When Starfire awoke, she knew only that she was not in her bed. She was warm, and quite comfortable, but not in her bed. She cracked her eyes open.

She was in Robin's arms. He was holding her bridal style on his lap, while he was sitting on her rocking chair in the corner. His eyes were closed, and his head rested back against the headrest, giving the appearance of sleep, but his arms were tight around her, and he was rocking gently so she knew he was awake.

Her head was was tucked into his neck. She breathed in deeply. He smelled good.

Robin could feel her eyelashes on his neck, and it alearted him to the fact that she was awake. He lifted his head to up look at her. She pulled back and gave him a questioning look.

"Sorry Star," he said grinning slightly, "but you were just laying there, and . . . I just wanted to hold you," he finished sheepishly.

"I do not mind," Starfire sighed, snuggling into his chest. Robin started to stroke her hair, while absent mindingly humming a soft tune.

"Starfire," he said softly, "Please, tell me what got you so upset the other day,"

"It was nothing, Robin," she said, doing a very good job acting nonchalant, closing her eyes gently and running her hands along his chest. Robin didn't miss a beat in his rocking.

"Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot, Star, I know something's wrong,"

Starfire was silent.

"Please tell me, "

Starfire didn't say anything, but she shook her head.

"Please, Star. You've helped me with my past, remember? I want to help you with yours. I know you're hurting, and it kills me. I - I just want to help you."

Starfire knew that once she told him, he might not like her anymore. She knew her friends might hate her. She knew she might be sent back to Tameran. But she also knew that Robin was not going to let the subject drop unless he got an answer.

Her first thought was to lie. But she dispelled that quickly, she had lied enough to her teammates.

She took a shuddering breath, and in a soft voice, began.

"When I was very young... My father... my planet..." She sighed.

"I apologize, it is difficult to find a place to begin. The reason I do not want Cyborg to preform these medical test, is because, I have had . . . tests preformed on me before."

"Starfire," Robin said, concerned, "what are you talking about?"

"I. . . when I was on Tamerain, my sister and I were captured by a brutal race called the Psions. Robin my starbolts are not native to my planet. I - then Psions, they are a race that likes to . . . experiment. "

Robin did not like the way this was going.

"They wanted to see . . ." Starfire continued "They wanted to see how much energy a Tamerainian body could hold before combusting. Robin, they strapped me to a table, and . . ." her voice became soft, yet bloated with the amount of pain it carried, "it was so painful. The only way I can think of describing it is being on fire, but that doesn't really compare."

She swallowed. "I could feel myself ... I was going to explode, and I knew it. I released a massive starbolt. Bigger then any you or the others have ever seen."

She raised her head to gaze at a shell shocked Robin. "Most of the Psions onboard the ship died. And I - I did not even care. I didn't even notice - I just saved Blackfire, and then we left, but not before destroying the equiptment for the experiment. Robin - I did not mean to kill them - I just - I -I'm sorry, I so just so afraid that if you found out . . ."

Robin hugged her closer to himself, and she lowered her head and started to sob into his shirt.

Robin knew that was only a fraction of the whole story. But that was Ok. He knew that eventually he would learn everything there was to know about Starfire and her past and her planet. They had the rest of their lives to talk about it, and she didn't have to share everything at once.

It made Robin's blood boil to know what those people had done to her. I hurt even worse that there was nothing he could do about it. If he thought he had gone overboard with Red X, they should see what he would do to those bastards who scared her so bad. But Starfire was speaking though her tears, stumbling over the words and this quickly captured his attention.

Her head was raised to look at him, Her piercing green eyes were penetrating him. It was so unlike her to have to struggle to find the right words.

"Robin, my - my greatest fear is to be alone. Abandoned. All the time I was - I have never had a real friend, and - when you yelled at me - I mean after I told you that I - I just - I flew away - and I was all alone - and Red X - he was there - and I. . .I'm sorry. I never should have . . ."

But Robin wasn't really paying attention. A sort of revelation was happening in his head. Was part of the reason Starfire had been with Red X his fault? Well, I mean, he had known that it had been his fault already, but she was simply afraid of being abandoned? Were the titans really the only family she had ever known? Robin suspected that no matter how many times he had tried to comfort her, he really had no idea of the full extent of hurt this ordeal - not to mention her still half mysterious past - had hurt her.

She was still talking when he silenced her with a kiss. They were already smushed together, but somehow Starifre found a way to pull him closer.

Breaking the kiss, Robin pulled backwards, to look at her. A tear was still running down her face. He brushed it away.

"You will not let Cyborg preform tests on me will you?" her eyes were shinning with unshed tears and worry.

"No, of course not," he said softly.

He leaned forward again, but this time to whisper in her ear.

"I promise you, Starfire," he whispered in her ear huskily, "I will never leave you. Ever." He grinned, "I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

Starfire returned the smile, "I do not mind," she said before reattaching their faces.

And do you know what?

He never did leave her.

The End.

(Really this time)

Apologizes for the shortness, but it is the last chapter.

I want to give a HUGE THANKS to any who ever reviewed!! I couldn't have done this without you and all that good stuff. Thanks a bunch!! You rock! Give yourself a hug!!

Oh, and DON'T FORGET to keep checking my profile! Stuff is going to be happening!! (...eventually)

Review please!