Disclaimer: If I owned it, these events would be a reality. Bwahaha

Warnings: Yaoi, prostitution.

Rating: M ( NOTE THAT)

Pairings: FujiRyo

Chapter Five:

Ryoma closed his eyes, biting back a sigh as he wrapped his arms around his latest customer. He slowly detached his emotions from his body, trying to find a safer place within his mind.

Suddenly Fuji's face popped up in his mind and golden eyes snapped open in shock.

- - -

"Airgatou, Ryoma-kun." The man threw down the payment and left as quickly as possible.

Ryoma sat up; his skin crawled with the now familiar feeling of disgust. A cloud of self-hate settled into his skin and in a ritual he grabbed his stomach and ran to the bathroom, yanking the toilet seat up.

He pulled on his clothes and walked from the love hotel, counting the large bundle of money he held in his hand. Walking to his apartment he pulled open the door, kicking off his shoes as he went.

The moment he stepped into his home he stopped, there were voices coming from inside the living room.

"… Do you understand Hana?"

"Hai." Ryoma walked into the room and immediately wished he hadn't, for Hana barreled into him, hugging onto his legs.

"Na… Nani?" The man looked down at the little person that clung to his leg blankly, looking back up at Hiromi who was smirking, and Fuji who was pointedly looking out the window. Not paying attention to the fact that his spawn was trying to squeeze the feeling from Ryoma's leg.

"Ryoma is going to be Hana's new mommy!" Hana squealed.


"I love you, mommy!"

"…Eh?" Ryoma immediately turned to stare at Fuji, who shook his head slightly, still smiling at the window. The accusing glare turned to Hiromi. A telltale blush crept up the woman's neck.


"All right, I admit it! I am guilty!" Hiromi's foot slammed against the carpet. "But who could blame me? This cute, lost girl comes crying to me, asking me if I am her new mommy! Me! The innocent virgin Hiromi!"—Ryoma's tiny cough sounded suspiciously like a laugh—"So I told her the closest thing! You!"


"And why are you blaming me!? Fuji obviously doesn't want me! Why are you being stubborn!? Just let him have you already! He's a rich photographer, not to mention totally and incredibly hot!" Now Fuji looked up, the corner of his mouth twitching.

"She has a point there, Ryoma-kun." He said, smiling pleasantly.

Ryoma looked down at Hana and sent a challenging look to Hiromi, a shadow of his old smug smirk gracing his lips.

"Hana-san…." He gently pried her arms away from his knees and bent down onto her level. One of Fuji's eyebrows lifted curiously. He said something, to quietly for Hiromi and Fuji to hear, and the girl's eyes widened.

Her eyes immediately darted to Ryoma's chest, to Hiromi's chest, to Fuji's chest, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She plopped down on the ground, deep in thought. Ryoma smiled and stood up, walking into the backroom.

Before he closed the door he was positive he heard the words "What's sex?"

- - -

A few hours later, the door to Ryoma's bedroom opened. The door shut quietly, and someone walked to the end of Ryoma's bed. Ryoma didn't need to open his eyes to know who it was. "Where's Hana?"

"Hiromi took her for the evening. But I have a question for you, Ryoma-kun." One golden eye opened to peer at Fuji. "You can sleep with complete strangers."

It wasn't a question. Ryoma nodded once, his eyes following the lines in the ceiling.

"Then, why not me?"

"Maybe I just don't like you?" The years had hardened Ryoma, the change apparent in his cold voice, and harsh statement.

"But, you do like me, Ryoma-kun." Fuji's eyes opened, the blue orbs flashing dangerously.

"Hmm." Ryoma smiled cruelly, eyes closing as he lay back against the pillows on his bed. They weren't comfortable at all. Suddenly a hand slid along Ryoma's neck, and it took all his willpower not to flinch away. He knew what was coming next.

Fuji's bangs tickled Ryoma's nose as the older man leaned in. Ryoma found himself ready for Fuji's lips as they touched his. One of his hands entangled itself in Fuji's soft hair, his other hand pulling the man fully on top of him. Why wasn't he pulling away? It was as if he couldn't, his body wouldn't let him.

"Let me buy you, Ryoma-kun." Fuji whispered, his teeth nipping at Ryoma's bottom lip as the younger man gasped for air. "Let me own you."

"It's going to cost twice the… normal amount." Ryoma panted as Fuji's tongue slipped into his mouth. A moan escaped passed his traitor lips as he hooked a leg around Fuji's waist, arching up into the older man.

"Whatever it takes." Fuji slid his hand up Ryoma's shirt. The man flinched away in a last, halfhearted attempt of defiance.

But Fuji's arm snaked underneath Ryoma and pulled him up against him. Ryoma grinded his hips against Fuji's as the older man broke the kiss to nip at the tender flesh just underneath Ryoma's jaw.

"F-Fuji—" Ryoma gasped.

"Call me Syusuke." Fuji hissed.

"Syusuke… hurry … up…."

Fuji pulled away, his hands slowly pulling away Ryoma's clothes. The younger boy bit his lip and sat up, helping Fuji out of his own clothes.

Finally free of all restraints, they slipped into a forbidden world.

- - -

"What is it, Nobu-san?" Sachiko snapped at the detective that stood in the doorway.

"You're going to want to see this." The man dropped a folder onto the desk which Sachiko sat at. "These were taken thirty minutes ago."

Sachiko hesitantly opened the folder and pulled out the pictures that were inside. She slowly filtered through them, her face growing darker each second.

"So he went for the male prostitute, instead of the landlady?" She growled, looking up at the detective who nodded. "If this gets out, it'll ruin my image as a woman. My husband leaving me for another man. I'd be laughed at for years."

She threw the photos down on the desk and stood up. A shriek of rage escaped through her teeth as her hands yanked at her hair. Whipping around she stomped towards the detective.

"Get Syusuke out of there. I don't care what you have to do." She snapped. The man turned to leave. "Oh, and Nobu-san?"


"Ruin that prostitute brat's life."


A/N: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't murder meeee! So, what d'ya think?