Yep.. This is a total one shot. I am so odd. Weird. Maybe I'll continue it later. Don't hold your breath for updates. I don't own Naruto, because it would be really twisted if I did. I definitely don't own Sasuke or Hebi. I hate Sasuke, why would I own him? Why did I type this? The same reason Itachi left Sasuke alive.. Life makes no sense! X) Hey, I do own 'Kira', as we're calling her.. So don't try to steal or clone her.. please. (Why would anyone do that?)

An Offer

A girl with blue hair bit her finger, drawing blood. She was kneeling in a cell with a scroll laid out in front of her. With the blood, she drew several kanji. Quickly, she started doing hand signs, murmuring something under her breath.

There is only one memory that I need. The rest I should seal. I need to be careful, otherwise I might leave information that would break the seal. I can't even remember my name when I'm done with this.

As she finished the chain of signs, she eyed the door that was ajar in front of her. Slamming her hands down on the scroll, she tried to burn the feelings of horror she had felt here into her heart. The chakra was visible as light now, and it was climbing her arms. Despite the burning sensation, she kept still as the jutsu erased her past.

She opened her blue-gray eyes to see the dirty cell around her. She couldn't understand why she was here, all she knew was fear. Something about the place was unsettling. The only light was coming from a door hanging off its hinges. Confused and scared, she ran from the place.

She ran desperately through halls and finally came up from the underground maze. Everything she had seen had been in ruins. Even without her memories, she knew that it was dangerous here still. Whatever had caused this had not passed. She dashed through the dense forest that hid the entrance to the lair.

The girl ran and ran. She did not stop until long after night had fallen. The landscape had somehow become barren and rocky without her noticing. Tired beyond what was reasonably possible, she crumpled under a brush and fell into a deep sleep.

Hebi picked its way over the mountains slowly. They were in no rush at the moment. Sasuke led the way, Karin following close behind with Juugo. Suigetsu was a little farther off, complaining about the walk.

"Sasuke, aren't you tired yet?" he pleaded. "Let's take a rest stop."

Sasuke ignored him and continued on. Karin stopped staring at Sasuke long enough to crane her head around and yell at Suigetsu. "Shut up! You're annoying Sasuke-kun and I."

"Whatever.." he grunted, shrugging her off.

Meanwhile, Juugo trudged on, silent through the pair's constant fighting. Suddenly, Sasuke stopped, his eyes fixed on something to their left.

"What is it?" Karin asked, leaning closer to him. Sasuke pulled away and ignored her. He trotted over to whatever it was that had caught his eye. The rest of Hebi followed like a bunch of small dogs. Juugo was the first to see what had captured Sasuke's attention.

"A shoe?" Juugo said, slightly alarmed. They had come across quite few dead. Most had died of starvation after running from Orochimaru's lair.

Sasuke still refused to speak, and grabbed the shoe, to find a whole body attached. Roughly he pulled out a beaten up looking girl. She turned and began to wake.

"What?" she was breathless from shock. Hebi stood silent. She was actually quite pretty. Her long ponytail came half way down her back, and her blue hair had a purple sheen. Even more oddly captivating were her light blue gray eyes. She wore a simple black shirt and capris. They were rumpled from sleep and a fishnet under shirt showed at the neck.

Suigetsu was the first to recover. "And who exactly may you be?" he smiled sadistically at her. She flinched and brought her legs up to her chest. "Hm?" he leaned down, securing his large sword in the ground with a sickening thunk.

"Uh.. I'm.." she was scared and her thoughts were scattered. She stuttered, unable to remember anything, except for the face of a mysterious man. She mused over the handsome face, while Hebi looked her over.

"Back off!" Juugo stepped forward, pushing Suigetsu back a little ways. "Can't you see how scared she is?"

"It makes her all the more beautiful.." he leered at her, making her cringe again.

She didn't want to look at the man anymore, so she took in the rest of the people standing above her. The girl was somehow familiar, as was the other man who had stopped the guy with the sword. Her eyes stopped on Sasuke. He looked almost exactly like the man she remembered.

"W-who are you?" she mumbled in awe.

"Hey, we're asking the questions here," Karin stepped up commandingly. "Don't think you can speak to him like that. Answer us now. Who are YOU?"

Sasuke pretended that Karin had remained silent. "I am Uchiha Sasuke."

The girl narrowed her eyes, annoying Karin even further. The man she recalled looked like this guy in front of her, but even without her memories, she could tell the difference. "Is there another Uchiha?" she asked, gaining her courage.

"Uchiha Itachi.." The edge in Sasuke's voice was chilling. Then he added in grudging tone, "My brother…"

It clicked in her mind. The man had to be Uchiha Itachi. She couldn't remember anything but his face. He had to be important. Suddenly finding him was imperative. "Can you take me to him.?"

Hebi fell into a paralyzed silence again. Sasuke's eyes widened. Was she searching for him like he was? He had known something was off the minute he had seen her shoe. "Why?" Sasuke's only question was so short and simple in wording, but the answers were more complex than easily explained.

The girl hung her head before answering. "I'm not quite sure." Each word was chosen carefully. "He is all I remember. I would have told my name, if I knew it myself."

Sasuke stared at her blatantly. Then offering his hand, much to Karin's horror, he made a proposal. "Come with us. We are searching for the same man, probably for the same reasons. Join me."

She looked him like a lost puppy. Grasping his hand with one of her own trembling ones, she agreed. "Okay." She said, as Sasuke helped her up.

"We are called Hebi. I am the leader." Sasuke told her, still holding her hand and placing another on her shoulder. "You are one of us now."

The girl nodded in a dazed way. Karin glared at her. She didn't like the way Sasuke offered her his hand or looked at her. This girl has to go.

Sasuke let her go and began walking. The rest of Hebi followed. The mysterious girl stood, dumbfounded, watching them go. "Hurry, Kira!" Juugo called back.

She caught up to him. "Did you know me?" she asked, anxious at the use of a name.

Juugo smiled at her warmly. "No. You just look like a Kira."

She blushed at his thought. She hardly knew him, and he was being so kind. "Thanks.." she murmured.

Kira.. Is that a name that fits me? I wouldn't know. I don't know who I am anymore…A million questions were floating in her mind. Hopefully, finding Uchiha Itachi would answer them. Unsure of the road ahead, she followed Hebi's lead toward something unknown.

Okay.. Yep. This is so odd. Give me reviews! Please.. tell me I'm a screwed up person with a sick imagination. This is a one shot I've had for a while too. I'm on a oneshot trip. I don't have any more planned. If you want me to update, please review and tell me. Otherwise, it ends here.