New chapter!! Yeah! I'm really liking the way this story's going.

I create a new paragraph every line cause i think it makes the story easier to read.


Chapter 3 - Lost days and lost loves

It was two hours later. The weevil hunt had gone perfectly to plan and Torchwood now had six more resident weevils.

Gwen found herself wondering again why she would have retconed herself.

The hub was silent apart from the slight buzz of electricity, sounds of typing and Ianto making coffee.

Gwen got up and slipped silently into Jack's office.

"Are the weevils all settled in?", Jack asked when he saw her.

Gwen nodded and collapsed into one of the chairs opposite Jack's desk.

"What is it?", he asked, concerned.

"I've lost a day", she murmured.

"Have you looked for it?", Jack's joke died on his lips when he saw the haggard look on his employees face.

"What's wrong?", he asked gently.

"What happened?", she asked suddenly.

Jack looked confused, "That's what I'm trying to get out of you".

Gwen shook her head, "Something happened, something bad", she dropped her head into her hands, "I'm missing a day, Jack. I retconed myself".

"What?", Jack stood up quickly and came around to her side, "Why?"

Gwen looked miserable, "That's the funny thing about retcon I don't remember".

"Well, what's the last thing you do remember?", he pressed.

She thought for a moment, "I was in my kitchen and I had a vial of retcon. I put it in a glass of water and drank it. I remember feeling really guilty but I don't know what about".

She turned worry filled eyes on him, "Did I kill someone?", she heard herself ask.

Jack knelt down in front of her chair, "You didn't kill anyone".

"What happened yesterday?", she asked, hopping something would jog her memory.

"Do you remember the cannibals?", he asked.

Gwen's eyes widened, "Cannibals? I thought we only dealt with aliens".

Jack sighed and sat back on his heels and relayed through different parts of the days.

"You were shot", he told her.

Gwen groaned and nodded, "Kinda got that from the gunshot wound in my side".

"Owen said it was just a flesh wound", Jack reassured her.

"Owen", she murmured.

"What about him?", Jack asked.

Gwen tried to sort through her foggy mind but nothing came clear.

"Not sure", she murmured, "I think it might have something to do with Owen".

Jack nodded, "Well, Owen's fine. Obviously".

Gwen nodded and they sat in silence.

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off?", he said suddenly.

She looked as though she might argue but tiredness won out and Gwen found herself nodding.

"OK", she stood to leave, "Call me if you need me".

Jack walked her to the door then watched from his balcony.

Gwen walked through the workstations. She waved at Tosh, saying she was gonna go home and put her feet up.

She smiled away an offer of a mug of coffee from Ianto, saying it'd keep her awake when she felt like crashing.

It was Gwen's interaction with Owen that caught Jack's attention. Or more Owen's reaction to Gwen.

She'd smiled at him and he'd forced a smile back.

She made a light comment and smirked teasingly at him and all he'd down was nod slightly and remained stone faced.

In the end Gwen had just frowned then waved goodbye to her friends and colleagues.

Jack watched Owen carefully. Sensing someone watching him, Owen looked up at Jack.

Seeing his pensive gaze on him, Owen made his way to Jack's office.

Jack sat down in his seat, waiting for Owen.

He opened the door quietly and walked in.

Pausing in front of Jack's desk he let his head hang, not allowing his eyes to meet Jack's.

"She retconed herself, didn't she?" he said after a moment.

Jack nodded, "Yeah".

Owen though for a moment before walking away dejectedly.

"Owen?" Jack called after him.

Owen stopped at the door but didn't turn.

"What did you do?" Jack asked.

Owen hesitated, "I loved her".
