Bet you guys thought I would never ever update again huh?

Gotcha there!

Chapter 7

She turns over and exhales. Her body is sweating, though her feet are cold like ice. She turns on her back again and watches the dark ceiling. For countless seconds, maybe even minutes, she lies like this. Sakura bites her lower lip and again exhales. She trembles a bit. There were no words for this feeling. No words to describe this... pain.

The feeling of being powerless, the feeling of injustice. Or was that just her opinion? Was she wrong?

She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to block out the night. But she already knows she cannot shut out the horrible thoughts. The thoughts of him and what's probably happening to him now. The sound of his screaming repeats itself in her mind, over and over... and over. The girl kicks her white sheets away and fists her hands in her unwashed hair. When she opens her soft green eyes again, her vision is blurred. Tears leak on her pillow. She will not sleep, not tonight.

These are not mine...

''How are the arms, prisoner?'' A rough hand jerks Itachi's head up and holds his chin firmly. His mind is still full of the new pain they made him go through. The burnmarks on his arms and hands sting badly. They'd held them above a few candles until his blood had put out most of them. His eyes roll. He feels sick.

These burned hands aren't mine. I deny it.

How was it possible that only a few weeks ago, he was still in Akatsuki's headquarter. Busy planning assaults, infiltrations, world domination and his own future in it. He had so much influence, power, freedom... And now, as a result of having met the wrong circumstances at the wrong time, he was here. Powerless, locked, possessed. There was no freedom. Not here. His body wasn't his anymore. Konoha took it and was now doing it's thing with it. How could everything turn out like this? It didn't seem real. Nothing was. It all felt impossible to comprehend.

A fist suddenly punches his face. Itachi wakes up from a trance he didn't know he fell into. His eyes focus on the man.

''Now he's back.'' The man that just gave Itachi a throbbing headache is one of Ibiki's staff. And judging his posture he had been one of the men treating Itachi from the very beginning. From the very first day he was imprisoned. The man is huge, always masked, always dressed in the same dark kind of clothing and with small blue eyes that have a malicous glint in them. Ibiki never tortured anyone himself. He always let ''his boys'' do the dirty jobs. Though, he did watch. He always would quietly stand in a corner and observe every scream, every body movement and every reaction. Itachi figured that he was looking for an opening, a way to make someone talk. Looking for a way to break him. And tonight also, he was standing in the corner, hiding himself in the shadow.

But Itachi fails to see Ibiki raising his hand. The masked man looks at his superior and then quickly nods.

''I've been told that the Uchiha's specialty lies in the eyes. Is that right?'' he speaks and the two other men in the room laugh. Itachi lips part, his breath leaves his mouth in quick soft pants. His lips move slowly.

''What was that?'' The man moves his ear near Itachi's mouth and listens.


The masked man gives a throaty laugh, spitting in the prisoner's face while doing so. But Ibiki steps into the light, his eyes slightly narrowed. The Uchiha hadn't begged before. Could this be...something?

''Continue.'' He speaks as he takes a new position at the masked man's side. The candle lights make the scars on Ibiki's damaged face stand out even more. The man proceeds and takes a kunai from his pouch. Itachi struggles against the strong grip on his jaw. But with his arms and legs tightly chained to the wall, there is no way that he can even move an inch. The tip of the rusty kunai is guided closer and closer. Itachi's breath speeds up insanely, his heart races in his chest. His black eyes widen. The tip goes to his face.

He pulls the chains with all his strength. His wrists and ankles hurt, but he resists. He grunts deeply...

''Last chance, Uchiha!'' Ibiki calls.

He cries out, and pulls, and jerks, and yanks and madly shakes his head. Another man steps in and holds the Uchiha's head in place. The kunai approaches. Itachi watches it, eyes even wider and his mind filled with the horrible knowledge of what's coming next.

His shoulders and all the muscles in his neck tense painfully. But it will come. He pants. I won't be prevented. It's coming.

The last this he sees is the tip and the flickering light of candles against the stone walls.

The last thing he hears is mumbling, his own screaming and a sickening soft sound.

I deny this ending.

I know this was short, I have more, but I really wanted to update something already. I'm sorry that I didn't update for more than a year. I need to get back into writing-mode. I've been out of it for some time. Hope you guys will take it easy on me haha.

I promise the next chapter will be posted soon!