Disclaimer: Final Fantasy owns me, not the other way around

Summary: 3 drabbles on Yuna's life...

Yuna's Story

-Precious Little-

I remember precious little.

A soft smile, a comforting hug.

A bright blue butterfly dancing just out of reach..

My mother; with her singing,

With her laughter,

And with her warm and tender embraces whenever I cried.

My father; with his promises,

With his faith,

And with the biggest hands made just to hold mine.

I remember the day she was gone, without a goodbye or a hug.

I remember the day my father left to fight, promising me there would be a calm.

I remember the strong and stoic Kimahri, strong, gentle and a true friend.

It took years to happen, I know.

Years for the memories to form...

Yet I remember precious little.


I have faith.

Faith that my guardians will protect me along the road.

Faith that my aeons will not fail me.

I have faith that;

Lulu will guide me,

Wakka will train me,

Kimahri will watch over me,

Rikku will help me,

Auron will fight for me,

And I have faith that Tidus will stay with me until always.

I fighter, though the battles repeat until one looks like another and a victory just means another monster with more teeth.

I fight feind after feind, my aeon companions strengthen just as my guardian friends do. We rise and fall as one.

My faith holds on the breath of a sweet kiss,

-even as my dreams all fade away-

It hurts, but I have faith this calm is eternal.


No endless bliss.

No endless wonderland of calm, rainbows and fufileed promises.

But love gives me a new kind of faith, a new kind of dream,

There's you, me and the endless streach of farplane.

All I need is the first two and bliss will be nothing.

I will find you again.

My determination is endless.
