. Who says I can't do two stories at once?

Enjoy reading the first chapter!

Greatest of the Hogwarts Four

Chapter One GG loves SS

Harry slid down the pipe of the Chamber of Secrets, feeling a little foolish. But between school work, girls, friends, Snape, Voldemort, and the Order, he just needed to be somewhere no one else could go.

The answer was obvious. The Chamber of Secrets. The problem was that he didn't know how to close the sink back up, or how to get out without the help of a flying bird.

And the answers presented themselves quite suddenly. He would merely tell the sink to close once inside, and he would bring rope with him.

Harry had transfigured a long rope and tied it to the edge of the pipe, then hissed for the opening to close, and suddenly it became quite dark. Harry then allowed himself to slide down the pipe.

When he came into the long tunnel he lit his wand and began to walk forward. He held his wand high, straining to see the corners of the tunnel, when something caught his eye. A small opening off to the left side, far from the chamber. He crouched down and held his wand out looking inside the opening.

Something flashed in his mind, much like watching Snape's memories flitter across his mind at his failed attempts to learn Occlumency, except these were not Snape's memories, or his own.

He watched a slender, blonde man dance across the room, hips shaking, while a black haired man watched, then it changed, the two were sitting back to back; reading books, it changed again, them talking softly to one another holding hands, then they were kissing; their lips pressed together feverously.

The memories came to an abrupt halt and Harry still sat, his wand pointed towards the small opening, and he knew he had to go in.

Harry crawled forward. It was a tough fit even for his small frame. He crawled for several minutes before it grew wider, and he found himself standing in a small room.

There were worn scraps of what was probably once fine cloth in the corner and there were rocks in a circle in the center of the room and a hole on the ceiling. Harry wondered mildly where it led. There were also scraps of paper on the floor, rotting and sticking to the stone.

But what interested Harry the most was the shelf right in the middle of the room with neatly stacked parchment, that looked as if it had just been stalked the day before. There was no sign of age or dust, and Harry approached it cautiously reaching out and taking the first scroll. He glanced back at the shelf, and could see something etched into the wood. He raised his wand higher, and saw a heart, with "GG loves SS" in it's center. Harry fought back a burst of laughter. The only SS he knew was Snape. But who was GG? Who would actually love that slimy git? Harry looked back down at the scroll he held in his hand.

He opened it, and began to read.

"July 15, 907

It's strangely cold for July, and father is quite excited about meeting with Helga, Rowena, and Godric…" Something strange began to happen to Harry, his vision swimming. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the parchment. Then the paper, his hands, the shelf holding the scrolls, and the room around him disappeared.


Salazar sat on the end of a wagon, which was pulling itself down a pretty road surrounded by vast green fields. But he wasn't watching the scenery, he was much more interested in what he was writing.

"…They are the heirs of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor, three of my fathers very closest friends. They fought together in the war, but sadly all three perished. My father was lucky to escape with the few wounds he got. Helga and Rowena are only children, and their mothers are much to distinguished to deal with business, so they opted to continue with their father's plans. My father was hesitant, but he knew he would need the two family names to help him in this cause. Godric is a different story. He has many brothers and sisters, and is the youngest. But my father chose him because of his bravery during the war. When his bigger and older brothers ran after they saw their father fall, Godric picked up his sword and fought with vicious need for revenge. He is a very brave man, and my father can respect that. Personally I think Godric is a fool. He is a head smaller then me, and weighs considerably less, and yet he fought against men twice my own size without even thinking about it. I think he must have been sick with the Plague when he was young to be that small and stupid! Being smart and safe, to me, is much more important then anything else. Bravery is for idiots."

Salazar looked up from his parchment when the wagon stopped and rolled it up quickly putting it away in his trunk as his father jumped off the front of the wagon and looked at the vast mountains before him, then over at the lake, and finally at the beautiful forest.

"Yes, this is indeed the perfect place for a school, do you not agree, son?" Slytherin said as Salazar jumped off the wagon and joined his father.

"It is quite lovely, father." Salazar said softly. "I take it the others have not yet arrived?"

"No, it seems they have-Oh look!" Slytherin said, looking towards the forest, and Salazar followed his gaze, seeing a red clad figure emerging from the woods, waving at them franticly.

The two Slytherin's watched as Godric came to a stop before them and bent over, panting for a moment from his run then straightened up, grinning.

"Hello sir." He said formally, although it lost its effect from Godric's wide grin. Godric and Salazar's father shook hands then Godric turned to Salazar himself, and they exchanged formalities as well. "I was just exploring the forest. It has a powerful aura about it." He said.

"How interesting." Slytherin said slowly, frowning at the excited young man. Salazar could tell this wasn't quite the person he had been expecting when he had asked for Godric to join them in their quest to build the school, but it was far to late to change his mind now.

Salazar kept his amusement to himself, however. Salazar began to add his and his father's things to the camp Godric had set up while Godric and his father spoke to one another. The sun was nearly set when another wagon arrived. Rowena and Helga sat side by side, grinning widely. They were truly strange women. They were beautiful but strong, and Salazar knew he could easily lose in a battle to either one. They were also very cleaver. He made a mental note to keep an eye on them.

As the sun set everyone gathered around a fireplace that had been lit with a twitch of Helga's wand. Salazar looked at everyone. Helga was the youngest of them all. She was only eighteen, and had long flowing wheat blonde hair. She was a bit thicker then the average women, and her dress was the same color as her hair. She had wise green eyes that went beyond his age.

Rowena was twenty-two, and had long black hair, much like Salazar himself. She had sharp blue eyes, like a bird, and slightly beakish features. Her skin was creamy and pale, and her dress was royal blue. She clutched a book in her hands tightly, and Salazar could see the hunger for knowledge on her face.

Godric was wearing red breeches and a loose red shirt with the fist few buttons undone, showing a hairless chest. He was nineteen. He wore sturdy brown boots and his golden hair was tied back in a ribbon. He was smiling happily at everyone, and when his mud colored eyes caught Salazar's he beamed.

Salazar's father sat next to him, older, but otherwise his exact reflection. He had black hair with some gray beginning to show around his temples, and had a hard jaw. His black eyes were narrow and calculating at all times, and he wore simple green robes. He was nearly sixty, a very old and well-respected age.

Salazar himself wore clothes similar to Godric, although his were much more expensive and he had the decency to keep all his buttons in place. Evening heat was hardly a reason to expose ones self to the world. Salazar was twenty-five, and much more mature then the silly young boy.

Salazar could tell he was going to have a most interesting time with these people as they put together a school.


The room suddenly came back into view and Harry stared at the now empty parchment that he held. SS…Salazar Slytherin. But there were two Slytherin's. He had never heard of there being two. And then GG…perhaps Godric Gryffindor?

Harry slowly rolled the scroll back up and put it back in place. He reached for the next one and held it in his hands.

Well, there was only one way to find out what happened next. He opened the scroll.

Please reveiw!