Disclaimer: see chapter 2

A/N: Once again I warn you all that I hate writing. I don't do it well. I apologize to anyone who reads this, to my sister for putting her in it, and to Gackt for my sister.

Chapter 3: Enter Kameko


Yuki jerked awake.


Yuki groaned as he rolled over and answered the phone. Whose bright idea was it to put a phone in the bedroom anyway?

"What!" he snapped.

A pause, and then "That's a lovely way to answer your phone," a woman's voice snapped back.

"Who the hell are you and why are you calling me at," he glanced at the clock, "Eight-thirty in the morning?"

"That depends, is this the Uesugi-Shindo residence?" The voice asked politely.

'Who's asking?"

"I'll take that as a yes." The voice continued, unperturbed by the coldness in Yuki's voice. "You must be the writer; I believe you have my child at your residence. I'm on my way to get him now, please have his stuff ready." Click

Yuki sat staring at the phone for a moment, then rolled over and went back to sleep.


Yuki rolled out of bed and grabbed the base ball bat he kept on hand to ward off crazed fan girls and reporters.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?!" he yelled threw the door.

The door bell kept chiming. Yuki kept the bat at the ready and threw the door open quickly, ready to swing at the first head that came into view.

"Eiri Yuki I presume." The woman standing there said calmly. Apparently not put off by the half naked man standing in the doorway with the wooden weapon.

As he stared at the woman Yuki was reminded of the last time he had been home. Shuichi had gone with him. The stranger's hair was the same shade of green as the old bastard's face after sampling some of the singer's cooking. Yuki had to hold back a grin as he continued to glare at the intruder.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?" he repeated.

"I came to get my kid." The green woman said.

"Who the hell is your kid and why the hell would he be here?"

The woman ignored him and pushed past him into the house. "Tsubasa!" she called. "Come on it's time to go!"

Yuki stared. How the hell did she get here? And how the hell did she get her hair that color?

As Yuki tried to pull his mind back to the matter at hand, Tsubasa wandered out of the kitchen. When he caught sight of his (apparent) mother, he ran towards her.

"Mamma!" he yelled as he jumped into her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I'd like to know." Yuki interrupted the happy reunion.

"Let's sit down and talk. It was a long train ride." With out waiting for a reply the green woman took the boy into the kitchen and sat at the table.

With a sigh Yuki went to wake up the typhoon and the two sat down across from the weird woman and the brat.

"Sorry about all the trouble Tsubasa must have caused." The woman said blandly. "My name is Kameko Suigami. Tsubasa is my son."

"We figured that much." Yuki growled. "Why did the brat wander all the way to Tokyo and how the hell did he wind up at my front door of all places?"

"He probably got confused. He's been asking me about his father a lot lately and I finally just pointed to the T.V. and told him that Ryuichi Sakuma was his father."

"They why didn't he end up at that idiot's house instead?"

"Yuki be nice." Shuichi scolded. "Tsubasa's still a child. He probably just got us confused."

"Exactly," Suigami stated. "The two of you do look a lot alike, and obviously the kid can't go to America to find Sakuma-san. He naturally assumed that since you live in Japan, I must have meant you."

"Is Sakuma-san his father?" Shuichi asked.

"Of course not. He lives in America." Suigami said, as if that explained everything.

"Then who is his father?"


"Who?" Yuki asked, confused. What kind of name is that?

"He's a musician." Shuichi explained. "I didn't know he had any children."

"Neither does he" Suigami stated, as if that would make every thing clear.

"Come again. How the hell would he not know about something like that?"

"Sorry, if I tell you anything it could be used against me in court, so it's better if you don't know. Suffice to say that he was under the influence and wouldn't remember me if you asked him."

Yuki decided it would be better for his sanity if he left the matter alone.

"I'll go get Tsubasa's things together." Shuichi got up and headed for the spare bedroom.

"I've got to get back to Osaka. Thank you for caring for my child, I hope he wasn't to much of a problem." The tone of Suigami's voice suggested she was not the least bit apologetic.

Shuichi returned with the boys things. "Anytime he wants to come visit again we would be happy to have him over."

Speak for yourself. Yuki said to himself.

After the strange pair had left, Shuichi stood in the entry way.

"You're awfully quiet." Yuki commented.

"I kept wondering why the boy looked so familiar" he mused. "He has his father's eyes."

"Why should I care? I'm going back to sleep."

That's it. The end. Thank God. If ever I feel the urge to write another fan fic I will shoot myself in the foot.

Green Turtles to Vindilootoo, misydidi, Captara, and Xedra for daring to review.