Okay, I'm finally done with the first chapter! I'm not really proud of this... I just wrote for this what I think Lilo's family was like before her parents died and the happens of that awful night. The action doesn't really start here, but I felt I needed to explain at least some of how Lilo felt and still feels about her parents.

Oh, just one thing: I know I have started my stories with 'Stitch and Angel broke up because...' but in this fic I will start with them as boojibus. I will make them STARTING as boojibus, but at the end this will be a L&S coupling fic... I just wanted to show how the girl and the alien began to fall in love gradually.

Well, that's all by now, I guess... enjoy !

If I never met you

Chapter 1

Nightmares from past

"Okay, girls. It's time to go to your beds now."

The little needle was placed apart from the black disc, spinning upon the record player. Immediately, the King's voice stopped singing and then all the music and noise went away.

"Awww, but daddy, it's too early yet. Can't we stay awake for longer?"

A little Hawaiian girl with raven, silky hair (you must know her very well) looked up at the man who had stopped all their fun. Her big brown eyes glistened with the innocence of a five-year-old girl trying to persuade her parents to let her sister and her to have a bit more of fun.

Beside her was another girl, older than she, maybe eighteen. She looked at her dad too, as if pleading for some more minutes.

"Lilo's right, dad. You're going to dance all night. Anniversary stuff, I know... but why can't we have a bit of fun too?"

The man smiled as he glanced at his two girls. They were so much like their mom… both of them had got her chocolate brown eyes. Nani reminded him a lot of Lani Pelekai, her mom: she was her picture of when she had been younger, with her locks of wavy hair and those huge eyes.

Lilo would have been too, if it weren't because her ebony hair was straight, just like his. He shook his head and chuckled a bit. It seemed that Lilo had got her mom's gift of persuading people to do anything with only a glance, but after a long time he had learned how to resist the urge of doing what he was being urged to do.

"Sorry girls, but you're still too young to stay awake until midnight."

"What do you mean 'too young'? I'm eighteen, dad! I'm not a little girl anymore." Nani crossed her arms angrily. Lilo looked up at her and smiled:

"Yeah, she's big now, that's why she's got a boyfriend now."

"Lilo!" Nani covered her mouth quickly, but then she felt her hand wet with something gooey and felt something warm and slippery in her hand.

"Ewww, Lilo, that's gross!" She shrieked as the drool dripped from her hand. Lilo just smiled at the sight of her sister trying to clean the drool off her hand. That one never failed.

"If David is not your boyfriend, then what's him to you? Only a 'very loving' friend?" She mocked, while their dad just watched both of them with a fake frown and a huge smile on his face.

"That's right! He's only a good friend!" Nani blushed as she thought of David. Lilo saw her sister's blushed cheeks and got a new idea.

"Look… this is Nani-" She said as she lifted one hand "-and this is David" She concluded as she lifted her other hand, then put them together as she made annoying kissing noises.

"That's all… you asked for it!" Nani yelled as she approached Lilo dangerously, a frown on her face and a pillow in hand. Lilo screamed and Nani threw the pillow at her, but luckily it didn't hit her. Some seconds later, Nani was running around the whole house trying to catch her little sister, both of them shouting and screaming, one sister with fright and the other sister with anger.

"Kale! Wassup out there?" A voice came from the corridor. Both girls stopped when they heard their mom's voice, and then all of them turned their heads to see the beautiful woman standing there in the corridor.

She was wearing a not too elegant, but still beautiful red dress with no sleeves. A tight silver girdle was wrapping her waist and remarking her well-formed shape. Some shiny sparkles outlined the edges of the dress and the lower part of it, reaching just below her knees. A silver tiara adorned her head as her silky, curly black hair cascaded down her shoulders, which matched her black, comfy sandals. Even though she was not wearing pumps, the sandals didn't rest beauty to the dress nor the woman.

When she noticed everyone looking at her, she walked up to them and made the question.

"Well, do I look good?"

"Do you even have to ask, Ni?" Kale shook his head in a funny way, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Your name matches very well the way you look tonight. How 'bout that?" He said, approaching his wife and taking her into his arms as he danced with her, singing in a high, eerily voice. "You look like an angel… Walk like an angel… Talk like an angel."

"Well, thanks for making that point clear, honey." Lani replied with an amused smile. "This dress had a long time kept in the wardrobe. It deserved to get un-dusted, right? Do you still remember it?"

"How couldn't I? It's the same dress you wore when I took you to the school dance, when we were only kiddos. Whoa, all of sudden I felt so old. Anyways…" He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and then kissed her.

Both sisters watched as their parents kissed. Nani looked at them dreamily, thinking of her 'very loving' friend. However, Lilo looked at them with a sickened face.

"Ewww, now that's gross, Nani… I can stand to lick your hand, but this is real yuck!"

"That's no yuck, Lilo. Mom and Dad love each other. It's natural for them wanting to kiss."

"Well, they're supposed to love us too and they never kiss us that way. Why don't they do the same? Hugging isn't enough? Kissing is gross!"

"Lilo, you shut up. You'll see when you grow older. You won't think the same way about kissing then, and some day you'll find somebody special and both of you will like to kiss. You know, you gotta believe in love."

Lilo's eyes grew wide with disgust. "I won't EVER do THAT! What if that somebody you're talking about is actually a vampire and he tries to suck all of my blood? I don't think that would be very nice!"

"Lilo, honey, there are two points against you." Her dad said, after they had pulled away. "For one thing, you love vampires. And two: that person would never try to hurt you if he truly loves you. Or else…"

"Yeah, okay, I geddit. We better go to bed. Isn't it late already?" Lilo said, trying to change the subject and walking away, but Nani took her by her wrist and stopped her. She cleared her throat, maybe way too obviously.

Lilo's eyes opened wide in realization. "Oooh, right… I had forgotten it."

"What?" Lani asked as she looked at them with curiosity.

"Oh, it's nothing, mom… really..." Nani replied, blinking at Lilo. The smaller girl understood quickly and then ran somewhere else. After some minutes, Lilo came back with two little boxes that seemed to be gifts.

"Okay, this one is mine! You don't have to thank me!" Lilo shouted as she grabbed the little cardboard box and gave it to her dad. "I know just how much you two like Elvis, so I got this for you. Open it!"

Kale took the little box and then opened it. Then he took out some kind of potato and showed it to his wife. Both smiled.

"Oh, hey, look at this! It's an Elvis-shaped potato!" The man looked at it with surprise. It would have been hard to tell what the potato was shaped like if Lilo hadn't said it before. The thing looked as if its belly was too big and its limbs too short, but it was still nice.

"I know… I'm sorry I couldn't get something better, but I didn't have money."

"It doesn't matter, Lilo… we love it! You cannot find always a potato with the shape of the King." Her mom said as she bent down to kiss Lilo's head. The girl was beaming.

"Well, my turn now." Nani said as she handed her mom her gift. Lani took the little box. She opened it and took out a little mirror with a polished wood frame; some Hawaiian designs were carved on it.

"Oh, Nani… it's beautiful. Did you carve it?" She said as she took it in her hands tenderly.

"Um, yeah… no prob, mom… it's the least you deserve."

"Well, I don't want to cut in, but if there isn't any other surprise…" Kale said as he watched his watch.

"Okay, we gotta go, girls. Please be good and go to bed now." Lani said as she hugged her daughters.

"Aloha!" Both girls shouted as they watched their parents opening the door to leave. They had just opened the door when they felt the cool wind on their faces and saw the little drops of rain falling hard outside. They had been so busy with their daughters that they didn't even hear when the rain started to fall down.

"Holy cow, I guess we'll have to take out an umbrella and a coat for you, honey." Kale went in to take out the needed items. A lightning crossed the skies and then a thunder crashed against earth, making the whole ground tremble.

"Hum, mom… those thunders are kinda scary... can you sing something for me so I can sleep?" Lilo begged as she grabbed a grip of her mom's dress. Her mom sighed.

"Okay… go your room and get your pajamas on. Be right there."

Lilo nodded and then rushed to her room. Nani was standing there, thinking she didn't really need to get some sleep.

"Nani, you put your pajamas on too." Lani said.

"Awwe, mom! I don't want to get into bed yet… I'm not even sleepy!"

"Well, that might be true, but I don't want you watching TV or listening to the record player 'til two in the morning while Lilo's sleepin'. You're s'pposed to be a model-sister, and you gotta teach her good, you know?"

"Okay, okay, I'm already there." Nani huffed as she started walking towards the room she shared with Lilo. When they entered, Lilo was already lying down on her bed under her blanket. Nani climbed up to the upper bed and then she laid down too, waiting for her mom to do something.

"Okay girls, you ready now?"

Both girls nodded.

"Sing a lullaby for us, mom." Lilo asked. Her mom strived for some seconds to remember one, and then she started to sing:

"When storm clouds grow

And I feel blue

Your song comes drifting on the trim winds

Your bright smile shines like sun on sand

And I will dream again"

Lani sang the lullaby a few times more. When she looked up at Nani after the fiftieth time, she was already asleep. She chuckled; Nani would always try to act like a grown up, but she was still a baby to her. Then she looked at Lilo. Her eyelids were closed, but she wasn't asleep at all, so she sang the lullaby once more. After she was done, she looked again at Lilo and knew that she was asleep. She caressed her forehead tenderly and took away from her face two locks of her raven hair.

"Those two are still your babies, right?"

Lani turned her head to look at her husband, who was standing at the entrance of the room:

"I can't help to feel that way. Even when they fall in love, get married and have children, they will be still my babies. But well, did I hear something about going to watch a movie and having dinner or something?" She said beaming.

"You certainly did. Your coat and an umbrella are awaiting for you, my lady, so can we leave now?"

Lani stood up and then the couple walked out the room, leaving the girls alone.

Lilo opened her eyes.

She tried to go back to sleep, but she felt she couldn't get any more sleep. She sat up on her bed, wondering why she couldn't just fall asleep again, and then she realized that Scrump wasn't with her.

She jumped out of her bed, being careful with not waking up her snoring sister. She walked downstairs and went to the living room, looking for her doll. Then she saw it upon the little table.

She rushed to take the doll, but she didn't see her mom's mirror lying on the same table. There was just a gasp and the sound of glass getting shattered.

She looked down at the pieces of the glistening glass, several faces staring back at her. It was her mom's mirror, but that wasn't her biggest problem. She had heard that when you break a mirror, it meant that you were going to have bad luck… or at least that was what she had heard from one of her classmates. Then she remembered too that when she had told Nani about it, she said that it was just a superstition and that she shouldn't pay too much attention to it.

She hugged Scrump and just shrugged as she walked back to her room. Maybe Nani was right…

Meanwhile, in the little town, a couple went out of a little theater. Both of them were laughing about some joke, and as they talked of how much they had enjoyed their night, they went into the car, eager to go back home.

"Whoa, look what time is it now! 1:34 a.m. Sheesh, no more fun tonight. I'm already too tired." Kale pointed as he looked at his watch.

"Long night, huh? Well, I had a lotta fun. What about you?"

"Me too. But now we gotta go back home and get to be parents again until next year."

Lani chuckled as she thought of their night. They had had a lot of fun, just like when they had been younger. She was still wandering in her thoughts when Kale took her out of her thoughts.

"Ow, this road got horrible… it always gets like this when it's rainy."

"You wanted to get home faster, didn't you?"

"Yah, I'm drowsy now… I just wanna get into bed and drift to Slumber-land."

"Kale, please slow down the speed. We're going too fast."

"Don't worry, Lani. I know this road just as the palm of my hand."

"You want me to drive? You'd get some sleep while we get home."

"No, honey, I'm okay… thanks."

"Okay…" Lani replied, though she still felt a bit nervous.

Kale was getting drowsier, and the fact that he wasn't completely concentrated in the road wasn't something really good. His eyelids felt heavier every next second, and for some seconds he closed them, drifting momentarily to Slumber-land.


Lani's cry made him awoken. Right ahead was a curve, and he was precipitating dangerously to it. He pushed the brake pedal, thinking that this would be enough to stop the car, and in fact it would have been enough if it hadn't been for the wet ground and the sheet of water ahead. The brake was useless, and with the speed they had been traveling at, the tires slipped across the sheet of water and the car went literally flying away from the road, finally crashing against a palm tree.

The sun was entering now the room, and Lilo woke up when she felt the first sunbeams colliding against her baby tan skin. However, what had actually got her awake was the noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like somebody was singing out of tune, probably her dad if that was the case… or maybe somebody was crying.

Curious, she got out of her bed and looked at the upper bed. It was empty, and she knew that the one who was making the noise should be Nani or maybe her parents, playing some jokes. When she got closer, she noticed that it wasn't a joyful noise. It was the sound of somebody crying and weeping. Once she got into the kitchen, she could see Nani sitting at the table, her hands to her face and her whole body shaking.

"Nani? Are you okay?"

Nani looked up suddenly, scared when she heard Lilo's voice. There was her little sister. "How will she take it…?" she thought as she bit her lower lip with fear, but after some seconds she could gather enough courage and then just nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay Lilo."

"Uh, okay… if you say so…" Lilo rolled her eyes, thinking that maybe Nani was crying over something silly, like last night's soap opera. "Hey, where are mom and dad?"

This time, Nani couldn't hold the tears hidden anymore and she began crying again. Lilo couldn't fully understand what was going on, but when she saw her sister's reacting like that, she couldn't help feeling a knot forming in her stomach. Something about this didn't feel anything okay at all…

Nani just beckoned Lilo to follow her to the living room, and then she turned the TV on.

"Nani, you already know I hate to watch the morning news." Lilo complained as the device showed the principal news of that day. "Besides, I'm gonna be late for-"

Lilo stopped talking when one new took her full attention. She sat down beside Nani on the couch and watched the news.

Due to the recent rains in the island of Kauai, two persons suffered a car accident, about two miles away from the southern part of Kokaua town. By their IDs, they were identified as Kale and Lani Pelekai, both natives of Kauai. Click!

Despite the terrible feeling that had settled down on her guts, Lilo still couldn't get any of this; perhaps it was just her short age which didn't allow her to understand everything at all, but still, she felt tense, like she could guess something had gone very wrong.

Nani could see this too once she looked into her sister's confused eyes. Sighing heavily, she simply stared at the floor as she made her explanation.

"The police called at three o' clock in the morning today to tell me about them… they said they died instantly. They told me where we could go to find their bodies so we can bury them…"

The little girl stood up and ran outside as fast as she could. Nani called her name out loud, but when she went outside, Lilo was gone.

She ran through the giant ferns and the abundant vegetation, making her way to the core of the forest. Finally, she stopped near a palm tree, trying to catch her breath back.

What she had just heard from Nani and the TV news was trying to fit somewhere in her head, but the fact that her parents were gone forever… well, it was just beyond her grasp to understand it. How could this have happened? Her parents were the only comfort she got whenever her classmates called her names or told her she was weird. They always had something to comfort her. What would happen now? Who would be there for her now, to comfort her just like her parents did? What was going to happen now that they were gone?

Her fists clenched. Once again, her age didn't allow her to think of all of the wonderful things her parents would miss, like her graduation day, her wedding, her firstborn and such; but there was something she knew for sure: there would be no more mommy or daddy to kiss her goodnight every night. No more loving hugs or games, or jokes, or anything that made her life entirely bright. It would be just her sister and her.

She felt terribly alone.

Under her fingers was something that felt soft and warm. She looked down at her hands and realized that she hadn't let go of Scrump even after she ran away with her pajamas still on. She took her doll and hugged it tightly, imagining it was her parents. Menacing tears wanted to rush out of her eyes already.

Not even five minutes later, Scrump was already completely soaked.

The next morning, everything was settled for the funeral. Lilo had already seen the coffins, but she didn't want to go near them. She was afraid of what she would see inside them: not a warm smile or a loving glance, only a cold, pale face staring back at her. It gave her shivers.

All the people who had known her parents had gone to the funeral: that's to say almost the whole town was present. There were people Lilo knew, as well as people she had never seen before, mostly because those were old classmates of her parents.

The minister was about to finish his speech. Finally, the long speech came to its end, and then the moment of the farewells came. Nani was beside her, about to look for last time at the faces of her dead parents, but then noticed that Lilo wasn't even trying to approach the coffins.

"Lilo, baby…" she began, bending down at the level of her sister. "Why don't you come with me to say bye?"

"Because I don't want to say bye…" Lilo replied as she dropped her glance to the ground. Nani hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her.

"Lilo, this is the last time we'll see mom and dad's faces. I just want you to know this is the last opportunity we have to say goodbye, but… well, if you don't feel like saying bye, I can understand. I'll be right back."

Nani stood up and started to walk towards the two coffins. Lilo remained there, musing over Nani's words. She was right, this was the last time she would see them, and even if she said she didn't want to say goodbye, she needed to see them for a last time. She ran to the coffins, both of them with their lids opened. When she got there, she looked inside the first coffin.

There was her dad, so joyful and jovial before, and now lying there lifelessly and pale as wax. She murmured a soft bye as some tears rolled down her cheeks, and then moved to the next coffin. Inside was her mom… her dear, beloved mommy. She stood there, looking at her still face, as expecting for some miracle, waiting her to open her eyes and get out of that coffin, but nothing happened.

"Mommy, daddy, please don't leave us. I need you. Please come back. Don't leave yet, I'll miss you so much if you do that right now… what'll happen when Myrtle calls me names again? Nani, well… it's not that she's a bad sister, it's just that it isn't the same without you. Will I be alone now? I- wouldn't like that. Please don't leave us here… can you at least take Nani and me with you?"

Lilo's eyes opened suddenly. The sky was still dark, and when she looked aside at the clock resting on her night table she saw a glistening 3:10 am. The now sixteen-year-old girl sat up on her bed, just thinking. That same nightmare had been chasing her every night of the last three months. She passed her tan hand across her cheeks, realizing that she had been crying… again.

Then she looked at the other side of the room, trying to see if Stitch had woken up. He was lying on his cot, deeply asleep. She smiled weakly as she stared at him.

Stitch had been the reply to her prayers when she was little. He had filled that empty place that the death of her parents had left behind, and he had comforted her many times just the way they had done before. He was the best thing that could have ever happened to her after her parents died.

… But even so, it wasn't the same. She still missed them a lot. They had been a very united family, a warm, nice Ohana… just like her new Ohana was like. What could have been better? Her former family, with her parents, Nani and she, or her new Ohana, with Jumba, Pleakley, Stitch, Nani and more than six hundred of cousins?

She was better now indeed, but she still felt nostalgia of her old life. She wanted her parents back so badly, but she knew as well that you can't bring anybody back from the after-life.

"I better go back to sleep. Tomorrow won't be easy at all…" Lilo thought as she laid on her bed. She closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep, but the faces of her dead parents remained on her mind during the entire night, not allowing her to have a restful sleep. She wanted them back so badly…

Okay, as I said, this was just my POV of what I think Lilo's family was like. By the way, I don't know how long I will delay to update the second chapter. My dad has been fixing somethings in the computer and there are days when I cannot even approach the computer, so please have some patience with me while I try to keep writting. Thanks!